
Collecting The Dragon Ba- Scared Gears

Entry 103:

(Based on the RWBY poll, you guys are split between the MC entering with his original main body and a new one, so in these DXD chapters, I need to figure out which way I need to go. Thanks for voting, by the way.)

Linus Ozias POV:

After retrieving Satan Leviathan from Azazel's office, which became a lot less messy with paperwork due to all of it being cracked and frozen apart, we left the compound.

Currently, there are only two days until the peace conference in Kuoh, and I must find the other Holy Longinus scared gears as while I have the Grail and the Spear, I need the nails and the fire, and I know just where to find them.

Specifically, Incinerate Anthem is in the hands of Walburga, a member of the Khaos Brigade, and it seems one of my operatives has located her.

So it's time to find that witch.

Walburga POV:

It was a mistake to join them, and I feel like a fool for agreeing with them.

The Old Satan Faction members are just fools with delusions of grandeur.

The vampires are just sexist parasites that desire a world of blood bags.

The human magicians are just a ragtag group of people who desire to experiment or survive without being under the purview of any large faction.

For me, the Khaos Brigade was a means to slate my desire for pain as I have waited a long time to expel my rage and desire for bloodshed.

It's been too long since I started to feel the urge to kill someone again, and in all honesty, my sacred gear is perfect for my tastes as it gives me the perfect amount of pain from my victims. 

Imagine the pain on a priest's face when they are burned with the same holy Longinus that they worship and are left wanting. The hopelessness is beautiful.

But over the past couple of days, things have been going wrong. Some mysterious other organization has taken out the vampires, and the Old Satan Faction has been falling apart.

Things are just simply falling apart, and I have considered abandoning ship. I am on the cusp of doing so as I've had a bad feeling for the past couple of days, like I'm living on borrowed time.

My sacred gear has also been acting up as if it's trying to pull away from me. This has not happened before, and it is rather alarming as it seems like my ability to control his holy fire is waning.

Well, I would like to study this phenomenon. I have been gathering my things as I am currently trying to move house to one of my secret other bases in New Jersey, of all places.


I hear a voice in my very soul speaking to me.


Be Silent! You are mine!


I am worthy! You foolish piece of equipment!


The last one feels like a chorus of voices screaming in my mind as I fall to the ground in pain, as if my very soul is starting to be burned by the fire.

There have been theories that the incinerate anthem is an independent avatar-type sacred gear with its own ego, but it hasn't manifested this badly before.

The Holy Fire then begins to spread across my lap as if welcoming something, and before my Wards can even react, they are torn asunder, and a new presence makes itself known.

At that moment, a bright light begins to shine as the presence reveals itself.

"That should not be possible. He's dead! This being cannot be him," I think to myself as I try to understand what I am seeing, but my sacred gear answers for me.

[New Light] 

[Embrace The Light]

With that last line, the being no, the God reaches his hand out, and the fire gathers in his hand and envelopes him as I feel the sacred gear slipping from my grasp.

"NOOOOOO! This gear is mine! A wanna-be God will not deny me!" The figure then smiles as he pulls slightly harder as the gear is ripped from me, and as I scream in pain, he walks up to me as I struggle to remain conscious.

He then speaks in a hauntingly beautiful voice and says, "You desire knowledge, do you not? Here, let me shed some light on your position." He then reaches his hand and places it on my head as information floods my mind.

So much knowledge. So much technology. So many different forms of magic. ITS BEAUTIFUL!

My head then begins to hurt as my mind is overloaded, but I continue to see flashes of knowledge from dozens of different fields of study, all at the same time.

"Stop! Stop! Enough! No more, please!" I beg as blood oozes from my nose and ears, and my mind begins to crumble under the weight of all the knowledge and lore.

The figure continues to smile at me as my consciousness fades, and I scream out in agony.

Linus Ozias POV:

As I look at the headless corpse, I burn it using the holy fire in my hands so that both body and soul may disappear into nothingness, such as the fate for one that derives pleasure from another's pain.

In my hands, I hold incinerate anthem, and it's fire leaves joyously around me, but I do not let it combine with me just yet, and I place it with the other three holy relics.

All that's left is to find the last holy relic, the Alphecca Tyrant, the nails that fastened Christ to the cross.

Those nails wield the ability to manipulate any being they are shot into, and during the original story, a balance breaker version of it was even able to take the pervert out of Issei.

Now, I believe they're being held by a woman named Meredith Ordinton in London, a friend of Le Fay and Arthur Pendragon.

So I use my enhanced magic sense to look for one of the highest beacons of holy energy across the British Isles, and after a couple of minutes of searching, I find what I'm looking for as while they may suppress the energy, they cannot hide its unique holy signature.

As I teleport to the woman's residence, I find her asleep in a dingy apartment. It seems like she has just bonded with the gear, as her issues of abandonment and loss apparently enticed it.

While I do feel bad for the woman, what she would use that Longinus for is not worth the risk, so as I lightly reach into her soul, I grasp the crown like sacred gear and take it from her.

Thanks to my knowledge of how sacred gears are made and maintained, I am able to remove them and place them with ease, and as the crown glows in my presence, I place it with all of the other relics.

I then look down to Meredith, the woman who was abandoned by her family as she is technically British royalty, as she desired to take revenge by using her influence in the alliance of hell.

While I am not proud of what I am about to do, I know it is for her betterment as I subtly manipulate her memories. I do not erase her abandonment issues but lessen them to the extent that she can go on while also getting rid of the ones where she found the sacred gear.

I should also let her friends know of her current state as they should be able to help her out while I subtly implant the idea of becoming so powerful under a new organization.

After around half an hour of using mental magics, I smile at my handiwork as the previously broken woman has been rebuilt into a new one and will find herself filled with drive and passion.

I will inform Bulma about our new possible employee for Celestial Tales while also inducting her into my order.

When my work finished, I teleport away as if I was never there.

One last sacred gear remains the Innovate Clear wielded by Mitsuya Kanazaki, a man looking to cause a world of endless despair to fuel his own empty existence.

The man wields both Innovate Clear and Telos Karma, with one being able to imitate God's creation and the other to manipulate Fate and Karma itself.

Using both in tandem, he can take control of any area and create his own reality to do various things, like a reality marble.

In all honesty, if I had not connected myself with God's system, I would not have even been able to find him, as his realities are nearly impossible to track even with sacred gear trackers.

But even though both sacred gears can act as outliers in the system, they are still somewhat connected to it, and I can follow that connection. I then find myself in a town outside of Tokyo that, from the outside, looks perfectly normal, but as I place my hand towards the town, I find it hitting a wall.

The entire town has been encased in a false reality that is nearly comparable to our current one. Indeed, the minds of men are marvelous as always, and as I enter the town, I feel an influence attempting to predict and manipulate my fate, but it fails.

Because while the wielder of both sacred gears could kill God-like opponents, I am beyond an ordinary God.

I feel someone watching me as I enter the town and find it empty. I hear a voice speak, "I welcome you, angel of God. What have you come seeking in this place?"

"You know what I seek, and that is the end of your imitation of Father's work as I can sense your darkness, your emptiness, and it can only lead to ruin. Reveal yourself now, and I will make your end painless." The being then begins to laugh as reality trembles and warps around me.

"You would seek to order me! I am in control here! I am king here! Your dead Father has no power here!" As he attempts to lock my power, I resist easily as my essences protect me."

I can feel the man's struggling emotions as he is both frustrated and confused at his lack of control over the situation, and in all honesty, it reminds me of myself and how I would feel if I was not in control.

So, instead, he summons a large army of demons and false angels, which charges at me as I pull out the Telesto and slam the shaft into the ground, causing an eruption of holy power.

The blast Instantly disintegrates the nearby Angels and Demons as I charge at them with spear and sword in hand. I began to tear my way through them as the child that would be God since wave after wave of his creations at me.

But I want him to keep doing that as well. This is his reality. He has a limited amount of power to maintain it. Specifically, because he has access to Telos Karma, he is using his power rather rapidly. Since it is a year before he was even introduced, he has not trained enough to master it's capabilities.

After eliminating over ten waves of his false monsters, I shout, "Is this all you can do? Send hordes of your fake beings at me? Are you entertained!? Face me and end this farce, coward!"

Reality then shifts again as I find myself in a large arena staring at the boy in his balance breaker mode that looks similar to an advanced exoskeleton mech from Pacific Rim, with one hand holding a large sword and the other a sizeable ornate gauntlet.

Not even a word was said as I charged at the mech. It swiftly dodged my strikes and swung his sword, cutting a gash in my armor that soon repaired itself.

I smile at the challenge as I increase my speed and use the five charges I have to increase my resistance to fate-based manipulations, and it shows as the mech seems surprised, and as I swipe at its arm, it cuts through like a knife through butter.

The cut leaves a significant gap in its arm as the mech then activates a form of magic shield. I back off and allow the shield to go up as the boy in the mech says, "What are you going to do now, angel? Nothing can pierce through this. I control this reality! It's mine!"

I sigh as I look towards the mech. "It's funny, you know I admire you for everything you've created here as such imagination should be praised for, but I can feel that yours was not." The mech then attempts to punch me, but I dodge his strikes.

"This was your hometown, was it not, and similarly to many others that wield a Longinus, the other factions came to find you, didn't they." I ask as the mech flails around while a yell can be heard, "Be silent! I will show you all what a true god looks like! None will take anything from me again!"

In all honesty, I can feel his pain, and as he tries to hide it behind an edgy persona, he is simply a child in pain, but in all honesty, he is too far gone, and I must end this and end his suffering as I can feel the two sacred gears tearing his body apart.

I then reach out with my aspect of control to disrupt the shielding, and as it goes down, the mech stops. I then charge the Blade Encarmine, and after a couple of seconds, I slash at the mech, cutting it into pieces and leaving only the head.

The mech being unable to be reformed causes it to disappear as the 16-year-old boy crawls out of the head, and the reality begins to crumble around us, revealing a decrepit and abandoned town.

With the boy out of mana, he tries to run, but I stop him and turn him around as he yells, "Well, I'm out of power, and you have the sword, so finish it."

I then knock him out and take the two gears as I erase his memories, all of them. While the boy was left alone due to the whims of the supernatural, he used his power to control and manipulate others, and as such, punishment was in order.

He will be given a new name and a new history, and with that, he will live his life not knowing what he lost, but he will live his life nonetheless. I will build a couple of bio androids that will age and die and protect the boy.

This is my gift for his suffering and his punishment for his actions.

I leave the boy to my order with instructions on how to handle him given to the higher-ups.

As I look at the decrepit and abandoned town, I use my magic and erase it from existence as a reminder that it should not exist and will never happen again.

Now, other than Absolute Demise, Zenith Tempest, The Boosted Gear, Divine Dividing, Canis Lykaon, and Regulus Nemea, I have all the Longinus's I need.

Annihilation Maker- God's Creation Of Life

Blade Blacksmith- Holy Sword Creation

The True Longinus- God's Truth That Holds The Blood Of Christ

Incinerate Anthem- The Holy Fire

Alphecca Tyrant- The Nails Of Christ (Control)

Dimension Lost- Knowledge Of Space/Seals And Dimension Creation

Sephiroth Grail- God's Control Over Life And Death And Souls

Innovate Clear- To Imitate God's Reality

Telos Karma- Control Over Karma And Fate

I have all I need for my Ascension.

Soon, this world shall welcome its new God. 

(If you all are wondering why he did not collect the others, it is because he does not need them or has learned what he needs from them.)

Next chapter