
Meeting DXD's Resident Black Cat And An Offer Made

Entry 102:

Linus Ozias POV:

As we exit the magic circle, I find myself surrounded by swords and magic spells aimed at me as I confidently say, "Now, is this how you all greet a guest? I am ashamed of your manners."

I then snap my fingers and disable every single piece of magic within half a mile as I grab the holy sword pointed at me and take it from Arthur Pendragon's hand while his sister, Morgan Le Fay Pendragon, who is flying on a broom, lands on the ground hard as her broom's flight magic is disabled.

The only unaffected ones are Bikou and Kuroka, mainly Senjustu and Touki users, with the former being adept at Devil and nature magic.

I then laugh as I return Arthur's sword and sit down on a chair created by my holy power. I then generate more chairs for them using my creation magic, and I gesture to them that they sit.

They proceed to do so tentatively as I begin, "I apologize for the barbaric introductions, but I needed to find all of you to inform specific members of your team of various news."

I turn to Vali as I say, "I have captured your grandfather, and he is currently being held in one of my facilities. If you wish to take your revenge upon him for your treatment as a child, you are free to do so." I then give him a bible page and tell him to use it when he feels ready.

I then turn to Kuroka. "Mainly, I have visited here for you, former S Rank Stray Kuroka Toujou."

She then is surprised at my wording as she asks, "Former stray nya?" I nod as I confirm, "Yes, your status has been revoked in light of new information being shown to the Satans via my interference."

The cat girl's eyes widen in shock as the wannabe Monkey King yells out in jubilation, "Congrats, Kuroka, now you can go see your sister." Arthur and Morgan do the same as Kuroka is left flabbergasted.

But then she asks, "Why? Why did you help me?" I dismissively say, "In all honesty, it was more to weaken the position of the Great King faction along with the Old Satan faction; your revoked stray status was but an additional result."

The girl is left to think in silence as I look at the Pendragon siblings. "The Khaos Brigade will soon be but a memory, and when it disappears, I will offer you both a place in my organization."

Arthur and Morgan look at me in confusion. "It is a relatively new organization but is widespread and gaining power rapidly, and our goal isn't something grand like taking over the world but simply uplifting it, not by putting down the current regime but enforcing true change and peace."

I then give them all a glimpse of my organization through a variation of illusionary magic as I show them the scope of my organization.

I barely reveal even a percent of my organization's actual size, and they are left flabbergasted at the rate and power of my organization as, from what I reveal, a single member of my order could take them all down easily.

What makes it most shocking is the fact that all of them are pure humans, even if enhanced, which is unprecedented for the current Supernatural world. 

I give them a couple of minutes to take in this information as well as my offer. My organization is tightly knit; I do not uphold a strict system, as all of my members are given breaks and abilities to pursue their own goals as long as they do not conflict with the order.

But since a very high majority of my organization is my creations, I never have to worry about them working against me due to the nature of my Tinker of Fiction ability.

Speaking of which, since it has been seven days since my last tech tree, another one has appeared in my mind, and it is revealed to be Battle Angel Alita, which allows me to create even more realistic machines/androids and other weaponry.

After a couple of minutes to let all the information I gave them sink in, the black cat then walks up to me and bows, "Thank you for helping nya. It means a lot even if you did not mean to help me, nya."

I then surprise her with a head pat and find I enjoy doing this a lot. Who knows, I may develop a domain of head pats.

Kuroka then begins to purr from the treatment as her teammates stare in shock while Bikou records this for later blackmailing material.

The girl then realizes the position she is in right now and immediately scurries back to her chair and blushes with embarrassment very clear on her face. We all then began to chuckle at her plight.

Soon enough, the laughter ceases as Arthur asks, "Why help us, Lord Angel? We are not valuable enough to be worth this effort."

I then shake my head as I state, "That is where you're wrong, Young Pendragon, as every life has value, from the smallest amoeba to the largest of world eaters, and even those viewed as worthless or those that have committed heinous crimes have lives that are worth something."

I continue, "It is partly the reason why I started my organization as many of my fellow members were in the same positions as many of you lost or looking for purpose, and this offer is not made with force in mind as all of you are free to leave, but I just wished to present the option to all of you."

I then look to the group as I say, "I am old in comparison to many of you as I have watched countries and Empires rise and fall within the blink of an eye, yet one thing remains the same, and that is the potential that lies in every person on this planet, and my organization was created to nurture that potential so that they may protect the planet or themselves."

I turn to Kuroka as I hand her a bible page and say, "If you wish to meet your sister, I will be visiting the peerage she is in, and I hope that you both will be able to reconcile as one of the most important things in this life is family."

She takes the page and cradles it like a precious commodity, and as I dissipate the throne I created using my holy power, I reopen a portal back to the Grigori, but not before leaving a few parting words.

"Believe in your potential, all of you, and never stop moving forward, for once you do, you may either be at the end of your path or helping someone else start their own. Remember that you all are not alone. I bid you all goodbye. May we meet again." With a wave of my hand, I disappear into the portal.

Another side quest was completed, and hopefully, new recruits to my organization were invited.

But who knows? 

Sadly, I must return to Azazel's office so that the Fallen Angel does not die to a rampaging magical girl.

Next chapter