
Meeting Azazel And Humbling A White Lizard

Entry 101:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I view the dimensional gap from inside the train as we traverse from Earth to the underworld, I marvel at the beauty of the kaleidoscope of colors we pass by.

" Beautiful, is it not Ana-Tan?" Serafall says as I nod in response, "It always is as such power and danger is always such an alluring prospect, Lady Serafall."

She pouts and says, "Serafall or Sera-Tan, we are close enough to have such nicknames." I chuckle as I say, "Then do not call me Ana-Tan, as that is very close to anata or beloved in Japanese."

The devil chuckles while running a finger along my armor at my comment as she says, " Oh, does the strong angel feel intimidated by this small devil's nickname?"

I then grab her in one hand and hold her by the hem of her suit as she struggles to break free. I state, " It's not the nickname itself. It's the complications it could create for both of us, and besides, I am already in a relationship with the Yokai leader, which I am sure you know about."

The devil frowns as she says, " Ohh, don't I know me and Yasaka are good friends, and she tells me many things as well as what you do to her at night as I never thought I'd meet a perverted angel." 

After a couple of seconds of silence, we both began to laugh as I put her back down in her seat.

But then the train comes to a stop as we both exit with the devils around us beginning to mutter in hushed yet scathing tones.

"Is that Lady Levithan with an angel of all things?"

"Why is an angel in the underworld?"

"Do you think they are an item?"

"Is the angel going to be a guest on her show?"

"If he is staying for a while, I could show him what true pleasure feels like."

"No, he will spend the night with me!"

But before anything can happen, one devil's comment catches the crowd's attention.

"Can I get Lady Levithan to step on me?"

The crowd then looks at that devil as he gives them an "I regret nothing" face as he disappears.

Using the ridiculousness of that statement to our advantage, Serafall teleports us to the Sitri domain, which looks quite lovely, if not a bit quaint.

As we enter the mansion so that Serafall can retrieve some papers for the meeting with Azazel, I see Sona's Peerage training in the yard.

As Sona notices me, she glares at me in embarrassment as I smile and wave at them.

Before Sona can attack me out of spite, Serafall comes out of her office with the necessary papers. We then bid our goodbyes, and I make a magical girl outfit appear on Sona again.

I hear Sona's scream of indignation and her peerage's laughter as Serafall and I teleport away.

" You are a very bold angel to be bullying my So-Tan next to me."

"But you enjoy it as well, and what was the saying? Sharing is caring, and in her defense, she makes prime teasing material." Serafall then thoughtfully nods as if I spouted a universal truth.

As we appear in front of what I assume is the headquarters of the fallen angels, I examine the structure as it looks pretty homely in a way while also being a combination of ancient and modern.

As the two guards then meet us at the gate to the headquarters, we are soon passed along with the fallen angels looking somewhat scared in our presence.

It is understandable as I had just eliminated one of their highest level fallen angels and the Satan Leviathan, having her reputation of being a bloodthirsty warrior during both the Devil Civil War and any future conflicts.

We soon find ourselves in the central atrium. I see some familiar fallen cleaning the floors as they are covered in anti-magic shackles.

Azazael and Shemhazai seemingly decided to demote Raynare and her fallen cohorts to powerless janitors.

The fate is deserved for those who hold no integrity or want to improve.

The head office can be seen after a couple more minutes of walking, with Serafall taking the lead as I bend down to enter the doorway.

The door then opens, and we find the office a mess of paperwork and shouts of frustration.

After waiting a few minutes, Serafall coughs into her hand to get their attention. Soon enough, three of the four highest Fallen angels leap from the pile of paperwork, revealing Azazel along with Shemhazai and Penemue.

Azazel clears his throat and gives his confident smile as he says, "Serafall, it's good to see you, and I see you have brought an Angel with you, trying to broaden your horizons, huh? I respect the choice." 

Serafall smiles as I sigh, knowing how intolerable he can be from rumors, and I have heard of his charismatic nature as he isn't known as the tempter for nothing.

"What brings you here, you two? As you can see, the aftermath of Kokabiel's little stunt has left us rather busy, and as much I would like to view your form, Serafall, I assume this is not a social call."

I then speak up as I state, "I am not here for you, Azazel, but your ward and his team as I have news for both Vali and Kuroka, and I hope you may know where Vali is?"

Azazel seems hesitant as he views Vali as his surrogate son, and I then add, "I have the person Vali has been looking for in my custody, so it would be in his best interest to contact me."

And as if on cue, the White Dragon Emperor appears, drags me out of the office, and carries me to a nearby training field.

As I dust myself off, Vali shouts, "You again! What do you want from me?" I sigh as I state, "Vali, I want to meet your team as I have news for Kuroka and you, so either you can lead me there, and we talk like adults, or we fight, and you lose again."

Vali considers it and charges at me as I dodge his strikes, and once, just to troll him, I let him touch me to activate his divide ability.



But nothing happens as I smile, grab him by the face, and drag him along the wall, Broly style as I  launch him into the wall and lay a barrage of punches on him.

By the fifth punch, his armor is shattered, and by the tenth, he is bloodied as I whisper in his ear, "You want to see something fun."

I then mutter so that he can hear, "Divide," and Vali finds his strength, leaving him as I stand there, letting the energy form a ball of demonic power in my hand.

Before I do anything, I dissipate the energy and heal the half-devil. He then looks at me in shock as Albion says, angered. 

[Angel! How have you copied my technique!?]

I then laugh at his anger and confusion as I state with a smirk, "Oh, I believe I am simply what they refer to as built different White Dragon."

[Be serious, Angel! That ability defines the White Dragon, and having an Angel use it at his leisure is an embarrassment.]

I then turn serious as I state, "Take this as an addition to your punishment and know your technique will help in more ways than you could ever use yourself, so now be quiet. The adults are talking."

My look towards Vali turns calm once more as I ask him again, "So will you take me to your little team, or would you like to make this a repeat endeavor?"

He then nods as we enter his magic circle. I send

Serafall a mental thanks for the help as she sighs in exasperation.

I should give her a machine to help with her paperwork as a reward after this.

For now, it's time to meet a certain black cat.

(And no, it is not Yoruichi for you Bleach fans, but someday, maybe.)

Next chapter