
An Angel's Reward

Entry 74:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I told the story, I was barely able to make it through the 50th of the story before she fell asleep. It really goes to show how long One Piece is.

As I look at Yasaka, we place the little fox in her bed before leaving the room.

" You didn't need to do that. You know I could have calmed her down, and you even healed the other Yokai. Why?" Yasaka asks as we enter a balcony overlooking the city.

I pondered this, but really, it just came down to a simple reason: it was personal that little fox, even for only a little while, became a part of my life. 

" Your daughter is a treasure. Even on the first day I met her, she has been nothing but kind to an angel's life is to be one that is both worshiped and reviled."

" We are figures of worship but also figures that hold much of the world's hatred as many ask where we are in the roughest points of their life or if we even exist." I place my hands on the bars as the wood creaks slightly due to my weight.

I then look at the nine tails as she stands next to me. "And for one of the few times in my long existence, I found someone that believes not out of worship, not out of duty, but one that just seeks to see the brighter thing than life." 

"She is also fun to tease, just like a certain other fox." But as I say this, she lightly slaps me on the back with one of her tails.

The fox then says in mock anger, "For shame, Anakim, are you flirting with a widowed woman?"

I laugh lightly at this as we stare off into the distance. Before, Yasaka says something that surprises me, " My former husband and I never consummated our relationship as it was purely for the clan, and a child can only be formed at a desire and a sacrifice from both parents, a tail from each person."

I then looked on with pause as she continued, " After my daughter was born, she became the light of my life, and soon after, the man I would have become my husband, died in a scuffle between various strays of fallen angels and Devils."

I listened on with vigorous intent as this was not known by myself. " And then you came, a giant and very blunt angel that saved me and the Yokai but my daughter as well."

As she says this, she looks directly at me, and I swear I could see the sun goddess and her brother holding signs that said various things.

I leave that to your guy's imagination.

" And yet the same angel surprises me yet again as he is not only able to gain my daughter's favor but the other yokai as easily as if he had always been there."

I wave this off by saying, " Everyone here has been kind to me, and I shall return their kindness, and your daughter has shown me fun and happiness, and so I shall return in kind." I then continue, " I am not a pure being, Yasaka. I have done many things that I deem deplorable but necessary."

She places a hand on mine as I simply say, " And in the future, I may have to do such things again, and while I understand that shall make me know better than those I fight, it isn't necessary." 

The nine tails only chuckles as she states, "Anakim, I am a faction leader, and leaders make hard choices every day, and not all of them are good, so I am not one to judge."

I nod as I know this, but then Yasaka surprises me as she kisses me.

The world itself goes silent, and everything slows as I attempt to comprehend what is happening as we continue.

After a few short minutes that felt like years, we separated as the fox looked hungry, and she then took my hand and teleported us to her quarters as we both took in our individual forms.

The fox licks her lips and says, "Mommy likes what she sees, so why don't you come over here as I reward you for your hard work."

I then remove my armor as I grab her delicately and place her on the bed. All I can say at this moment is, "I hope you have not planned to take any meetings tomorrow or the next couple of days." 

And as I leaned in closer, enveloping her form with only my upper body, I whispered, " For you shall be seeing stars in but a few minutes." 

The fox gives me a sultry look, beckoning me to continue playing with her form, and I do so with gusto.

Do you know what is lovely about having these empowering charges? It's the ability to instantly understand and increase one's potential in certain activities.

In combination with my broken limiter, I put all five charges into pleasuring the woman before me as she came hard and fast.

The night was voracious as both of us simply divulged our forms, and luckily, I had placed up silencing wards around the room and blocking wards so that no one could spy on us.

All that can be heard in the room is the sound of voracious screaming of intense pleasure, specifically of the female variety.

The once powerful nine-tailed fox is reduced to a sputtering mess in not even 15 minutes. (Have any of you guys ever felt jealous of your own created characters? I am right now.)

As Yasaka tries to plead for a break, I say, "Ohh my Little Fox, this is only the as there are still plenty of hours before the morning." 

The woman then gulps as the Angel ravishes her up until the sun rises on a new day. 

-The Next Morning-

Yasaka POV:

As the sunlight pours into the room, I groan in both pain and pleasure while trying my best to glare at the other body on the bed.

That was simultaneously the most incredible and worst night of my life, as he never gave me a break and continued to use me like an animal.

Every time he would release inside me, it would not go down, and he had to stop noticing I had already passed out.

(Don't worry about kids, as Kunou will be the only kid he has via a relationship with her mother before an epilogue-like chapter.)

This is embarrassing! I am a centuries-old nine-tailed fox, and I barely did anything, and he simply devoured me!

As I am ruminating about my lost dignity as a woman, I recall something important. Wait, he is an angel, and he just had sex. Oh No!

I fearfully look at the sleeping giant next to me as I check his wings, and I sigh in relief as he is still a pure angel.

Wait How!?

He then awakens as Kunou barges into the room and jumps onto the bed. Luckily, we aired out the room with magic.

"Yay! Anakim is my Papa now, woo hoo!" As she says this, I physically need to hold my cough as Anakim looks almost amused.

The large Angel just picks her up in his arms as she purrs from the attention.

"Little Kunou, your mother and I are just dating. Nothing is for certain yet, but if you ever need me, I will be there."

My daughter then salutes the Angel as he does so back as he then leaves to do something?

As I get dressed very slowly, as I can barely feel my legs, I find Kunou at the table waiting as I sit down, and I smell something divine.

Anakim then comes out of the kitchen with food I assume he made that is sparkling somehow.

Kunou then climbs on top of Anakim as he places the food on the table and hands my daughter her food on his head.

As he places the food on my plate, he gives me a small kiss on the lips, which I return as Kunou looks away while also whispering, "My plan succeeded. Go me."

I almost laugh at her excitement as Anakim sits down next to me, and as I place the food in my mouth, the world seems to warp as the food nearly makes me release some not-so-flattering noises.

After a couple of minutes of spasaming, Anakim just gives me a smug smile as he asks, "So I see you enjoy the food."

This Angel, I swear!

I continue devouring the food as he eats it perfectly fine.

While the next few days may be a chaotic mess, I can enjoy some of the finer moments.

This warmth is pleasant, and now I don't want to lose it.

The food helps, though I want more now.

Next chapter