
Fate Of "Heroes" And Lost Time

Entry 75:

Linus Ozias POV:

After cooking a delectable breakfast, the work continues as Yasaka has to handle the aftermath of the Hero Faction's attack as new wards are put in place to guard the city.

Along with myself, I created some defenses for Yasaka and Kunou themselves.

I may have also gone a bit overboard as I have not only covered each and every single one of their clothing with protective wards that could defend against God-like attacks.

In addition to the fact that I have also placed some of my more advanced androids around the city to act in civilian roles but shall be watching.

  Before I can return to base to deal with what was the hero faction, my new nine-tailed girlfriend hugs me as Kunou looks at me with big, bright puppy eyes.

"Please don't leave Papa. You still have not finished the story yet."

I shake my head as I pick her up and say, "It's alright, little fox, if you need me, I am, but one thought away, and hey, if you can finish your studies, I'll whip up some food and continue the story."

The little nine-tails then places her fingers on her chin, pondering this as she grabs my hand and states," You drive a hard bargain, but I can do it, and don't worry, the Great Kunou shall excel at all studies." 

I then give her a slight bow and nod as I teleport away, but not before giving Yaska a long, deep kiss that leaves her ruffled and turned on.

She just groans and returns to her meetings, promising to show that angel up in the bedroom.

-Iscariot Base (Pocket Dimension)-

As I look around the base, I see many iscariots running around and others returning from various points across the planet.

As the members of my organization notice me, they all bow before me and make way so that I may find our new guests. As I see Lapis and Lazuli watching what remains of the hero faction, I address the room.

" All of you have committed heinous crimes against not only my person but against many others, and do not believe you will not be punished for it."

The heroes then look at me with reluctant understanding as Cao Cao bows before me and says, "Any punishment you give us shall be earned, and we will do whatever it takes to make amends if not ever earn forgiveness."

I then begin to laugh, which makes some of them worried before my presence falls over the room. " I meant when I said that each one of you will be known as a hero, but I never said that it would be the current you."

I teleport all of us to what I refer to as the re-education room for those who need to see from a more pragmatic perspective.

  In essence, this room acts as a means to educate anyone that I see fit, as they will be trapped and altered to better suit my needs. 

This room is only meant for those who wrong me or the worst of the worst, as it can be used to alter and punish.

For them, the room begins to set ablaze in blue fire, and as it crawls towards them, they all start to scream out in agony as their minds are rewritten.

Although Leonardo is spared this fate because of his very young age, as he was simply swept up in this group's mantra, he shall be altered similarly so that I am the one who found him.

After this process, they will thank me, but it will be slow because no one messes with my little foxes.

They will suffer, and they will thrive, and they will never know that they were ever even in this room. 

But they will never forget it as it will be a constant reminder not to trifle with me.

Their sacred gears shall be stripped from them as they no longer need them, but I make sure to collect them so that they do not return to the heaven system.

  But one sacred gear interests me, specifically blade blacksmith, as this version partially holds the spirit of the original Joan of Arc.

I can use this to imagine having Jeanne from fate arriving on the battlefield at her full power and with no restrictions from Gaia or Alaya. 

I may have a soft spot for her from watching the Fate Apocrypha television series, as she was one of the few memorable characters other than Karna, Siegfried, and Shirou, with Astolfo being a given, but mainly because of his appearance.

That Semiramis was also a memorable character, along with Atlanta and Achilles.

But enough getting sidetracked as I will be eventually able to go to that world that summoned them as my servants.

It would be an honor to learn from some of them, especially the hero of charity because even with his limited screen time, he was a boss. 

I then leave the room and return to where Lapis and Lazuli await to give their status reports.

As I return, they kneel before me as while I have returned to my eight-foot form to hide my change, my presence still resonates with power. 

I then sit on my throne constructed from my holy constructs, and Lapis gives me her report: " Sir, in regards to the spreading of our order, we have made much progress on that front with very few territories avoiding our influence."

Lapis then pulls up a map of the world on the holo-deck showing our various levels of influence, with what seems like the Greeks and the Norse had the lowest amount of Iscariot forces due to their steadfast protection of their territory.

The Norse make sense because while they are a rowdy bunch, they are not stupid, especially Odin, as his eye can see through nearly every illusion and every lie and has precognition abilities.

The Greeks had the numbers to patrol their territory due to the considerable amount of demigods running around the place.

Regarding the underworld, we have yet to establish a presence there as I plan to wait for the peace conference to introduce my order.

I do plan to return to the town of Kuoh as I need to continue my monitoring of the fallen Angels within the abandoned church.

" You have done well, Lapis. Lazuli: What is the status of our efforts in the mundane world?"

He takes out his omnitool and states," On that front, Sir, we are making sizable progress as we are currently raking in funds from Bulma and Vomi's business." Lazuli then frowns as he reads the next portion.

" But Sir, we have had some spies entering her company in the form of Devils and fallen angels. What should be done with them?"

I ponder this as I state, " Monitor them, and if they represent a sizable threat or learn any critical information, replace them or alter their minds to be loyal to us."

"If they learn nothing and are simply working, keep them as is, as there's no need to rock the boat just yet." The throne then disappears as I issue new commands.

" If any of these groups have been learned to have produced any form of our technology, find and eliminate them or convince them to stop."

While competition in the mundane world is good, having supernatural elements within the business makes things more complicated than needed.

I have already ensured that no technology Bulma and Vomi create can be scanned via the tinker of fiction's black box ability.

It presents itself in the form that the technology self-destructs if any attempts to scan or take them apart.

Regarding anyone in the mundane world trying to take it apart, the same thing will happen, and anyone who buys these items knows this as it is in all of the marketing.

To be honest, this must be driving Azazel insane as the man or fallen Angel leader is a scientist and a significant pervert, but so is almost every leader in this world.

The two androids then bow and leave to continue on with their assignments as I teleport back to Kuoh, and as I enter my home and begin my daily training, I am pulled back to the mindspace with Gaea.

"Oh, my naughty little angel, having your way with me before marriage, how sacrilegious," Gaea says while having a look on her face reminiscent of a certain masochistic paladin. 

I find this thought process ironic as I am giving one of the greatest Kazuma-level deadpans I can.

" It is always great to see you, Lady Gaea, and as much as I love our talks, I would not like to be here as you debase my form in your fantasies."  But as I say this, she just laughs as I laugh along with her.

She then walks from her throne and puts a hand on my chest as she says almost lovingly, " You know you are one of the few people I've talked to for thousands of years as the gods and the Titans and even the other primordials have either forgotten me or have fallen or are just asleep.

" These conversations of ours have been a light in a bleak existence. My first husband, Oranos, abused my children, and that behavior spread throughout his line." 

I do not interrupt as she continues while grasping at my armor. " And when my children either died or were locked in Tartarus, the resulting negative energy from the war turned me mad as I gave birth to great monsters to kill the gods who I blamed for my failure."

She then begins to shake as I assume my role as resident angel therapist by forming two leather chairs, and she then sits on mine with me.

"But now I have you, a person not afraid to delve into nature but improve it, and you have my thanks as your training has helped lessen the madness on my mind."

She then smiles, looks at me, and hugs me as I realize that putting charges into a healing aura and comforting presence was the way to go.

I then say, " Well, I cannot relate to your struggle as I am not a parent, nor have I ever had to take care of children for longer than a couple of hours, but I can understand that rage,"

" Even us Angels can feel negative emotions and more and feel more than just righteous fury or devout faith."  She then looks at me, beckoning me to continue, " I have seen Angels fall due to our overflowing emotion as we see the world falling around us and feel helpless."

I then look at Gaea as she snuggles against me. " I assume that is how you felt helpless in the face of change and many mistakes." She then shouts, " But I just wanted them all to live. What did I do wrong?!"

"Nothing as our children are our greatest treasure but also our greatest test. As any wrong answers have varying effects on their future." I then stare into the distance. " Children rarely grow up as we like for them too as life is chaotic, which I assume you understand."

What was that saying again? Humans make plans, and God laughs that can essentially be replaced with life.

We then sit in silence as I state, " But we are blessed with time. Every second is a gift, and we shall always seek to make use of it, and as such, life goes on, and we make amends and seek to correct our mistakes". 

The primordial looks up at me and asks, "Can I really do it? Can I be better?" I nod and smile while patting her head and sending positive energy throughout the mindscape."

" We are what we wake of life; as much as life is chaotic, there is also opportunity for change and progress. Know that I will be with you every step of the way if you need it."

She then smiles and says, " Oh, young  angel, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that was a proposal, and just after you lost your virginity to that vixen, I mean nine-tailed fox." 

I smile as she seems to be doing better as I leave the mindscape, but not before saying, " What I said could be considered a proposal or nothing. You just have to find out."

I then end our talk with a burst of energy through her as she yells in pleasure, "Oh Anakim, you TEEEEEEASE!"

Next chapter