
I am Impressed

Logan kissed Pam and the kid's goodbye but promised to be back later in the day. It was decided that J'onn and Logan would take Lex to the Watchtower through the Zeta tube at the salvage yard.


 Before they left, J'onn took out a device that looked like a watch and handed it to Pam. "This is a communication device that has the frequency to the watchtower control room. All family members of the League have one and will receive priority access in case of an emergency." 


 "You and the girls have been registered with minimal information under myself and young Logan here. If you need anything or are in any danger, every nearby League member will drop everything to assist you."


 Pam gave J'onn a hug, "Thank you J'onn, I never realized just how scary the world could be until I had something that meant so much to me." She took Rose out of J'onn's arms so he could leave.


 "I will be back in a bit" Logan told Pam again and then motioned for Lex to follow him as he started to fly away towards the Salvage yard, with J'onn coming up behind them.


 Once they made it to the Watchtower, Lex was assigned a guide and J'onn took Logan to the conference room they were supposed to meet at.


When he walked in, Logan saw Iron man, Superman and Wonder Woman. Devilbat and Silverflash were the only ones not here yet. Walking over to Iron man Logan wanted to work on an idea he has,


 "Mr. Stark, did you get the principles from Lex Luthor's 'Dimensional Gun' for lack of a better name?"


 "I got a good scan of it, minus the energy source that is. Why do you ask?"


 "Well, I thought it would be a good idea to see if we could come up with some sort of tracking device that can span the different dimensions. If we do indeed plan to travel to other dimensions, it may be a good idea to have a way of tracking each other through them."


 Logan paused to let the idea sink in. "After all, if someone were to get accidently sent to a different world than the others then wouldn't you want to be able to track them. Maybe Luthor's device could open a portal directly to them if the tracker frequency was entered into it."


 Superman turned his head towards us, "It is a good idea, also I don't much care for leaving our only means of travel back and forth in the hands of someone I don't entirely trust. Especially a Luthor."


 Tony thought to himself for a few moments, "I would need 12 hours to come up with a working prototype."


 Devilbat, who had entered behind Logan without being noticed, "That is an… insightful idea Logan, anything other ideas you wish to share with us."


 Logan looked at Devilbat, "Nothing that comes to mind right off. Wait, do our communication devices run off satellite? If so, we should have a way to hack one as soon as we get to Lex's Earth. If we do end up going to help him that is." 


 "I get it kid, leave your girl alone or you will pile a bunch of work on me. It won't happen again so stop talking."


 Loga smiled at Tony and didn't say anything. Devilbat gave Logan a suspicious glare and moved to a seat at the table.


 "So, can we start this discussion already? I now have a ton of work to get accomplished if we do end up going somewhere. Or I have nothing to do if we don't go. I vote we stay!"


 Superman just sighs and shakes his head.


 Moments later the door opens, and a chair starts to spin around. "What are we waiting on? There is lots I could be doing right now."


 Devilbat looks at the Silverflash, "As usual we are waiting for the 'Fastest Man Alive' who is always late."


Superman stands up, "This discussion is to decide if we are going to accept the request for help from this alternate Earth Lex Luthor. I will start by saying that I don't trust him."


 Spinning his chair around again Silverflash, "Now there's a surprise, NOT. But remember he's not our Luthor."


 "Still, never met a Luthor I liked." Superman folded his arms over his chest.


 Ororo cut in, "I feel no deceit in his request, just desperation."


 J'onn spoke up, "Wonder Woman is right. I read his mind and he is telling the truth. I saw some of the deeds this Crime Syndicate perpetrated it is most distressing. Regardless, we have a responsibility to the millions of people being oppressed on his world."


 Tony leaned on the table, "For all our power, do we really have the ability to make ourselves a dimensional police force? Other dimensions may be out of our jurisdiction."


 "It surprises me that we are even having this discussion, of course we're going to help." Ororo stated with conviction.


 Superman stood up slowly, "She's right. That's what we do."


 Devilbat spoke, "I swore I would stop the evil that I can and now that we know of this, we have no other choice."


 Superman looked around the table and seeing them all nod in agreement, "Then we will help him. I suggest we head out in 16 hours so we can all settle things here first. Plan for a week's absence."


 "Sooo ahh why was Martian Boy Hunter here? We doing ride along services now?" Tony snickered.


 Devilbat spoke up, "Seeing as he was the first in contact with this Luthor, he is part of the team, he has more than enough power to protect himself. I want to see how he does in the big leagues."


 "Think of it this way Tony." Logan quipped, "Get this Luthor to help you out and you can take all sorts of selfies with him as your lab assistant. Then you can show them off to the world later. Should drive our Lex nut's and maybe cause him to make a mistake we can capitalize on."


 "Oh hoo, you just graduated from kid to junior. I can make him do most of the work also." Tony quickly left to find his new helper.


 As everyone started to exit the room, "Let us retire to my quarters young Logan, it is time to test your mental defenses, then we can go to the gym and see where your physical attributes are at. We should finish in plenty of time to return to Pam and the children. I was even thinking of getting the children some toys for you to take to them. Pam will need something to help distract them at times."


 Logan was filled with warmth by the concern shown to him by this awkward Martian. He wished Superman was as concerned for Connor, but he didn't think it was his place to say much. "Sure J'onn, I have a few surprises in store for you this time around."


-(J'onn J'onzz POV)-


 About 20 minutes later, J'onn found himself at the beginnings of a forest, "It did not feel like you made much effort to keep me from you mind scape. But this forest is a good idea to hide your mind's focus."


 He started to walk into the forest and tried to lock on to the biggest source of mental activity in the forest. He knew that that would be the castle Logan had built. As he traveled, he suddenly felt aggression from behind him and phased his body.


 A wolf had just tried to bring him down from behind, but J'onn's quick reaction insured the wolf hit nothing tangible. Once the attack failed, the wolf disappeared into the forest, and he lost track of it.


 A few moments later as he walked past a tree, a snake fell from above and managed to land a strike on his arm before he could react. J'onn grabbed the snake and crushed it into paste and discarded it.


 {What a strange forest, only animals so far and no sign of bugs. This cant be a normal forest. Why was I traveling through it again? Was there something I needed in here?}


 Suddenly J'onn's eyes glowed green and his head cleared, "Most ingenious, I did not even recognize that you had tampered with my thoughts." He took a deep breath, "Ahh, I see. there was no intent to force my thoughts, but the 'air' just relaxes my will. Truly impressive, and subtle."


 With tremendous effort, J'onn started to fly in the direction he felt the castle. Once there, he landed before the walls. He had tried to fly over the walls, but the effort was very taxing. Maybe 7 people he had ever met could even lift off the ground as high as he had done to get here.


 J'onn started to feel, lethargic all the sudden. As though his mental strength was slowly evaporating. He looked around and seeing nothing near him but the wall, he placed his hand on it and felt the strain on him increase.


 He pulled his hand away and doubled up his fist and punched the wall in front of him. The sound was explosive but there was no mark on the wall. He punched again but the response he got back through his fist was more than it was previously. Like the wall had hardened between his punches.


 He looked up and saw Logan on top of the wall. "It took some of my force to increase its density. Truly brilliant, even at full power it would take me days to break through your defenses. I am impressed."

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