

Logan and J'onn left J'onn's room and headed to the gym to test Logan's strength levels. "Your mental defenses are improving nicely. If your physical strength is keeping pace, then you have my blessings to move forward with your plans."


 "Last time I tested, I was just under 80 tons. I am hoping to get to about 100 tons today."


 "That will be a good milestone for you."


 "Just out of curiosity, what is you max strength J'onn?"


 "Hmm, there are a few beings on this planet that are unable to test their limits. I am one of these. So far, everything I have wanted to move, has done so. Still, I must be careful of the thing I wish to move so I don't break it instead. Superman and I have the same problem with our strength. Exert to much and the thing you want to lift just crumbles away."


 "I don't think I understand that very well." Logan admitted.


 "Think of me as a chisel. I wish to lift a wooden log and place myself in the middle of the log. As I lift the log, I must insure I do not go through it and split the log. We must be careful how much force we exert on a single point."


 "Whatever point you are lifting from must be able to handle the weight of the entire object you are lifting."


 "So how could we lift something as flimsy as say an airplane?"


 "I use my telekinesis to evenly distribute my lifting force as you will need to start learning to do. Superman and Supergirl have a bioelectric aura that they wrap around the item they wish to lift. Your friend Connor has a very weakened form of this, so he must be more careful with his strength."


 "Is that why Connor can't fly?"


 "I have not dug into his abilities, so I cannot answer that question, but it is a good assumption. Here we are, let's get your fitness level tested." J'onn stepped through the door first.


 When Logan walked in after J'onn, he noticed that it was nearly half full at this time. Hawk girl was on the stair climber, he recognized the Brazilian hero Fire and her partner Ice, they were on the treadmill. As soon as I saw that Vixen was there, Morph jumped out from Logans arm and changed into a monkey, then ran over to her. "Heads up Mari, Morph spotted you." Logan called out.


 She was in the middle of a set of pulldowns before Morph jumped into her lap excitedly. Logan finished looking around and saw that before him and J'onn entered, the hero he recognized as Dove was the only male there.


 Giving everyone a friendly nod, Logan followed J'onn to the bench press. By the time they were done testing, Logan had maxed out at 110 tons and his running speed was just over 500 MPH nearing the sound barrier of 726 MPH.


 As we were finishing up, Mari brought Morph to me. "Rumor mill on the station says you got yourself a girl already, even a couple kids in the bargain. You up for that kind of commitment?"


 Like any new parental figure, Logan pulled out his phone and started to show Mari some pictures of the girls and bragging up their exploits. "This sis my girl Pam, the two she is holding are Rose and Hazel. This one is Thorn; she is very hard to get a picture of. Thought I was going to have to go invisible to get a good one."


 J'onn was looking at the pictures as well, "Does one have to get a phone to receive these pictures?"


 "No worries J'onn, I have copies automatically sent to your room computer. We need to find a good spot to get them printed out so we can hang them up though."


 Before Logan knew what was happening, his phone was being passed around to everyone in the gym and there were all kinds of high pitched squealing sounds coming from the girls.


 Mari walked back to me, "I can't wait to meet them. Don't keep them to yourself too long."


 "Then I better set up something soon, that's them at just a few days old. They will likely be full grown in six months. Like I said, they are very special kids."


 Logan collected his phone, then he and J'onn left the gym to return to Gotham.


 Later that night, Logan and Pam were sitting on the couch after tucking the kids into their own bed. Pam leaned back into Logans embrace, "So tell me about this mission."


 "The short of it is that there is an alternate Earth where the Justice league members are all evil criminal types, and one is trying to come up with a way to destroy their world. Luthor came to this world to find help to stop that from happening and show his world that there are people out there that can stand up to the 'Crime Syndicate'." 


 "Once we are done, then we will return home and Luthor will continue his search for heroes who can stay on his world permanently."


 "And how did it turn out that I now have to meet several members of the League, all of them female?"


 "Well, that part is because our kids are so damn cute. Also… I think Vixen may be a little jealous that you got to me before she did. So, she wants to meet you." 


 "I knew there would be at least one of those in the group wanting to meet me."


 "It's mostly wanting to meet the girls, I'm sure. Hopefully we can get Thorn used to people."


 Logan picked Pam up in a bridal carry, "Now, we better start some of your educational activities so you know what you will be missing while I'm gone."


Pam leaned her head on Logan's shoulder and smiled. "I can't wait to be teachers' pet!" Logan closed and locked the door behind him. No reason for the kids to see anything they shouldn't. He would unlock it after they were done.


 After waking up the next morning with Hazel sleeping over his heart again, Thorn under the bed and Rose laying on top of Pam, the day started out the same as the previous one. With everyone watching the sunrise.


 Logan managed to sneak in a kiss to Thorn's cheek while saying his goodbyes but was interrupted by not being able to find his phone. Pam and Logan both tore the front room and bedroom apart when they surprisingly found it in Roses bed, along with the communication watch J'onn gave Pam. Weird, but whatever.


 Logan went invisible and flew to the Zeta tube to meet up with everyone. Once he got to the ready room, Logan heard Lex and Tony talking about a sensor that could get more information on a world before he even opened a portal so he could be ready for what's on the other side. Logan thought it sounded like a good idea.


 "You get those tracker's we talked about Tony?"


 "Sure did Jr., take one." Tony tossed a chip over to him and Logan tucked it away.


 Just a couple minutes later Ororo and Silverflash walked in and all we were missing was J'onn.


 "Sorry I am late; I had some last-minute instructions for the duty roster while we are away." J'onn said when he got there.


 Lex stepped forward once everyone was there. "OK, I am going to transfer us to my Justice League headquarters and from there we can plan out the operation to take down the Syndicate."


 Lex pulls out his portal device and looks at each member going to his world. Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Silverflash, Devilbat and Logan.


"This could be disorienting," Lex started the device.


 -(Alternate Earth)-


 About 20 individuals in colorful outfits were ransacking a large room with an overturned round table. They were opening everything that looked like it would open and pulling equipment from the walls and looking behind them. Being gentil was the last thing on their minds.


 One man in an Owl themed outfit stood before a large computer with multiple monitors. As he was concentrating on the screens and the information, they were showing, Superwoman approached him from behind. Putting her chin on his shoulder and running her hands over his chest.


 "What's so fascinating that has you standing so statuesque?"


 Owlman typed at the keyboard and a familiar looking gun appeared. "Luthor has solved the decoherence problem." He replied with no reaction to her caressing hands.


 "Darling, unless there is money involved, you are boring me."


 "Parallel Earths, my dear. Luthor has not only proven that they exist but has found a way to travel between them."


 Superwoman rolled her eyes and turned to young man dressed in red and blue with a scraggly beard on his chin, "Any sign of the Quantum Trigger?"


The young man looked at her with fear in his eyes, "We've searched the entire complex. If it was here, it's not now." He hunched his shoulders ready for a blow he was sure would follow.


 Owlman stepped away from the computer, "Right." He turned his head towards a black man wearing a Lightning themed outfit a Pimp from the 70's would feel embarrassed to be seen in. "Download all these records into my personal computer. The rest of you, strip this place of anything useful, then destroy it."


The man in the Pimp outfit raised his hand and electricity started to invade the computer and copy the whole drive. As everyone's focus was on the computer, the center of the room a bright light shown and then they all heard a voice.




 "But there should be no other effects." Everyone beside him staggered and then regained their balance looking around in surprise.


 Superwoman, "What the hell!!!"


 Lex Luthor, "Were compromised."

Sorry for the delay, needed some recovery and me time.

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