
Asking for Ayuda

Morph came swinging out of our room window and landed on my shoulder then looked around as he sensed the heavy mood from Nightwing. Logan looked at Dick. "I don't see any connection to what's been threatening the Circus lately. Sure, most of the names disappeared but is it all that unusual for people to leave the show? Maybe they found someone and wanted to settle down, it's not like you found your parent's name in the book and could connect it to their death. If I were you, I wouldn't bother too much about it, remember the information but all it brings is questions, so back burner it man."

Dick tucked the book away, "Maybe your right, I was never any good at this detective stuff. I can fight, make good battle plans and I'm good with computers. All this detective stuff was better left for Matt." Dick clenched his fist and slammed it into his palm. "Where the hell is he? I could really use his help right now." Logan watches as the frustration rolls off his friend in waves. "So, what's going on with that Saiko guy that was hunting you?"

"I haven't seen him at all since he killed Mr. Haley. Every stone I turn over looking for him either has no idea about him or is too scared to talk. At this point, all I can do is keep an eye out for him."

"The Circus has not been doing too well these days, people just aren't all that interested. Brian managed to get a slot here at the Knightsdome and is pushing for it to be a tribute show for my parents. I am not too happy about that. It's almost like using them and their deaths as publicity pieces." 

As Dick looked into the sky searching for something, anything to help him make sense of his thoughts. "Well Dick, if it's to help the show, I am sure your parents wouldn't be mad about it. It was their home too after all they did raise you in it."

Dick shook his head, "It's going to be on the anniversary of their last show before they died, and it is drawing a large following for attendance. So, it could very well be the shot the Circus needs to get back on their feet after being down so long."

Logan looked at him, "You see it too, don't you?"

"Yeah, I am worried that this is just the sort of thing that Saiko has been waiting for, a big enough show to make a statement."

"Did you ever figure out if his fixation on you also has something to do with the Circus? It can't be a coincidence that he showed up at the same time as the Circus trying to kill Dick Grayson. Also, the Circus was having accidents and legal problems before he came after you. Did you ask Raya about the problems before this all started?"

"I did ask her, but she says she doesn't know much because Mr. Haley and his son Brian were keeping it hush-hush for as long as they could. She and I have been a little off and on for a while now. One minute she wants to keep us casual, then the next she is all over me and talking about the Circus and its future like we will be together running it forever."

"Hmm, what's her take on the whole Nightwing thing?"

Dick rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and sighed, "I still haven't told her. If I do start working the Circus full time, I can't have Nightwing show up in the same towns as the Circus constantly, too easy to make a pattern for anyone to follow. So, is it worth telling her about it if it's going away? There is too much of a connection between me and Matt for people to not realize I couldn't be Robin or Nightwing without the bankroll of my Billionaire adoptive guardian."

Logan slowly shook his head. "Those sound like nothing but excuses to me, and I'm sure you see it too. Even back on the airplane, you saw it as you just reliving your childhood crush."

"Don't lecture me right now Logan, I have been doing enough of that for myself."

Logan smiled, "Yeah, well as long as you see it. I am glad I don't have to call Alfred for him to have the talk with you about it."

"Dear god, don't do that. His calm-toned British accented chewouts are 10x scarier than Matts anger filled disappointment speeches. I swear he reminds me of my 3rd-grade teacher who smiled at Susie for her A on a spelling test and gave me the exact same smile for my D. Scary stuff man!" 

"So far as your show, let's go do some snooping and see where the best places are for trouble. We can see if there is any way to make some plans for Saiko if he shows up." Logan stands up and motions for Dick to take the lead, then he transforms into his Owl shape. He has noticed that his right wing throbs a bit and seems bigger than his left one, if only by a little. (Wonder if it has to do with my experiment with The Red. Maybe I should bite the bullet and do my left Ulna later tonight.)

We could have not arrived at a better time. Standing on the roof opposite the stadium, Nightwing had stopped and I took my human form just as the banner for the show was released from the roof. The title was 'The Flying Grayson's Tribute Show'. It had a starry sky background with John and Mary's left side profile as they stood next to each other. They both wore their signature blue skintight outfits with the butterfly collar sticking up as if to cradle their faces. The banner only showed from the shoulder up, but it was easy to pick out features from each of them that they passed on to their son. 

The black hair and nose were definitely from his father, but the rest was all from his beautiful mother. The combination of the two made one of the biggest playboys in D.C. history. He was known for his multiple relationships at the same time and still, he flirted with any woman he found attractive, even some villains didn't escape his charming looks and silver tongue.

Logan watched as Nightwing stared at the banner for a time. "We should check all the surrounding building's roofs. Also, you said he knew who you were so we should also probably lock down the Devilcave entrance, so he doesn't use it against us. You take the rooftops and I'll take the sewers." Logan changed into his Owl shape, drifted to the ground, and went rat-shaped as he scurried into the storm drain.

-(Scene Shift)-

All the way across town a shadowy figure was following a man from the rooftops until that man went into an alleyway. Saiko then jumped to the street and entered the alleyway just after the man he was following. "You better have a very good reason for following me Senior, or you will not leave this alley vivo (alive)."

Saiko was looking at a figure that stood 6ft 2in and looked to weigh about 220 pounds. "I am not sure if you are the man I am looking for or not. The one I'm looking for is normally 5ft 6 and 140 pounds when not on his enhancer but when he is I am told he is 9ft 2 in weighing in at 350 pounds and favors the Luchador look. More importantly, the man I am looking for broke the Devil in half." 

"Mi amigo, who are you to be asking us about our past without primero presentandote." (First introducing yourself.) 

"My professional name is Saiko, and I have an issue with the Devilbats sidekick. One that would go best if the Devil were stopped from interfering."

 "Word on the calle (street) is the Diablo hasn't been around for a while now. This trip to Gotham has been most aburrida (boring)."

Saiko took out a ticket and handed it to the figure. "Your best bet for seeing the Devilbat will be at this show tomorrow, I only ask you keep him out of my fight with his protégé." 

"You are lucky senior, if the Diablobat wasn't our purpose here, you would pay a hefty price for using us as a guardaespaldas." (bodyguard)

Saiko tilted his head as he could not sense anyone but himself and the man in front of him in the alleyway. "You said 'us', will you need more tickets for the show?"

"No, un billete sera suficiente." (No, one ticket will suffice.) Bane said as he walked past Saiko and back out onto the sidewalk. 

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