
Before the Show

The next morning Logan sent a text to Pam. [Hey Pam, I will be away from my phone for most of the day today. Working the Grayson show tonight with a night friend, he has information that someone is going to try and mess with it tonight.] Her Reply, [Is there ever a big show in Gotham that some villain doesn't try and blow up or poison anymore? I can't believe people are still willing to go to something like that with this town's track record.]

[It's that attitude that makes planning our second date so hard. Good thing you are worth the effort. On a side note, I have got some stuff to talk to you about with the Lab in the next couple of days. Need an insider's eye for some accounting bumps I noticed.] [You have all my interest. Looking forward to seeing you.] 

About noon Logan heads over to Dick's place, after calling ahead just in case he has company. They met up and rode to the Knightsdome together so Logan wouldn't have any trouble getting in. Dick hooked him up with a pass and they look over the stadium security team and go over evacuation routes with them again just in case. We wander the dome and watch as the rehearsals go on to work out any last-minute kinks and warm-ups before everyone goes to get their costumes on. 

Once the floor is clear Dick and Logan head up to the rafters and place motion sensors in areas that should have no movement during the show. Dick finds one specific spot where he plants 3 sensors. {If Saiko is going to attack, this is the best tactical spot in the building. It's where I would come in.} He says over the mind link. Logan is watching him in his Owl shape as he sits on the 100-ton scoreboard. He came up here to make sure that there was no tampering with the cables holding it up. If it dropped there is no telling how far it would fall knowing how shaky the foundation is. 

Dick jumps from his position, using the show sets to make a flashy tumble down to the ground level. He kicked at the sand that had been brought in for the show, it felt a little off from what he expected. It was almost like there were two layers of material. There must be some safety thing that the stadium made them use, it had a silvery white look to it. Logan flew down to join him and changed shape to his normal human look. Speaking out loud "Damn it Logan, even with all the sensors and extra security, there will be thousands of people here tonight. All of them could be in danger because of me." Sigh "Why am I letting this go on?"

Dick is caught again looking at a replica banner of an old flyer showing his mother and father but this time Dick himself was in it as a new attraction. The family that flies together, The flying Grayson's. Logan doesn't say anything as he hears someone approaching, he just observes his friend lost in memories. 

*Image here*

"I must say, it's a lovely picture of you all..." An elderly voice comes from behind us with a British accent. "Master Dick."

We both turn to see a somewhat elderly gentleman with a balding head of salt and pepper hair. Dressed casually in brown slacks and a green and white striped shirt. 

"Alfred... They dragged you out for this thing too?" Dick moved to him for a hug. "' Dragged' Is far from the proper word, Sir. Though I regretfully won't be able to stay for the actual performance. With Master Matt still missing, I should be nearby in case he returns needing assistance."

"That's why we love you Alfie, always there when we need you." 

"I thought I washed that name out of your mouth with several bars of soap young master... I am sure I can find some here to help you remember the price of calling me that. But how are you feeling Dick? Just hours from the proverbial curtain lifting."

"Terrible. This place is so big, it's logistically a nightmare to secure." Alfred shakes his head. "That's unfortunate." Dick brings his hand to the back of his head. "Tell me about it. I've got extra security here but..." Alfred raises his hand to stop him. "That's not what I mean."

Alfred raises both his hands and gestures to the grand stadium. "I understand the need for precaution. I only hope that by taking these extra measures to protect the audience, you're not also taking extra measures to protect yourself from experiencing it." Dick smirks. "Why don't you tell me what you really think." 

"I think this is a night about your families. You have proof of how many people your parents touched with their shows just by seeing the number of people coming to the show tonight. Even after all this time, the name Flying Grayson's still packs the house. Your second family, the members of the Circus, wish to honor them and help keep the name alive."

Dick smile. "Never forget my third family Alfred, the one that saved a boy that just wanted to drown in his sorrow and follow his parent to the grave. In many ways, you played a bigger role than even Matt did in that family. I will try and remember your words." 

Alfred looked over Dick's shoulder, "And you must be Logan J'onzz... Did I pronounce it correctly?" "Yes sir, Mr. Pennyworth. It is a pleasure to meet you sir."

"Please, young man. Call me Alfred. Even to this day, if someone calls out Mr. Pennyworth I start looking around for my father. You have my deepest respect and gratitude for your words to Master Matt that helped him realize the box he was keeping young Master Dick in. If not for your words making him look at his actions, then I fear there could have been a bad break between him and Master Dick that could never have healed completely. I fear I was also taking him for granted in certain ways, your well-timed comments saved my family. For that, you will forever have my gratitude." Alfred bowed towards Logan with the dignity of a formally trained British butler.

"Well Alfred, I would say that I could have handled it better. But I understood my audience has a hard time looking at things from any perspective that doesn't include his mission. It was a pleasure to meet you sir, but you will both have to excuse me. I believe it's almost time to open the doors to the crowd and begin seating. Enjoy the rest of your time." 

Logan walked outside into a Carnival-like area with booths set up for games, prizes, and lots of food. He walked past two people pushing motorbikes, they looked like a father-son pair and were both wearing white leather outfits with strips of black and red to help prevent road rash and burns from the heat of the fire they often raced through. 

*Image here*

"It's great that you are feeling better Dad! I didn't think that cancer could clear up so quickly. Maybe you should reconsider the cigarettes though." A young man's voice rang out in happiness.

Logan was too far past them to hear any more of their talk. He was looking for the head of security to ensure they had the people lined out to check the tickets at the door to the inside of the stadium. When he found him, he also found the short overweight Circus director and former owner's son Brian Haley.

 "Just think about it, after the success of this show we will be back on top. A professional of your caliber would fit in well here working under me. We will be needing a good security lead for more big shows like this one as we gain more and more popularity."

"My team is contracted under Mr. Grayson at this time Mr. Haley." A well-built but aging man wearing a Wildcat Security shirt said. "Hmm, we will talk more after tonight's show than Mr. Grant." 

Logan broke into their conversation. "Excuse me, gentlemen, I was just checking in to see if we were ready to start letting the crowd move into the Stadium. Mr. Grayson is done looking over the grounds."

"You would be Logan correct? I am Ted Grant; we were just headed to the entry doors to oversee my team set up." The middle-aged man reached his hand out and Logan shook it. Every instinct inside Logan told him that this man was not to be trifled with. The busted knuckles and scared hands reminded him of pictures he had seen of old bare-knuckle fighters from back before they used gloves in boxing matches. 

"Well then Mr. Grant, Mr. Logan, I had best get to the back and put my outfit on for the show. See you both after the magic."

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