
Well, That's Just Rude

Getting into the ramp opening system was super easy, it's basically a garage door opener. The first thing I do is change the code so no one but me can open it, that would be awkward if they tried coming back as I'm letting everyone out.

Wonder what he came up with to change the plan midway through. It would be much easier if they all voluntarily came out though. Figuring I would wait for the first rush of people to get here before opening the ramp I waited.

{I'm starting} from Logan.

A few minutes later, I thought he was goi… "What the hell was that!!" I exclaimed out loud. Man, that echo made my ears ring.

I hope Detective Cornwell is here soon, it looks like we started. About 7 minutes later I hear a group of people panting as they run up the hill.

"Shit guys we can't open the door, only the Boss and Ricky have the remote." "Hey, there is someone here already."

"No worries guys, I almost have it open and you will be out of here. Just put these bracelets on, I don't have enough for individual ones so just share them." I figure cuffing them now when they are out of breath from the run is smartest. They started to get all tough with me. No surprise.

Deciding to make it easier I just walked over to them and quickly knocked two of them out and the third followed soon after. Pulling some zip ties out I truss them up for easy handoff to the police. "Too many cops keep our cuffs as souvenirs, shit gets expensive after a while. So, you guys get cheap ties."

Not long after that I got another group of mixed guards and homeless people. I quickly knock out the guards and gather the homeless telling them I will be opening the door as soon as more people get there. They aren't happy but my knocking the guards out keeps them quiet for now.

After a lot more roaring from the cavern (Is that Riot?) I have about 60 homeless people here with most all the guards accounted for. The crowd is starting to turn on me telling me to open the door. I hear a muffled voice from the crowd. "Funny how they won't work together to take down a guard to escape but they are more than willing to turn on you, who is here to help them eh Bird Brain!" Why does that voice sound familiar?

Ok people I'm opening the ramp, grab those guards and drag them out. The police should be here for them soon. As soon as the ramp opens, I am greeted by the sight of a Humvee with two guy's holding pistols pointing my way. Behind them still in the Humvee is Boss Biggis.

The rush of homeless people distracts the gunmen for a moment, and I rush them. I couldn't use any long-distance weapons because of the people, but I did remove the camouflage on my outfit so the guards could focus on me and not the other people.

I quickly knock the guards down and tie them up when I see the window roll down on the Humvee. Careful about any weapons that may come out, I see a fat hand and with a remote in it. "It's too late Biggis I overrode your control of the ramp. The police are on their way and once they get the evidence you are done for.

"You misunderstand stupid Bird, this is my panic button, if you don't give me back control of the ramp and leave now, I will panic and push it." He said to me.

{Logan, are you done? I got Biggis up here saying to leave, or he is going to hit some big panic button.} I tell him.

{I'm good, just a last few stragglers here about half way up the ramp. He is just bluffing, there were no explosives in the cavern, and I doubt he had any in his own camper.} Logan says.

"No chance Biggis, all the evidence down there will put you away for a long time. Better get used to only three meals a day and small ones at that." I told him. Sirens start approaching just as I finish telling Biggis the bad news.

"You shouldn't threaten a man with his worst fear's Bird Boy, anything pushed in a corner will bite!" Biggis said as he pushed the button.

Shortly after he pushed the button there was a rumble from the cave.

{Shit, he had a bomb on the outside of the cave. The wall is giving way and the cave is filling up with sea water. We have time to make it out, but all the evidence is gone besides the witnesses. I'll be up in a few minutes.} I heard from Logan.


- (Scene Cut) -


Having changed back into my human form I am trying to rush the stragglers after Robin told me Boss Biggis was up there. Suddenly I hear a muffled boom and then I hear rock starting to groan and shift. "Hurry up people we are going to be under water soon. That was the Sound of the ocean coming into the cavern."

People start to cheer and shout, "I hope that big monster drowns." to which many other people chant the same thing. (Well, that's just rude people.)

By the time we all get out of the cavern the cops have arrived with ambulances tending to some and police taking the handcuffed guards to the patty wagons. I see Boss Biggis standing next to his Humvee shouting about how they have no reason to detain him and his driver. "We was just passing by, I have been in talks with the owner to buy this Wearhouse. Ain't nothing illegal about that."

Robin was talking to a detective that I assumed was his contact at GCPD as I approached.

"What about me and the Homeless people here he press ganged Detective?" I asked.

I look at the group of about a hundred and holler out "Are you all going to let this fat pig get away with feeding you his scraps and forcing you to dig all day long?"

After a few minutes a person shouted "No way, I was kidnaped and forced to work for that Blob. Throw him in jail right guys!" He spoke out to the crowd, and they picked up from his excitement and started sounding out their complaints.

"There you have it Detective, lots of corroborating complaints to take down. You better get a bigger wagon down here to hall this guy away." I laugh.

"A punk kid doesn't tell me how to do my job. Get your new partner under control Robin!" Detective Cornwell said.

{Ohh, we got a live one here Robin.} "I need to look for a friend." I say as I walk towards the group of homeless.

"Anyone see April? You know, the one you were all afraid of!" I ask the group of people.

"She left as soon as the cops got here. Good thing too or I would have had them arrest her for biting my nose off!" Danny yelled out.

Once the water in the cave hit sea level it stopped rising. There was about 6ft before the water would have come up the ramp. It's good that the bats won't be displaced, and no seawater will be coming up the hole I dug in the park.

After the cops all leave I turn to Robin, "Well my friend, are we done for the night, or should we go scare more drug dealers?"

"Well, it is kind of late and only the hard-core dealers are out right now, but who am I to stand between Cocaine Wolf and his Young Meat?" Robin laughed. He took off and I changed into an owl and followed him ready to laugh as some dealers cried.

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