
Logan J'onzz

As Robin and I made a new legend in the Gotham drug dealing circles, we clowned around a bunch between each encounter. We decided to check one more place and then call it a night. Enjoying the night air that carried a hint of the harbor I heard Robin mentally shout, {Look out!!} followed by a ting of metal hitting metal.

Seeing where Robin was looking, I followed his eyes and saw Devilbat. {Dude, your boss looks pissed about something. Did you tell him my guess about your identities?} I asked jokingly.

{I did tell him your guess and how you got the knowledge to guess, but I think this is more of his way of telling us to get over there.} Robin supplied.

We both turn his way and land on the roof he is on. "Couldn't just shout for us to come over here, now you have to find the bird and devilwings that were thrown to get our attention. (I found out that they called them Birdwings and Devilwings respectively. Who knew they had better naming senses than the comics.)

"It's good for random thugs to find them every once in a while, reminds them we are around and not just a myth that will disappear in a month or two." Devilbat said.

"It's also a great way for someone to find them and kill with them to frame you guys for it." I returned, to which he just narrowed his eyes. (Hmm I wonder why he narrows his eyes when irritated? Do the blind do that too?) I didn't rise to the bate about my stance that I wouldn't stay in Gotham long.

"I'm here to discuss the mission you received from me." Devilbat started.

"Yeah, it probably could have been completed in the first night, but I wasn't thinking about my advantages in this body. I also fell into the normal solder way of thinking about a direct contact mission, it was stupid I know." I said somewhat deprecatingly.

Devilbat just stared at me as if waiting for more.

"I also didn't think of the possibility of a bomb on the ocean side of the wall. I was thinking two dimensionally. But let's be honest here, I came to Gotham for the very purpose of learning and getting used to using my powers. Dick here (I pointed at Robin) did the best he could in reacting and evolving with my gaining experience. His adaptability to me was of great help and not to give him a big head, but he showed the effort you put into training him wasn't a waste." I finished.

"It's good that you think about your failures after a mission, even a successful mission can have multiple failures. Also stop thinking about our identities outside the masks, if we want you to know we will inform you." He started to walk away, but you know I couldn't let it go at that.

"You mean like how you don't look for the identities of masked heroes? Paying particular attention to their weaknesses? I'm sure it's to cover for them in group battles, Right, what other reason could there be!" I press, hoping he gets my point.

He doesn't even turn his head, just continues until he jumps off the roof.

"Why did you have to push him, were you trying to start a fight Logan?" Robin asked.

"The same reason he pushes you Robin, to learn something. He sees potential wrong in everything but himself. He, and you, need to learn that he isn't infallible. That's why the League is so important, why friends are important. When you have the slightest doubt, you share it and hope you have surrounded yourself with people who will be honest with you." I say

"He is your teacher Robin not your goal, you can't become him. Just like your teachers in school, they are there to teach you about their expertise and then you absorb that and move on becoming a more knowledgeable person. You don't become them and later teach someone else to become you." I hoped this would stop the tension rising between Dick and Matt thus stopping the bad break that was slowly building, but I also didn't want to interfere too much.

"On a side note, I would like to start learning martial arts from you Robin, I feel your style would suit me better than the power style of Devilbat. Also, if you know anyone that can show me around during the daytime, I would appreciate talking to more than Arnie and the mechanics at the shop." I shifted to an 18-year-old Garfield Logan with normal skin using the Martian shifting, "I have a shape for all occasions."

"Yeah, let me figure some stuff out, you have dropped a lot on me in the last 10 minutes. I need to sort it all out." Robin waves and takes off in a different direction than Devilbat went.

After I got back to the auto yard, I quickly changed into my wolf form and roughhoused with Tango and Cash with Sylvester jumping in every once in a while. Kurt just looked at us like we were dumb for wasting so much energy.

Eventually I changed back to my form and walked to my room and went to sleep.

The next day I was greeted with Arnie questioning when I was going to deal with the stash in the parts truck. I made a few trips and got it all piled up in my room. It was a smaller pile than I had hoped but I'm sure that's just because I'm seeing it all together.

I decided I would talk with J'onn about it because I was sure that I wasn't the first league member that came across treasure during an adventure. I first looked the treasure over to make sure it didn't have any religious or cultural significant pieces and I did find a few elaborate golden crosses but nothing I recognized.

I really needed to get myself a cell phone to take pictures of stuff. Well with J'onn I can just show him a memory of it and have the computers in the watchtower. I head to the zeta tube entry and as it powers up it scans me then I hear "Recognized Garfield Logan, error, discrepancy found. Correction Beast Boy clone recognized. Restricted access, please articulate purpose to be relayed to on duty personnel."

"Hello Watchtower, I would like to visit with J'onn J'onzz for advice on an issue I am having. Could you please let him know. You should also put forward a name request on your behalf of Rapunzel, I think it would fit you perfectly." Logan.

After waiting for about five minutes. "07 Martian Manhunter authorized Beast Boy Clone entry to Watchtower."

As the tube opens, I walk into it and arrive at the entry pad. From there I head to J'onn's room and push the entry request button on his door. It opens and I walk in to see J'onn sitting and watching M.A.S.H. reruns. He currently looks just like Hawkeye (Not the Avenger). "Gar, welcome. We are about to witness one of the most heartfelt moments of the show, please join me."

(Major Burns "War is Hell." He says in an operating tent.

Hawkeye refutes "War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse."

Father Mulcahy, who often visited the O.R. to ensure the Doctors had any spiritual support in their time of need. "How do you figure that, Hawkeye?" His religious belief being that Hell is the worst thing imaginable.

Hawkeye says, "Easy Father, tell me who goes to Hell?"

Father Mulcahy, "Sinners, I believe."

Hawkeye, "Exactly, there are no innocent bystanders in hell. But war is chock full of them. Little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for a few of the Brass almost everybody involved in a war is an innocent bystander.")

After that scene was over J'onn returned to his normal form and shut his TV off. Turning to me he ask's "How can I help you today?"

Logan: "Well I came across a buried treasure during my last mission, and I was wondering what the protocol was for such things, if there was one at all?"

J'onn: "Hmm, the normal procedure is to seek its monetary value after making sure it is of no outstanding heritage or cultural value and split the proceeds among the team members of the mission. For the best avenue of exchange, I would suggest we speak with Aquaman. He has great experience of recovering such treasures from sunken ships."

"I also came across a conundrum as I was speaking with the Watchtower about entry. It has no name for me because my name and this world's Beast Boy's name are the same. I would like to keep my last name of Logan in respect to my family in my old world, but I think it would suit me for a first name here. I can't think of a last name, but it just now occurred to me that J'onzz would work well if you don't mind. After all a majority of my DNA is of the J'onzz family." I finished.

J'onn stared at me silently for a few moments. If it is your wish, I can have your name added to the cavern walls of M'arzz.

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