
Jujutsu Kaisen: Curse Academy System

Author: moonmirror
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 526.9K Views
  • 18 Chs
  • 4.9
    10 ratings
  • NO.200+

In a sudden and bewildering turn of events, Takashi Suzuki, a 17 years old boy, finds himself transmigrated to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Along with their transmigration, he posesses the Curse Academy system, which allows him to create an academy for cursed spirits.

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Chapter 1Transmigration to a New World

Takashi Suzuki, a 17-year-old boy from the modern world, with an ordinary appearance was going about his usual day when an inexplicable phenomenon occurred.

A blinding light enveloped him, and before he knew it, he found himself standing in the midst of a bustling city with towering buildings, surrounded by people in traditional Japanese attire. It was nothing like the world he knew.

"What... Where am I?" Takashi muttered, his heart pounding with confusion.

As he tried to make sense of his new surroundings, a small, ancient-looking scroll materialized before him. On it, inscriptions glowed faintly, and Takashi could sense a strange energy emanating from the scroll.

With confusion and disbelief written all over his face, he reached out to touch the scroll. The instant his fingers made contact, an ethereal presence enveloped him. Instead of hearing a voice, he was flooded with a series of thoughts and emotions.

As the flood of thoughts and emotions washed over Takashi, he felt a deep connection to the scroll and the energy it emanated. In that moment, he understood that something extraordinary had happened to him. He had been transmigrated to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, a realm filled with curses, sorcery, and supernatural beings

"I... I must be dreaming," Takashi muttered to himself, trying to make sense of the surreal experience. "But this feels too real to be just a dream."

With a deep breath, Takashi tried out one of the functions of the system he just received which he knew about instictively.


As Takashi thought the word "Status" in his mind, a holographic interface appeared before him, displaying information about his current abilities and attributes.

[Name: Takashi Suzuki]

[Age: 17]

[Curse Academy System Level: 1]

[Cursed Energy: High]

[Cursed Energy Output: High]


Cursed Spirit Communication: Allows the user to communicate with cursed spirits, understanding their thoughts and feelings. This ability allows to establish rapport with cursed spirits and potentially pacify them.

Cursed Energy Manipulation: User can control the power of cursed energy, using it to combat curses and other supernatural entities. With practice, they can learn various curse techniques and strengthen their abilities.]

[Cursed Techniques: None]

[Heavenly Restriction: None]

Takashi's heart raced as he absorbed the information displayed before him. The realization that he possessed an abundance of cursed energy and abilities related to cursed spirits left him both excited and apprehensive.

"So, I have a high level of cursed energy and output," Takashi murmured, contemplating the significance of this revelation. "I don't have any Cursed Technique. That's understandable, but why is there a Heavenly Restriction section?"

As he pondered his newfound abilities, Takashi's attention was drawn to the inscriptions on the ancient scroll still hovering before him. With a growing curiosity, he focused on it again, trying to understand the nature of this mysterious system.

'System information.'

In response to his thoughts, the scroll glowed brighter, and more information flowed into his mind.

[Curse Academy System]


The primary objective of the Curse Academy System is to create an academy exclusively for cursed spirits. The bearer of the system is tasked to establish a sanctuary where cursed spirits can learn, grow, and coexist peacefully.


[Task System: By completing tasks assigned by the system, the user will receive rewards. Upon completing a task, the user will be presented with four choices for rewards, from which he can select one that best suits his needs and desires. If the user wishes to select more than one reward, the user can buy a 'Slot-ticket' from the shop and use it on the reward for it to appear on the next batch of rewards.]

[Status: Displays information of the user.]

[More coming soon.]

'So, I'm supposed to make a school for cursed spirits? That sounds kinda cool,' Takashi thought, wrapping up the system info.

Searching his pockets, he found a few items that appeared to belong to him in this new reality. There was a small, folded piece of paper containing a hand-drawn map of the city he's in.

'It seems like I'm in Tokyo'

Takashi carefully examined the hand-drawn map, trying to get his bearings and locate any recognizable landmarks. He found the city's name written in Japanese characters at the top of the map, confirming that he was indeed in Tokyo, albeit a Tokyo vastly different from the one he knew.

He took a deep breath to steady himself, and decided to explore the city and see what this new world had in store for him. As he walked through the bustling streets filled with people in traditional Japanese attire, he couldn't help but notice the presence of curses lurking in the shadows. It was as if this world was a blend of modern Japan and the supernatural.

His newfound ability, Cursed Spirit Communication, intrigued him, and he wondered if he could put it to use. Takashi focused his mind, attempting to sense any nearby cursed spirits and establish communication with them.

To his surprise, he felt a faint, malevolent energy coming from an alleyway nearby. As he cautiously approached, he saw a small, mischievous-looking cursed spirit, its form twisted and eerie. The spirit seemed to be causing minor disturbances to the people passing by, sowing mischief without them noticing.

'They really are ugly.'

Just as he was about to communicate with the spirit, he felt a buzz in his mind as the system assigned his first task to him.

[Task: Pacify the Mischievous Cursed Spirit]

[Objective: Establish a connection with the mischievous cursed spirit and pacify it, ensuring it no longer causes disturbances in the city.]


Cursed Energy Amplification Elixir: A potion that temporarily boosts your cursed energy output, increasing the effectiveness of your abilities.

Cursed Spirit Token: A special token that can be used to befriend an unintelligent cursed spirit, potentially gaining a loyal ally.

Cursed Technique Scroll: A scroll containing a basic cursed technique that you can learn and master.

Heavenly Charm: An ancient charm that provides protection against malevolent curses for a limited time.]

Takashi blinked, surprised by the sudden appearance of the task before him. It seemed that the system was guiding him on his journey in this world and giving him opportunities to grow stronger.

"I guess this is my first task," Takashi mumbled to himself. "Pacifying the mischievous cursed spirit doesn't sound too difficult, but I need to be careful."

He decided to put his Cursed Spirit Communication ability to the test. Focusing on the mischievous cursed spirit, Takashi reached out with his senses, trying to understand its emotions and motivations.

The spirit noticed Takashi's presence and turned its gaze towards him. Its twisted form seemed to grow agitated, sensing a potential threat.

"Hey there," Takashi spoke in a calm and reassuring tone. "I know how you feel. But there's no need to cause trouble to get attention."

The cursed spirit growled, but Takashi continued. He could feel its loneliness and negativity emanating from it, and he couldn't help but be a bit empathic towards that.

He projected a sense of positivity with his ability, and slowly, he could feel the spirit's negativity lessen.

'I wonder, will it still exist after getting rid of its negative emotions?'

The cursed spirit seemed uncertain at first, but gradually, it let go of its malevolent intentions. Just as Takashi thought, the curse turned into a black mist, confirming his earlier question.

'Hmm, well, that answers it, what a shame. But, this ability is pretty powerful... although it was probably a Grade 4 curse.'

With the task completed, the holographic interface reappeared, presenting the rewards for his achievement. Takashi thought carefully about the options before making his choice.

'Reward: Cursed Technique Scroll.'

Takashi knew that learning a cursed technique could be a valuable asset in this world filled with curses and sorcery. He selected the Cursed Technique Scroll and felt a surge of knowledge flow into his mind.

The scroll contained a defensive cursed technique, one that reflected 1-30% physical damage to the attacker, depending on the cursed energy put onto the technique. Although it was very useful against pure physical attacks, it could do nothing about attack infused with cursed energy.

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