
Heavenly Restriction

Takashi was thrilled with his choice of the Cursed Technique Scroll. The defensive technique it contained could prove to be a valuable tool in protecting himself from physical harm. But he also understood its limitations, especially when facing opponents who used cursed energy in their attacks.

With the defensive technique's knowledge ingrained in his mind, Takashi took a moment to practice and become familiar with its execution. Focusing his cursed energy, he traced the intricate patterns described in the scroll using his hands. As he did so, a translucent barrier formed before him, pulsating with energy.

"The Barrier Reflection Technique... This could be quite handy," Takashi remarked, realizing the potential of his new ability.

As Takashi continued to explore the city, the night was approaching, so he checked for an address on the identity card he found in his pocket. He had found an address written on the card, and it led him to a modest apartment building in the heart of Tokyo. The night had fallen, and the city took on a different atmosphere, with neon lights illuminating the streets.

He climbed the stairs to the designated floor and knocked on the door of the apartment indicated on the identity card.

After waiting and knocking on the door for a few minutes, he concluded that he either lived alone or no one was home, leading him to decide to enter on his own. To his surprise, the door was unlocked.

As Takashi cautiously entered the apartment, he found it to be a simple but cozy living space. The interior was a mix of traditional Japanese elements and modern conveniences, like a fusion of the two worlds he now inhabited. The air was infused with a faint scent of incense, giving the apartment a tranquil atmosphere.

There was nothing out of ordinary about the place, so after exploring a bit and locking the door with the key he found in the kitchen, he made his way into the only bedroom.

Inside the bedroom, Takashi found a neatly made bed and a small wooden desk with a stack of papers and books on top. A dim lamp cast a warm glow over the room, creating a peaceful ambiance. While looking around, he decided to check the drawers, books, and papers for anything out of the ordinary.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, he found nothing, so he decided to lie down on the bed. As Takashi lay on the bed, he couldn't help but reflect on the surreal events that had led him to this moment.

From an ordinary day in the modern world to being transmigrated into a realm of curses and supernatural beings, his life had taken an unexpected turn.

As Takashi lay on the bed, he decided to use the Curse Academy System's 'Status' function again to check his progress and see if there were any updates or new information available.


The holographic interface appeared before him, displaying his current information:

[Name: Takashi Suzuki]

[Age: 17]

[Curse Academy System Level: 1]

[Cursed Energy: High]

[Cursed Energy Output: High]


Cursed Spirit Communication: Allows the user to communicate with cursed spirits, understanding their thoughts and feelings. This ability allows to establish rapport with cursed spirits and potentially pacify them.

Cursed Energy Manipulation: User can control the power of cursed energy, using it to combat curses and other supernatural entities. With practice, they can learn various curse techniques and strengthen their abilities.]

[Cursed Techniques:

Barrier Reflection Technique: A defensive cursed technique that reflects physical damage back to the attacker. It is effective against pure physical attacks, but not against those infused with cursed energy.]

[Heavenly Restriction: None]

He noticed changes under the Cursed Techniques section, as it displayed the technique he had acquired. He also wanted to see if the system would display information on something he clicks on, so he decided to test that out too.

Intrigued by the thought of testing the system's response to his actions, Takashi focused on the description of the Barrier Reflection Technique displayed in the holographic interface.

'Barrier Reflection Technique.'

As he mentally clicked on the description, the interface responded immediately. The information expanded, revealing detailed insights into the technique:

[Barrier Reflection Technique]

The Barrier Reflection Technique is a defensive cursed technique that allows the user to create a translucent barrier that reflects physical damage back to the attacker. When executed correctly, the barrier acts as a shield, bouncing the force of incoming attacks away from the user.

The effectiveness of the Barrier Reflection Technique depends on the cursed energy applied to it. Against pure physical attacks, it proves to be highly successful, reflecting 1-30% of the damage back to the attacker. However, it should be noted that the technique is not effective against attacks infused with cursed energy.

Mastery of this technique requires practice, control over cursed energy, and precise timing to execute it at the right moment. It is best used as a countermeasure against opponents relying on brute strength and physical combat.

Takashi nodded in approval as he absorbed the information. The system provided him with valuable details on the Barrier Reflection Technique, including its strengths and limitations. He was pleased to see that the system's interface responded to his actions, allowing him to delve deeper into the knowledge it had to offer.

With this newfound understanding, Takashi clicked on Heavenly Restriction.

'Heavenly Restriction.'

As Takashi mentally clicked on the Heavenly Restriction section in the holographic interface, the information expanded, revealing more about this aspect of the Curse Academy System:

[Heavenly Restriction]

[The user can voluntarily place a Heavenly Restriction on themselves, which can encompass various aspects, including their techniques, physical abilities, and more. Depending on how heavy the restriction is, the user or technique will be granted a corresponding boost in power and abilities. However, it is important to exercise caution when utilizing the Heavenly Restriction, as it comes with significant risks and limitations.

For example, if the user decided to sacrifice their cursed energy for an immense boost in physical prowess, they would lose a significant amount of lifespan along with the loss of their cursed energy. This is because the user wasn't born with a low amount of cursed energy, but rather the system forcefully decreased it to increase their physical abilities. Such a trade-off could have severe consequences, and the user needed to be prepared for the potential sacrifices they might have to make.

Of course, this is an extreme example, so if the user treads carefully, it won't have such dire risks.]

Takashi continued reading the information about the Heavenly Restriction, realizing that while it could grant substantial power, he needed to approach it with caution and responsibility. He understood that the system provided these options to enable users to enhance their abilities strategically, but the consequences of reckless decisions could be dire.

As he delved further into the system's explanation, he learned that the Heavenly Restriction wasn't limited to just enhancing physical abilities. It could also be used to boost the power of cursed techniques, improve defensive capabilities, or even heighten sensory perception. However, each type of Heavenly Restriction came with its own set of trade-offs, and the user had to be prepared to face them.

There was also limitations, like not being able to change the Heavenly Restriction once placed, unless the cooldown is up. The duration of the cooldown depended on the magnitude of the restriction. It could be as short as a few seconds for minor adjustments, or as long as months to years for significant enhancements.

With a firm resolve, Takashi decided to experiment with the Heavenly Restriction, but not to the extent of risking his life or making drastic changes. With that in mind, he decided to place a restriction on the Barrier Reflection Technique, which was to tell something about it to an opponent.

The moment Takashi made his decision, the holographic interface responded to his command, presenting him with options for the Heavenly Restriction on the Barrier Reflection Technique.

[Heavenly Restriction: Barrier Reflection Technique]

Select the degree of restriction:

[Minor Restriction: Tell the opponent about the technique in exchange for a slight boost in its effectiveness.]

[Moderate Restriction: Disclose the technique's weakness to your opponent and receive a moderate boost in its power and duration.]

As Takashi considered the two options for the Heavenly Restriction on the Barrier Reflection Technique, he took a moment to carefully assess the situation. He knew that revealing the technique's weakness could be risky, but the potential boost in power and duration might give him an edge in battle when facing formidable opponents. After all, knowledge of an opponent's weakness could be turned into an advantage if used strategically

On the other hand, the Minor Restriction seemed like a safer choice, as it would grant a slight boost in the technique's effectiveness without compromising too much information about it.

After a moment of contemplation, Takashi decided to go with the "Minor Restriction."

With a focused mind, Takashi mentally selected the "Minor Restriction" option in the Curse Academy System's holographic interface.

[Heavenly Restriction: Barrier Reflection Technique - Minor Restriction]

[In exchange for telling the opponent about the technique, the Barrier Reflection Technique gains a slight boost in its effectiveness. The reflection rate of physical damage is increased by 5%, and the duration of the barrier is extended by 5 seconds.]

With the "Minor Restriction" applied to the Barrier Reflection Technique, Takashi knew that the true benefit of this restriction would only manifest when he chose to disclose information about the technique to an opponent. As he thought about it, he recognized that this restriction offered an intriguing tactical advantage in battle.

Satisfied with his choice, Takashi saw that the system had updated his status with the newly applied Heavenly Restriction. He understood that this restriction was in place until the cooldown period ended, and he couldn't change it during that time.

As the night passed and morning approached, Takashi decided to get some rest. He was still getting used to the time flow in this world, and the events of the day had left him physically and mentally drained.

[Name: Takashi Suzuki]

[Age: 17]

[Curse Academy System Level: 1]

[Cursed Energy: High]

[Cursed Energy Output: High]


Cursed Spirit Communication: Allows the user to communicate with cursed spirits, understanding their thoughts and feelings. This ability allows to establish rapport with cursed spirits and potentially pacify them.

Cursed Energy Manipulation: User can control the power of cursed energy, using it to combat curses and other supernatural entities. With practice, they can learn various curse techniques and strengthen their abilities.]

[Cursed Techniques:

Barrier Reflection Technique: A defensive cursed technique that reflects physical damage back to the attacker. It is effective against pure physical attacks, but not against those infused with cursed energy.]

[Heavenly Restriction:

Barrier Reflection Technique - Minor Restriction]

[A/N: If you have any ideas for rewards or Heavenly Restrictions for Takashi, feel free to share it with me!]

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