


Opening his eyes Mike, or rather a youth resembling him awakens in a daze, blinking in confusion. He rubs his eyes, unsure of where he is or how he got there. The room around him looks nothing like his own, with its wooden beams, stone walls, and the rustic scent of hay. It's like something out of a history book, yet it feels so vividly real.

"Am I dreaming?" Mike mutters to himself, pinching his arm to check. The pinch feels sharp, and a jolt of realization shoots through him. This is no dream; something extraordinary has happened.

Cautiously, he sits up on the straw bed, trying to collect his thoughts. As he moves, he notices the weight of unfamiliar garments on his body. He looks down to find himself dressed in simple, medieval-style clothes.

"What the..." he whispers, running his fingers over the coarse fabric.

His eyes shift to the window, revealing a breathtaking view of a lush countryside. Towering mountains loom in the distance, while a winding river glimmers in the morning light. It's a scene straight out of a fairy tale, yet Mike can't shake the feeling that he doesn't belong here.

His confusion grows as he notices an ornate mirror hanging on the wall. Curiosity getting the better of him, he stands up and walks towards it. As he catches his reflection, he gasps audibly. Staring back at him is the same youth he knows as himself, but something is different.

He runs his fingers through curly hair that now reaches his shoulders. His attire looks like it belongs in a fantasy adventure, with leather boots and a deep green tunic cinched by a brown belt. The person he sees in the mirror is undeniably him, yet he looks like a character from a medieval tale.

"What in the world is happening?" Mike mutters, his heart racing.

Just then, a soft knock on the door draws his attention. He turns to see a friendly face peering in – a young woman with radiant green eyes and a warm smile.

"Ah, you're awake," she says, stepping into the room. "I heard a commotion and thought I'd check on you."

"Uh, yeah," Mike stammers, trying to collect his thoughts. "Who are you? Where am I?"

The woman's smile falters for a moment, and then she chuckles. "You must be teasing, Mike. It's not like you to forget our surroundings. You're in the capital city of Cringray in the Kingdom of Zotis"

Mike's confusion deepens. "Cringray? Kingdom? What are you talking about? I've never heard of such a place."

The woman looks puzzled now. "You must still be dazed from your journey, Mike. You've been chosen by the Guardians, haven't you?"

"Guardians? Journey?" Mike repeats, feeling like he's stumbled into a world of riddles.

Before the woman can explain further, a loud clanging along with trumpet sounds echoes from outside. She glances toward the window and gasps, her expression filled with concern.

"They're here," she says urgently. "You must come with me, quickly!"

Mike's heart races as he follows the woman down winding corridors and through an ancient castle. All around him, he sees other people dressed in similar medieval attire, bustling about as if this world were their own.

As they reach the castle courtyard, Mike's eyes widen in awe. There, standing before him, are beings he never thought could exist outside of legends – elves with pointy ears, knights in shining armor, and creatures that defy description - although resembling beastkin and lizardmen.

"What is this place?" Mike asks, his mind reeling with disbelief.

The woman turns to him with a solemn expression. "Mike, you've crossed over into our realm, and your presence here is no mere accident. The Guardians have chosen you for a great destiny."

Mike tries to process the information, but it feels like he's in the middle of a fantastical dream. Yet, the sights, sounds, and the very air he breathes tell him otherwise.

Before he can say more, a booming voice fills the air, drawing everyone's attention to a grand stage set up in the courtyard. High above, atop the castle walls, an ancient-looking wizard stands with a staff in hand.

"People of Zotis!" the wizard proclaims, his voice carrying across the land. "Our realm is at a turning point. New heroes have been chosen."

Mike's heart skips a beat. He glances around at the people, now looking at him, and those standing next to him with anticipation. The realization sets in – he is not just a bystander here; he is one of these heroes apparently summoned into this world.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Mike whispers, feeling uneasy at this revelation.

As the wizard continues to speak, Mike's uneasiness is replaced by a sense of excitement and curiosity. He listens intently as the wizard reveals that each hero possesses a unique power, a gift bestowed upon them by the Guardians.

As Mike listens intently, a sharp sound grabs his attention.

[Ding] Welcome To The World Of Elara!

[Ding] You May Now Spin The Wheel Of Fortune!

"The Wheel Of Fortune?" He could already guess what this likely meant. Nonetheless, shortly later a massive wheel adorned with mystical symbols, each representing a different power popped up in front of him.

After he pressed [Spin] the massive wheel started to whirl, and for a brief moment, everything became a blur. Finally coming to a stop with a resounding [Ding].

[Ding] Congratulations You Have Successfully Pulled [Ultra Evolution System ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[Would You Like To Use Now?]

[Yes] [No]

Thinking briefly, Mike decided to press [Yes], and with that, after a short pause, a new panel popped up in front of him.

[Ultra Evolution System]

Please Choose Your Base!

1. Dog

2. Cat

3. Pig

4. Mouse

5. Lizard

"Seems a bit limited for a system starting with the word 'Ultra', but whatever, I've always been more of a dog person anyway - though, I wonder if the lizard path will eventually lead to a dragon evolution or something. Eh, I already made up my mind. I pick the dog." After a brief scan of the option in front of him Mike silently picks his option while the wizard finishes his speech.

[Dog Base Has Been Selected]

Please Gather Energy To Advance Your Evolution!

[Energy] 0/10

"Okay that's super vague, but it makes sense, I need energy to evolve. Still, how do I actually gain energy?" maintaining a poker face, Mike tries to guess how he can gain this so-called 'Energy', however, until he can test out his hypothesis, he's left wondering.

As the ceremony comes to a close, a group of individuals approach Mike. From left to right - a blonde busty elf, carrying a staff on her back, dressed in flowing green robes. A tall lizardman, wearing heavy iron armor, holding a shield and a sword at his waist. A skimpily-dressed bunny girl, holding what looks like a flute in her hand. And a dwarf covered in chainmail while holding a flail and a short shield in his hands.

After scanning each other for a brief moment, the bunny girl smiles seductively and walks up to Mike.

"Hey handsome! You're one of the chosen also, how about you join our party? We're looking for one more member." the bunny girl states while walking around Mike, seemingly looking at prey.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Without taking another look at her Mike turns to look at the rest of the group.

"Oh, a lone wolf is that it?" The bunny girl chuckles.

"Don't mind her. Cely likes to tease everyone she meets. I'm Feliona, you can just call me Fey. The fellow in the heavy armor is Droky, and the one holding the flail is Gunntar." The elf girl introduces herself while offering a handshake.

"Mike" Giving a handshake and nodding to the other two Mike then turns to leave eager to test out his new system.

Cely, the bunny girl, pouts playfully, seemingly unfazed by his rejection. "Well, if you ever change your mind, cutie, you know where to find us!" she calls after him, her tone still flirtatious.

While the rest simply wave or nod.

As he walks away, Mike can't help but wonder about the group he just encountered. Feliona, Droky, Gunntar, and Cely – they seem like an eclectic bunch. But for now, he's more intrigued by the Ultra Evolution System he has acquired.

With a guess in mind, he asks for directions to his next destination, the kitchen. Indeed, if energy is required, then food might very well be a solid guess.

However, after eating a new message popped up in front of him.

[Ding] Please Hunt Your Own Food To Gather Energy!

"Ah, there goes my dream of eating to become stronger." Mike silently sighs while placing the wooden bowl in his hand on the table.

"Well, I guess it's clear now… I wonder… Status" Saying the famous words in his mind Mike is pleasantly surprised to find that another window pops up in front of his face.


[Name] Michael Carter

[Level] 1

[Age] 20

[Mind] 10

[Body] 10

[Spirit] 10

[Available Points] 0

[Energy] 0/10 (Energy Needed For Next Evolution)

[Evolution] None

[Powers] None

[Skills] None

"Well it looks like the standard game character status window, except this evolution tab is new," Mike mused, examining the information displayed before him.

With a clear understanding of the system requirements and the need to gather energy, Mike decides to venture out into the Kingdom of Zotis. He follows the directions given to him by the castle staff and heads toward the nearby forest, hoping to find some creatures to hunt for energy. Before leaving he decided to borrow a hunting knife from one of the hunters returning from a hunt with what looked like a blue deer on his back.

As he delves deeper into the woods, he can feel a mystical energy all around him. The trees seem to whisper ancient secrets, and the air hums with a hint of magic. Mike takes in the sights and sounds, marveling at the wonders of this new world.

After a while, he spots a group of small creatures scurrying about. They are rabbit-like beings with colorful fur and long ears. Remembering the message from the system, he decides to try hunting one to gather energy for his evolution.

With stealth and determination, Mike quietly approaches the creatures, while crawling on the ground, drawing on his natural instincts. He picks his target, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As the creature hops closer, he pounces, catching it in his hands before it can react.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, he takes another look at the struggling rabbit-like creature in his arms. A sense of hesitation grips him, undoubtedly, gathering energy would mean killing this rabbit. Mike was never much of a pacifist, but at the same time, he never killed anyone or anything. Looking at the creature in his hand, struggling for its life.

Mike arrives at a crossroads. Should he kill the rabbit? Or should he look for a different way of gaining energy?

Should he kill? Or should he not? YOU DECIDE.

Senseisancreators' thoughts