
Headlights, dream crusher

~ 10th July, 2019

A blue SUV with flashy headlights was driving at an unimaginable speed, in my perception it was close to 90 km/h give or take. As I was drifting off into another one of my overthinking states, I didn't pay attention to the moving SUV heading straight for my body, the more I was thinking the closer it got.

Random friend: William! Watch out! Will-.

The next thing I felt was my body going back and tumbling down, what I saw were bright lights infront of me, and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground, was I dead? No, no I wasn't, I was perfectly alive and uninjured because I was saved by my friend just before the SUV crashed all the 206 bones in my body. My friend grabbed me by the bag and pulled me back just in the nick of time, then we landed on a patch of grass and got ourselves a pair of matching bruises.

"What's wrong with you dude? You could have gotten yourself killed!" my friend yelled angrily.

"Sorry, I got rapped up in my thoughts" I responded

"Well unravel yourself before you get your ignorant ass killed" he added

"Is she still talking to that guy?, am I hurt? Why does it even matter? Huh I nearly died because of her but it doesn't seem to bother me" I thought to myself

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention to my surroundings next time, I owe you one dude hehe" I responded outloud.

She didn't even see anything, I almost got killed but she didn't pay any attention to what was happening, she was just across the street but she didn't see anything. at this point my mind got really foggy and I couldn't focus, I was contemplating on what to do, and what not to do.

Eventually I reached home, and as the daily routine was, it was her house before my own. I went at her place as usual but she wasn't there yet.

"She's probably with that stupid guy, he isn't even that great looking ugh, well sure he has a bigger body than mine, and his voice is way deeper, he probably plays basketball but pshh he couldn't get better grades than me if his ancestors helped him, he looks so pathetic, what am I feeling so bad about ah I'm better right? Right"

At this point I learnt about my insecurities, and I dealt with them rather poorly, I never really let her know how I felt even when it destroyed me on the inside to keep it to myself, I kept it in, hidden in the shadows never tone exposed under no circumstances.

At around 5:30pm I left for my nightly sessions, it was a few blocks away, it took me about 20min to get there so usually I would get there just before 6pm, I wore my blue hoody and my grey sweatpants then I started off. I arrived at 6pm sharp, Mr. Rhinos whom I mentioned earlier in the other chapter was my tutor, he had already started the lesson.

Mr Rhinos: Young man where have you been? Take a seat

The only seat that was available was one next to Christine, coincidence? I don't know what this crazy sphere we call earth has install for me.

I took a seat next to her, I felt rather uncomfortable.

"was it because I saw her with the other guy? Maybe I'm just acting up, is it hot in here? Jeez is my hair messy? why hasn't she said anything to me? William get a grip of yourself breathe and stay focused yes? Yes." I thought

"How was your day Christine? I came by your house earlier but you were not there, where'd you go?" I asked desperately trying to break the silence.

*Everyone looked my way*

"Eh what the hell you looking at? Just write what's on the board" she yelled

Something definitely happened that she wasn't telling me, she never acts up she always has her shit together unlike me who's shit is all over the place.

"Guys did something happen?" I asked curiously.

Inspite of me asking no one responded to me, as if implying that Christine had to answer it herself.

"You guys are wet blankets jeez" I added

Peter: we aren't the only ones who will be wet and crying when you find ou-

Tendai: Peter! shut your mouth!

Peter: I'm only trying to let him know

Me: let me know what? Is there something you're not telling me?

I looked at Christine, but she couldn't look me in the eyes.

"Fine if you guys are going to be like that don't talk to me till this lesson is over."

Christine: William I have something to tell you.

Me: I said after the lesson is over.

Christine: hm fine suit yourself.

"I knew it, it's about that damned muscle head of a person, she has definitely fallen for that pathetic excuse of a pupil, huh Anyway don't show any emotions just write." I thought to myself

Before I knew it, it was already 8pm and it was time to go home.

Christine: William, do you have a minute?

Me: is this about that guy you were with earlier? What about him? Is he the other guy you like besides me? I saw how happy you were what do you want?

Christine: is this why you got overly uncomfortable William? Jeez he is my friend, besides he knows that I like someone else why are you acting like a baby?

Me: so now I'm a baby?

Christine: Behave yourself.

Me: fine, what is it that you want to talk about?

Christine: it's about earlier today, I wasn't at home because I was with the guy you saw me with.

Me: yeah, and what about it? "It's not like I give a damn or anything, but if I hear her say something happened between them I'll break down."

What she said was the most shocking thing you could possibly imagine and that's why I am unable to remember exactly what she said that day, but I know it wasn't anything good.

I went home immediately after that feeling rather sluggish.

"I like her don't I? Huh how sure am I? If I take long I'll be friend zoned, but if I rush we won't last long what am I going to do?"

We will surely find out later in the novel how this went through.

~ 20th July, 2019.

It was a Saturday I had nothing to do no plans, no girlfriend just my phone, the internet and myself, literally no worries. To make it even more enjoyable I was home alone the entire house all to myself what a life nothing sweeter than an empty house all to yourself, when you live in a large family privacy is something you never truely enjoy, everyone is all up in eachother's business jeez, but this is the time to enjoy a little me time. Time to take advantage of every minute that i have to myself.

I wasn't expecting anyone to visit me especially Christine, this was a me day. I was in my pajamas half the time, not until I heard a knock on the front door.

"Damn who could this be? Maybe if I keep quiet they will go away."

But suddenly the knock got even louder,

"hello anyone home!?" The unknown person exclaimed.

"Why does that voice sound familiar oh no no no is that? It can't be? Or could it be? No way just keep quiet maybe they will go away" I thought to myself

"William I know you're home, you don't have a girlfriend, you don't have any friends to visit, and the rest of your family isn't at home so open this Damned door right now" the person yelled.

"How does this person know so much about me, is it truly that person? But it can't be, could it? Well might as well find out."

I quickly went to my room, changd my pajamas and wore a shirt and a short and headed out to the front door, I quickly opened the door, but to my own surprise the person that was standing at the door was non other than....

Find out who in the next chapter of "Willy & Chrissy".

Next chapter