

I quickly went to my room, put on a shirt and a short and headed to the front door, I quickly opened the door only to find that the person that was there was non other than my dreaded classmate "Mike". Why couldn't it have been someone else? Even a lost stranger seeking shelter would be better than him, but inevitably it had to be Mike.

Mike was my classmate since the 10th grade till I completed highschool. He had a huge body with inch for inch biceps and triceps attached to his muscular arms. They throb each time he twitched or moved his arms which made me think twice about his age, he was a walking mountain. Inspite of this physique he was a general goof ball, you'd think he had wits not so? But Mike was quite gullible, he was so naive. His IQ was that of a 13year old, I would always have to intervene everytime he nearly got scammed, and sticking my neck out for him. Well you can't win them all now can you? What is the boy doing at my residence? Is he out for blood or something?

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