
Kai Lane Chapter 3: Case

Three days passed. Kai continued his life as if nothing had happened after that day, but some things were not as he thought. His mind was always on that day, that moment. There was a knock on the door. That's when Sam walked into his room. 

"What are you doing?" he said.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm studying," Kai said sarcastically. The smile on his face at that moment was like the bright sun. But Sam, as a man and as his brother, was unaffected by it. He'd seen that smile too many times. 

"Okay. We're having coffee. Come with me if you're going to drink." Sam said and left the room.

Kai didn't say anything. It had only been three days since the fight, but the effects were huge. A lot had changed in a short time. Many people were now approaching Sam, making friends with him on the sly. They recognised his presence. Sam was losing his shyness by being around people. He was becoming more and more brave and childlike. Kai knew he couldn't really comment on whether this was a good thing or not, but he was happy as Sam broke through the wall of shyness. 

At the same time, Kevin and Jack were in the same situation. Kevin had already taken every opportunity of his friendship with the girls to start a harem. Jack was the same as before, but Kai could see him laughing about it sometimes. He liked to be praised. People flattered him. 

Nevertheless, Jack's petulant behaviour was starting to get to his father. Once again, they were falling out. And neither of them was doing anything. At least Jack's hateful personality was directed at someone else and diminished.

But Kai wasn't happy about it. He didn't like people being so fickle. And he didn't like the attention. He'd never do anything like this if he could help it. In fact, he couldn't if he could help it. 

When Kai finished his work, he opened the door and yawned and started walking down the corridor. Kai's mum Isse passed Kai with a tray, Kai took the coffee he thought was his and kept walking. His steps were as slow as a panda's. 

"Kai, walk a little faster. I'll be there soon." said Isse. Kai also sped up a little. Inside the small house, he quickly reached the living room. His father was lying down watching television. Sam had taken his mum's phone and was secretly doing something. His twin brothers Matt and Lily, who were 1 year older than Kai, were sitting on the sofa eating chips. Kai wondered how his mum wasn't bothered by this. 

Of Kai's family members, only Sam, Matt and Lily knew everything. Sam was the main reason Matt and Lily knew everything. The little boy couldn't resist telling someone. As long as Matt couldn't tell his mum and dad everything, Kai was fine. He didn't care if they knew. Even if they asked him about something, he wasn't going to answer. 

Kai sat down to watch the telly when his mother burst into the room. Matt switched off the telly. Kai leaned back to wait for what was going to happen. Apparently something had been found out. That was pretty obvious. Isse interjected.

"When were you planning on telling us about your fight at school, Kai?" said Isse. She was angry, but Kai was more angry with Matt. Even though he knew something like this was going to happen, he didn't think it would happen so soon. Matt was even worse than he thought. He showed his teeth at Matt in anger.

"I told you not to tell anyone! Especially Mum!" said Kai. 

"Like you didn't know I was going to tell Mum, Kai," Matt said. 

"I knew, but I didn't think it would happen so soon."

"It's something that shouldn't be a secret. Mum would have found out sooner or later anyway." Kai knew he was right, but he couldn't face it. What would the consequences be? His family didn't like violence. Even though his father had a very muscular body. 

"Don't worry, I have a good idea, son." said Rhodes. When Isse gave Rhodes a stern look, the old man corrected his words to 'we'.

"We signed you up for the gym," his mum said. Kai gave her an indifferent look even though he didn't understand. Why were they doing such a stupid thing? 

"So you can get it off your chest. " Lily said. 

"So, what do you think about the gym?" said Rhodes. Under normal circumstances, all the siblings would have found their parents' strange decision pointless, but they weren't entirely wrong. They were right, so Kai didn't object at all. Besides, it might even be fun. He'd spent his whole life trying to train his brain because of his parents. Now they were giving him a chance to be stronger. 

Maybe it was because of his age. Kai was only thirteen. 

"Okay. "

"Be at the gym tomorrow at 15:00. Don't be late. It's an old mate you'll meet." and everyone went back to their old, lazy lying positions. The telly was switched on and the crisps were eaten. 

Kai joined Sam.

"What are you doing?" he asked. Sam was looking at the phone very intently. So much so that he didn't notice Kai sitting next to him. 

"Nothing...." Kai glanced at him and he could see how worried he was. It was too obvious for him to hide. He didn't want to show her what he was looking at on the phone. It was highly suspicious. 

"Or are you... Sam, you might be curious about it, but in a place like this, you can't watch it-"

"No! No! I'm not watching anything. It's not what you think. "Sam said. Kai took the phone from Sam's hand without letting him resist. As Sam tried to take the phone from Kai's hand, Kai held Sam back with one hand and looked at the picture with the other.

"Who's Melissa?" he asked. 

"No one. "

You could tell he was worried. Kai wished he could read his mind. Then he could find out more quickly who this girl was. Of course he was still going to find out. He just wished it was easier. 

"Your face doesn't say that. "

"No, I came across it on the phone."

"Stop talking crap and talk. I won't count to 3. Spill it."

"It's a girl from my class. I just bumped into her."

"Don't lie!! If there was such a thing, you wouldn't try to hide it from us."

"I love him....I guess."

Sam didn't want to deny it anymore. As long as Kai was there, he didn't see a problem with telling him. 

"Come on, let's go to our room, it's not something we can talk about here. " then Sam and Kai left the room and went to their own rooms. Sam and Kai stayed in one room while the twins Lily and Matt stayed in another. Rhodes could not give a room to each of the 4 siblings. He was not that rich. Even with Isse, they were staying in one room. Could you see how poor they were? 

"Tell me how this happened." Kai jumped right in. 

"I used to watch him all the time. He was kind and nice and wanted to be friends with everyone. He even became friends with me. I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to have a real conversation with him, but he's been more talkative the last few days and we're... a little closer. I'd be remiss if I didn't say it's because of you. "said Sam. 

"I really didn't realise how much love that day had paved the way. If so, I'll try to support you as much as I can. I'm not experienced enough to guide you, but I can ask Kevin to help you. Now go to bed. Tomorrow will be a day of new opportunities. " Kai said and they both laughed and crawled into the soft bed and lay sleepily on the bunk. Sam was upstairs and Kai was downstairs. 

"Go to bed now. "Kai said. He knew Sam was still thinking. 

After 5-10 minutes Sam started talking. Kai was in a thin sleep, but he woke up with Sam's voice. 



"Thank you. "

"For what?"

"For everything. "

"You're welcome. Just go to bed."

He said, "Okay. Good night."

"Good night. " 

Finally they both fell asleep and spent a peaceful night, not thinking about the life that awaited them. 

But at that moment Sam had a misconception. Sam was a little boy. So was Kai. But there was one difference between them and that was Kai's outlook on life. From the day they learnt to read, their mother made them read heavy novels. She encouraged them to research and learn new things. Only Kai had this enthusiasm for reading and he understood himself better than anyone else at his age. He knew Sam wasn't in love. He knew he couldn't fall in love. They were just little children, and in none of those works had he ever seen such little children feel love. The most Sam could have was simple admiration. It was Sam himself who tried to do what he saw in the stories because he thought he was in love. The only reason Kai helped him was because he believed that his brother would soon realise this. 


When Kai woke up in the morning, only Lily was awake. She was having breakfast. She didn't seem to have any intention of trying to get any of them up. 

"Come on get ready, we're going to be late for school, wake the others up." said Lily as she brushed her blonde hair. Her hair fell down her back and was a thing of immense beauty. She and Matt were already in high school. And Lily was one of the prettiest students in high school. Unfortunately, only her parents knew how rude and barbaric she was. Kai nodded sleepily and went and woke Matt and Sam with difficulty. He came round as he woke them up. He finally got ready in his room. 

Eventually Kai got ready too and went to Lily's side. Since he was a boy, it was enough to wear a pair of trousers and a school uniform. He didn't have to bother with long make-up or anything. 

"Are they ready?"

"Yeah, they're coming," Kai said. They had breakfast and then went to school. After school was over, Kai went to the gym. Kai saw someone waiting for him there. It was a well-built giant with short black hair. If he slapped Kai, it wouldn't be surprising if Kai's head exploded. The sincere yet frightening smile on his face gave Kai a feeling of intense fear. If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that if he fought this man, he would be crushed, even if it was like when he fought Seth. Apparently this person was Kai's trainer. 

"My name is Stephan. I'm your new trainer. I heard from your father that this is your first time to do sports. First we will start with the basics and then we will move on to other movements. I'll tell you what to do when we start."

"Can I come here to do sports whenever I want?" asked Kai. He was in a hurry and he was dying to punch the punching bag. He must have thought it was one of the coolest things for a little boy to do. As soon as he hit the punching bag, he would realise how weak he was. It would make him want to cry to see that even the little bag was not lifted by his punches. Stephen would let him as long as he didn't break his wrist. 

"Sure, it's open 24/7," he said.

"Thanks." said Kai and then Kai did the basic moves with Stephan. After a while, Stephan released him. Kai started to repeat the basic movements. 

"Your body is very suitable for sports. You have great flexibility and a body suitable for muscle development. Come every day except Sunday and Friday." said Stephen. 

"OK. "Kai said. He walked over to the bag and gave it a quick swing with his fist. Stephen wasn't Kai's first child pupil. He had taught Kai how to punch because they all wanted the same thing. When Kai's fist struck the punching bag, it unexpectedly had an impact on the bag with a force that a 13-year-old should not have. He knew that on the day he fought Seth, his body had been affected by a force he couldn't understand and that power still existed somewhere in his body, but he didn't expect this much. Was this a change? No, this was not a change. This was an evolution! Kai was normally thin, but with each passing day he realised that his body was changing and getting in better shape. Involuntarily, the muscles in his body began to develop and his strength began to increase. He was eating more. He no longer ate less than 6,000 calories. 

So Kai tested himself for the rest of the day and finally went home. 

A week passed like that. Kai went to school again and when he came back his mum was talking to a woman.

"Who is she, Mum?" said Kai. He wasn't the least bit embarrassed. He had asked directly when she was there. But there was no need to be embarrassed. He could clearly guess who she was from the way she looked, but he wondered why she was here.

"She's a lawyer, Kai. "He said.

"Why is he here?"

"For you. What you did to Seth wasn't a simple thing, Kai. Now he's in the hospital and he's in trouble. Naturally, his family's suing. They want us to pay for it. "Isse said. 

"But I didn't do anything there! I was just defending myself," Kai said, but both Isse and the lawyer shook their heads. Kai was still very naive. 

"I know, but his family doesn't think so. I'm telling you this now so as not to upset you, the trial starts tomorrow. Be aware of that, but don't worry. We will win. "He said and sent Kai to his room without further ado because he was tired. Kai went to bed early. He didn't want to hear any more today and he wanted another day to pass quickly. He was just now realising that it was stupid to expect that what he had done there would only have good consequences. 

He hated doing stupid things. 

In the morning Kai got ready for the case. He made his way to the courthouse. When Kai arrived at the courthouse, the first face he saw was Seth's mother. She was thinner than he expected, but still ugly. Despite this, Kai did not see her as a bad person. Her eyes were red from crying and when she saw Kai her eyes began to glow with anger. Kai left without saying anything. He knew what he had done to his son. 

Seth may have been bad, but he was just a boy like any other. Seth had never hit anyone this hard. Maybe he didn't even deserve this bad. 

When the trial started, for a while it looked like Seth's family was winning. Then when the Lane family put on their defence, it became clear that they were going to win. They must have decided that Kai was scared and unconscious because of what Seth had done earlier. But Kai wasn't listening much. He was just looking around. Everything was brown, there was some yellowness in some places, but other than that, everything was brown. It was like a room made of wood and there was a frightening tension in the atmosphere. He didn't dare to scrutinise any further and bowed his head. 

"Your turn, son. Let's hear your side of the story." said the judge. 


Kai raised his head and looked at the judge. His face instantly turned ugly. He was in the middle of a really serious situation and he hadn't listened to anything. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead and his back was drenched. He was cursing himself for being so stupid. 

"Okay, sir," Kai said. He told the whole story. And he did his best to justify himself. Still, he didn't know where to press his point because she wouldn't listen. It was doubtful how useful his words would be. 

Kai told and told and told. and on and on, and he got angry. Once again he convinced himself that Seth was guilty. The situation was absurd. It wasn't as if he was doing it consciously. He couldn't control himself. He forgot where he was. He blamed people. He was one step away from insulting, yet he could see the incredible calmness of his family. He continued to say his words, but after a while he realised that no one was listening to him. On the contrary, everyone was looking at him in amazement. Everyone except his father. The coldness he saw in his father's eyes at that moment caused him to sweat wet sweat on his back. But he could not understand why. He had attracted attention. And in a very bad way. When he realised this, he stopped talking. 

'What's going on?' 

But Kai saw the answer to this question in his palms. There was splintered wood in his palms. He looked at the wood in amazement. Small splinters had sunk into his hand and it hurt. Kai once again felt his body ripple. He understood a little of what it meant and immediately ran out of the courtroom. He knew it was disrespectful, but if anything more showed up, they could face consequences worse than losing the case. Sam and Matt came running after him. Kai went into the bathroom. 

"Get back!" Kai shouted. Kai looked out the window as Matt came towards him. He saw his eyes. He shivered. His eyes... they were red! Kai was scared when he saw the glowing eyes. He lowered his head and hid his eyes from Sam and Matt so they wouldn't be scared. They could hear footsteps.

"Are you okay?" Sam said.

"You guys go, I'm coming."


"Go away!" This time Kai's voice was loud and harsh. The old Kai wouldn't have sounded like that. He wouldn't have been so angry. He wouldn't have shouted at them. A sad expression appeared on Sam and Matt's faces. It was painful to see their brother like this. Not understanding what had happened to him was even worse. 

When they left, Kai lifted his head and looked in the mirror. His pupils were glowing red. Kai took a step backwards when he saw his eyes. Slowly his eyes returned to their original colour. Kai fell to his knees. Everything he had learnt in his life told him that this was impossible. He must have been imagining it, but it was happening right in front of him. And his power... he felt it. His eyes were blurry and his hands were on the floor. Kai knew nothing, but he could tell his body was changing. When he saw his eyes, he knew. 

"What's happening to me?! "

Do you really want to know the answer?

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