
Kai Lane Chapter 4: Melony

Kai finally managed to stand up. His eyes were clear, but he still didn't understand what was happening. His hands were shaking. He suspected it might be a disease, but he had never heard of anything like it in his life. This was not normal. How far could he go like this? He wondered. And he was afraid of being arrested by the authorities. He had seen many films about forbidden zones where different people were taken to laboratories and experimented on to learn about their differences.

Kai left the toilet and went back into the courtroom. The broken pieces had already been cleaned up, but the broken wood was still there. It was a strange sight to see Kai standing there as if nothing had happened.

The judge just looked at Kai. He didn't look the least bit suspicious. That was strange. Everyone had calmed down. That was also strange. The judge didn't seem to want to keep his word for too long and it seemed that the arguments were over. Then he made his decision and gave Kai no trouble. Kai was found not guilty and the Lane family went home happy. Even if they had lost, Kai would have been fine, but his father could have been fined a lot of money and Kai didn't want that.

"We won!"

Kai hugged his brothers and sister. Then Isse and Rhodes came and Kai realised that he didn't want anything else. He might have strange eyes or a sickly body. But it didn't matter. As long as Kai was with them, he didn't see it as a problem. He was happy that way, but something told him it wouldn't last long.

Melony Thompson

"Melony Thompson. " said a man. He was a black-haired, blue-eyed man, about 35-40 years old, about six feet tall. He had very expressive cheekbones, but his chin seemed a little forward. He wore his hair slicked back. There was no expression on his face. Melony got up from where she was and walked towards him. She didn't even know what she was doing here, but she had come. And yet she had come to this man. He seemed to be a nice guy. Melony could tell by looking at him that she was in good hands. At least that's what she thought. There were a lot of people here besides her. And no one had been mistreated. That was her naive way of thinking, but she trusted them for now.

"Take the bus over there. Don't worry, it's a safe place. We'll tell you what happened soon," the man said. His words sounded as if they were on autoplay. But the man's tone was reassuring. Melony felt safe in a way she didn't understand and she suspected that this time it wasn't under her influence. Melony walked over to the bus the man was pointing to with his finger. It wasn't a very large bus. It was like a shuttle bus. They must have brought people like her here.

Melony took a window seat at the back and watched quietly as people boarded. Soon the person who had spoken to Melony a few minutes earlier got on the bus with them. Next to him was another man, very different and much older.

"Listen carefully. I'm tired of telling you this every year, but I'm going to tell you in the simplest way possible. There is a world out there that you don't know about, and life is different than you think. We have powers, even if you don't realise it, and the life you have is about to be destroyed. We are taking you from the world you thought you belonged to. From now on you will be trained to live as a developmentalist. "said the man. Melony couldn't see his face, but she could see that he had a well-built body and heard that he had a deep voice. This man had a more authoritative air about him than the one before.

Voices began to rise from the crowd. Everyone was talking to each other, wondering what was going on, what kind of joke this was, but the stern look of the man in front of them made them unsure.

"You're just doubting. It happens every year, so I'll show you the truth."

The man blinked once and his eyes changed colour to a phosphorescent green. At that moment, in front of everyone's eyes, lightning began to shoot out of the corners of his eyes, but the lightning returned to its original position before it was finished. The people were silent, unable to make a sound. Now everyone could see that something was strange. It was strange for a person's eye colour to suddenly change, but for lightning bolts to appear in them? That didn't seem understandable.

"My name is Michael. I am the director of your new academy. You don't have to worry about this situation. Your families know. And your friends have already forgotten about you. You belong here! In this world! Welcome to Red Lightning Academy!


2 hours had passed. Melony noticed the car slowing down and took off her headphones. They had obviously arrived at the Academy. Then she looked around. But she couldn't even look, her eyes weren't qualified to see such things. It was so big that Melony could barely see the top floor when she looked up. Could it be behind the clouds? Its width was also extraordinary. Or did it stretch for miles?

Melony and the other children were very excited. They felt like they were in a magic school, but apparently this was much better. It was much different. Everyone got off the bus and started to look around the Academy.

Michael got off the last bus as they grew impatient and waited for Michael. He didn't find the children's excitement strange. It was always the same. The new children were no different from the previous ones.

"Yes, line up single file so we can get in easier," he said. Everyone lined up as he said, and Melony slowly got in line. It was hard to get a place at the front. Melony had a small body that was easy to crush.

Michael spoke again.

"They will ask for your name. Say your name one by one. They will give you your house key and your timetable. Your textbooks and things will be in your rooms. Now follow me," and everyone began to follow him. Melony was worried about the situation. It seemed that not everyone would be staying in one house. She didn't think they could give everyone a house or an apartment. There were too many people. And what worried Melony was the personality of her housemates. She hoped they wouldn't see her as weak and bully her. In the past, she had to work very hard to avoid situations like this. She didn't want to put herself in that position again.


Half an hour later it was Melony's turn.

"What's your name?" the woman in front of her said.

"Melony Thompson," Melony said.

"Wait a minute, Melony. "she said and went to the back. She came back with a key and a piece of paper. She did it in a matter of seconds. She must have been very quick and agile. There were five other people like that woman. 5 more lines. And they were absolutely adept at cutting the line with frightening speed. It was hard not to admire her in this situation. No one else here could keep up with a tenth of her speed.

"This is your schedule. This is the key to your house." The key had 520 written on it. That was Melony's house number.

"Your classes start tomorrow. The houses start up ahead." Melony didn't wait any longer and started walking towards the academy, which she referred to as the 'further grounds', a large grassy field. She stopped a passerby and asked about the houses, the boy kindly gave her directions and Melony walked to where he said.

"I wonder where that boy described to me? Where are those houses? Are they these?"

Melony said aloud, but no one heard her. After walking for a few minutes, she managed to find where the houses were. The next thing to do was to find the one that belonged to her. After all, the number of these houses started at ten thousand.

When Melony arrived at her house, no one was home. So she lay down on the sofa and waited. Melony thought they would be home soon. It had taken her a short time to find the house, but that might not be true for everyone.

Seeing that no one had arrived, she looked at the clock. After inspecting the house and doing a bit of cleaning, she had spent the rest of the day thinking and watching television, but she was not at ease.

"It's ten o'clock," she said aloud. There was no one else in the house. There was no one to hear her, but at that moment she regretted saying it.

"Don't worry, the Academy is full of people who talk to themselves. "said a voice. It came out of nowhere and was enough to make a little girl feel like she had fallen into a horror film at night. When Melony heard Michael's voice, she straightened and stood up.

"Excuse me, sir," she said.

"Call me Michael. I don't like formal addresses. It's pretty meaningless in our world. "Michael said. He knew Melony didn't understand his words, but he knew she would in time.

"Your roommates won't be with you for a while because... their situation is a bit different. The streets are not safe. So you will be alone for a while."

"I see, can I ask you something?"

"Ask away."

"How many people? I mean, how many people is this house for?" said Melony. You couldn't tell that she wanted it to be crowded.

"This house is for 10 people, but they will be about 5 or 6. With you, it'll be seven. There are 5 boys' beds and 5 girls' beds. I'm leaving, so good night. See you tomorrow at the end of year meeting.

Michael said goodbye and disappeared in a way that Melony could not understand. Melony could not contain her astonishment and her mouth dropped open. She could not have imagined in 40 years that humans could have such powers... she could not have imagined it.

In the morning, although she snoozed the alarm three times, it still went off. It woke her up to this strange world. Melony finally managed to get up, eat something and leave her house. It wasn't hard to find the school. She walked back the way she had come. Meanwhile, she couldn't help but be excited about the end of year review that was mentioned in the programme.

Once inside the Academy, he lingered for a while, but after a while he found his way around and even found the area where the End of Year Review took place. It was a very large arena and it was packed. He couldn't even imagine how many thousands of people were inside.

 She sat quietly somewhere, listening. Then Michael entered the room and stood at the lectern. The lectern was a small thing floating in the sky, but the amazing thing was not that it was flying, but that everyone could see it.

There must have been hundreds of thousands of people in the arena.

"Everybody be quiet! Yes, it is sad to see that this year's year-end review is just like all the other years, just the first years, but we will still do what we should have done before. Those who will learn their feelings will have to wait and then we will move on.

Melony understood a little about the power of emotions. These powers were 6 emotions. They were peace, anger, fear, excitement, curiosity and love. These 6 emotions had 6 different qualities. And it was heard that all the teachers had the emotion of fear and the strongest emotion was anger.

Of course, if you could control your own emotion better, you would have the strongest emotion. So everything was variable.

People evolved. This development happened through the energy they drew into their bodies. But Melony only knew so much.

"Melony Thompson! "Michael said. Melony spoke again as she reached the centre of the stage. The stage was a large table that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the arena.

"Pick a stone, Melony. "Melony chose a pink one. It gave her a strange feeling and she thought it would be better to take it. The teacher in front of her nodded, understanding her feelings. So she chose the pink one, but nothing happened.

"Is something wrong?" she said.

"Don't worry Melony, there is nothing wrong. You are one of those who have a sense of excitement. You're a Mind Thief, but you'll learn all that in class, don't worry. You can take your place. "he said. Then he called out the next name and so on.

Melony thought as she walked past her seat. She tried to guess. What strange things this world might hold.

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