

The next day, Oscar began his training.

"H-how exactly is th-this gonna work?" Oscar shivered, barely being able to let out words. His teeth clattered.

"Considering your whole ability, I expected you to have better endurance to the cold…" Jisvo noted to himself, out loud. He rubbed his chin, paying a great amount of attention.

Oscar was sitting in front of a waterfall, letting the rushing water hit his back. It didn't help that the temperature was below zero that day.

"He's holding fairly well, don't you think?" Isalda said, also watching. The pair watched Oscar, struggling to keep his head up.

"Not really. His whole thing is ice, and he can't even handle this?" Jisvo explained, clicking his tongue after.

"H-Hey! Why am I d-doing this!" Oscar yelled out again.

"Mentally, you can't withstand the cold. When you're in that ice form, you ignore the cold since you don't have full control of it. But once you gain control, you'll feel it."

That explanation gave Oscar a little bit of comfort. Until an icicle came crashing for his head.


Isalda and Jisvo laughed.

"Hey, Jisvo. I've got this perfect idea for training."

She cupped her hands, whispering into Jisvo's ears. Oscar saw this. A sense of impending doom washed over him.



"Alright, Oscar. There's been a change up, in this training." Jisvo suddenly announced.

Oscar looked pretty focused, and calm. He wasn't paying attention to Jisvo's voice.

"Fire!" Isalda yelled.

Several icicles came toward Oscar. That's when he snapped back into reality.

[Cast: ???]

The icicles shattered upon approaching him.

"Eh?!" Isalda and Jisvo both exclaimed. Oscar looked a little surprised, as well.



"You're an even faster learner than me…" Jisvo paced back and forth, his hands behind his back.

Oscar looked at him as he paced back and forth.

Isalda was sitting on a tree trump, eating meat on a stick.

"It takes me a lot of focus and energy... But I'm sure I can do it. I can tap into that state."

"Damn it!" Jisvo yelled out, stopping. He shook his arms to the sky.

"… Are you okay, sir..?"

"Leave him, Oscar. He's probably disappointed by how many people are so much more talented than him." Isalda sneered, covering her laugh with her hand.

"That isn't true at all!"

"Just face it! I've known you for all your life! You're a burnout!"

"Don't test me, Isalda. I'll beat your ass."

[Cast: Thunder Daimon]

Jisvo lunged at Isalda.

Isalda stepped to the side, evading the attack. She grabbed Jisvo by the arm, tossing him over her shoulder, and throwing him to the ground.


"You're as weak as ever!"

Oscar looked at Isalda, in awe. It was strange to him. Why would she use a rapier, when she was this skilled at hand-to-hand combat?

"I'm not weak!"

"You're setting a bad example for Oscar here. Now get up."

Jisvo quickly got up, dusting himself off.

Next chapter