
The Saint’s Successor

She isn't here.

Not here either.

"Excuse me, miss. Have you seen this person?" I asked, frantically. I held up the paper. It's a picture of Arlene.

A picture I took off guard. She was eating a fish whole, and the tail had been sticking out.

I should've taken a better picture! A clearer one!

"Ah, sorry, sir. I haven't seen this person."

The woman spoke nervously, with an awkward smile. An elven lady, with lavender hair falling to her shoulders, and dark brown eyes. Her cheeks were rosy, and her skin was pale.

I muttered softly, under my breath. "I'll kill you."

"Hm? What'd you say?"

"Nothing, ma'am. Have a good day."

It was the same response every time. Don't give me that bullshit.

I gripped the picture tightly. It crinkled.

"Hey, watch where you're going."

I was so lost in thought, that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings at all.


The person I bumped into was another elf. Long blonde hair, with seemingly bright green eyes, and a snarky expression. I only noticed it for a second, before she quickly smiled at me. I must've been hallucinating.

(Refer to early chapters)

What caught my eye? She was wearing the same attire that the saint wore, if not a little downgraded. A standard nun outfit, with a necklace hanging from her neck.

Behind her, an extravagant castle.

The saint!

I began my sprint.

"Hey, where are you g-"

Her voice faded as I got closer to the castle.


"I stopped."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's that in your hand?" she asked.

Ah, right! This person might be able to help me.

"Have you seen this woman recently..?"

"Ah. So you're… Keon, right?"

"Yes..? How'd you know that."

"So you're that healer bitch's boyfriend, right?"


"She's with me. She was a bit reluctant, but enough violence motivated her."



Lyrei glared at Keon with a satisfied grin. The kind of face that was waiting for a punch.

"I needed some lackeys so I thought the best course of action was to take some by force! I didn't think I would get a 2 in 1 package, however."


"That girl… what was her name, Arlene? She would be a good toy. The priests aren't allowed to get into any relationships, so-"

Keon grabbed Lyrei by the throat, with both hands.

She struggled, flailing her arms all about, trying to get him off.

When she looked up at him, it was strange.

Is it a void? It seems as if there's nothing there.

Lyrei started to tear up. Her eyes reddened, rolling back.

Nym, the elf saint's brother, kicked Keon off Lyrei.

"You were right, Lyrei! Humans are far too lustful! Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah… I-I'm fine…"

Lyrei coughed, her tears falling an awful lot harder.

"Attacking a nun is a serious offense. I'll deal with this guy, Lyrei."

Lyrei nodded, wiping her tears.



Ailen and Veind were perched against a tree, looking into the barbarian territory. Veind mounted Ailen's back, peering.

"What do you see?" Ailen asked.

"One second."

What used to be a barren desert, became a lush forest. With the help of the barbarians, the land was terraformed.

"It looks different from the last time we were here."

"Ah, right. I wonder how that spiky-haired fella is doing."

Ailen quickly noted. He went silent again, as to make sure Veind was focused.

Within the thick trees, the soil could be described as a mixture of dirt and sand. Because of this mixture, there were a variety of plants.

"I think I… see something moving?" Veind spoke slowly, as she squinted.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure. We have to go and check it out."

"You idiot. That's barbarian territory. Are you just trying to start a war?"

"Shut up! You're the idiot. We have a clear chance here. Shouldn't we take it?" Veind hissed back, sharply.

"Don't be foolish, Veind. Besides, what do you think that woman would do if she found out?"

Veind shuddered at the thought of that woman's cruelty. She wouldn't waste a second with her punishment.

Veind sighed.

"Let's go back and report."



"You saw movement around the area?"

In front of the pair, stood Lyrei. She was fitted in her nun attire, with her necklace hanging.

"Yes, miss."

Ailen and Veind tensed up. They stood straight and firm, their arms to their sides.

This was strange. What could've possibly made the two so afraid of the elf girl?

To all, she's known as a kind and respected nun, gentle and careful to all. She has a close relationship with the saint and is likely to become the successor.

But that is just what she would like for you to see. She would do anything to reach her goals.

"The barbaric territories are very divided, and split up. We can use this to our advantage."

"Can you further explain, miss?" Ailen asked. He played with his life.

Of course, he could not see the expression that stained her face. One of disdain. But he could sense it.

"I'll send out some knights. Ailen, you'll be in charge of leading the militia into the area."

'Ailen, what about me, you bitch?'

"Veind, you are dismissed for this task. Ailen can handle it by herself."

"Yes, ma'am."

Veind bowed her head. She didn't clench her fist, or show any signs of aggression. That was far too risky.

Ailen and Veind walked out of the castle.

"We should've killed her on the spot." Veind gritted her teeth.

"Yeah. I missed my chance."

Next chapter