In the world of cultivation, where extraordinary abilities are commonplace, Sam Verninne's life takes an extraordinary turn on his eighteenth birthday. Awakening dormant powers on this momentous occasion, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and unparalleled strength. As Sam learns to harness his newfound abilities, he realizes the immense potential he possesses, setting him on a path of becoming an unmatched force. In a universe filled with formidable beings, Sam's rise to power knows no bounds. From battles with various entities to even facing off against gods, he faces countless challenges and emerges victorious. But amidst the wars and cosmic confrontations, Sam discovers the true essence of his purpose. He fights not only for love, family, and himself but also to protect the delicate balance of the universe. As his name resounds through the universe, Sam Verninne becomes a legend in his own right. ... At the beginning of the novel, I must admit that my writing may have seemed awkward and embarrassing. However, I assure you that as the story progresses, it gets better and more captivating. I sincerely hope you'll join me on this journey, and I promise that you won't be disappointed with the unfolding tale. [A/N: Rest assured, the grammar significantly improves after the first 25 chapters.]
POV: ???
"I see potential in your skills, although there is room for improvement in maintaining balance. Additionally, incorporating spellcasting into your repertoire could be beneficial," my mentor commented.
As I lay on the ground, trying to catch my breath, his words barely registered. The intense training session had left me exhausted and drained. Every movement was a struggle, and even breathing felt laborious.
Despite my efforts, my opponent had outmaneuvered me at every turn, preventing me from achieving victory. From the start, it was clear that the odds were against me, and doubts about the outcome crept into my mind.
My concerned grandfather, an elderly man with a weathered appearance, observed my weary state. My training attire was tattered, and I was worse for wear. Dressed in a blue robe with a sword at his side, he displayed his mastery as a swordsman. Despite his age, his physique and aura exuded a captivating strength.
After an hour of training, it was evident that I was the one exhausted, while he remained full of energy. I expressed my disbelief at his stamina and agility, as my attempts to strike him with my sword were in vain.
"Training loses its value if I go easy on you. Remember, Sam, strength is born from struggle," he imparted his wisdom as my devoted mentor.
While his words may seem puzzling, they hold historical evidence to support their validity. As reluctant as I was to admit it, I found myself displeased yet acknowledging the truth in his guidance.
"If there's another path for you to grow stronger, even if it's difficult and challenging, you should take it."
"That's how cultivation works," he remarked with a smile. I now realize that my mother has inherited certain traits from her father's distinct personality.
Why do people hold such high expectations? I had never expressed this sentiment aloud.
"If you were to learn magic from your other grandfather, you could achieve much more," my maternal grandfather, Jin, encouraged, extending his hand to guide me into the world of magical spells.
In our world, two races coexist: Heroes and Mages, whose lineages share a deep connection. Both groups maintain a friendly and harmonious relationship with one another.
Mages, as the name suggests, practice magic, while heroes harness the power of mana. Heroes possess a "spiritual root" enabling them to cultivate mana, while magi lack such a root. However, magi possess the ability to cast both elemental and non-elemental spells. Due to my unique circumstances, I possess both these capabilities, which is why I am encouraged to pursue both paths of cultivation.
"And if you continue training like this, you will undoubtedly surpass me in time," he exclaimed, tossing a rejuvenation potion my way.
"I've already advised you to master the Breath of Life; it's a powerful breathing technique passed down from my grandfather."
For nearly six years, my grandfather had trained me in swordsmanship, including the formidable technique known as the 'Breath of Life.' If you continue reading, you'll witness the impressive effects it yields.
One of the sword styles practiced by cultivators is the Dance of Swords, which encompasses various techniques. Within this style lies the Breath of Life, a unique technique associated with the Tatsuya clan, to which my mother and grandfather belonged.
A skilled swordsman must possess qualities of speed and agility, executing swift and precise movements. My grandfather, an accomplished swordsman, had engaged in battles against mages, heroes (both virtuous and villainous), and mythical creatures. His expertise had earned him the revered rank of grandmaster.
On the other hand, magi delve into their origins, cultivating their origin core to increase their lifespan and mana capacity, similar to how heroes cultivate mana to extend their own lifespan.
Fortunately, I possess the ability to pursue both paths.
We, the so-called heroes and mages, reside in Arcane, a magical world far removed from Earth, where ordinary humans dwell. Heroes and mages coexist harmoniously, each establishing their own nations without fear of invasion from other races, given our considerable power.
In my case, I had been blessed with a privileged life. Growing up, I was surrounded by loving and caring parents and grandparents.
"You have confidence, but be cautious not to become overconfident. Remember that," my master advised. I respectfully nodded and expressed gratitude towards him, acknowledging him as my master.
"You don't have to address me as master, especially during training," he replied.
"It's alright, Grandpa. I was taught to show respect when it's due," I responded, gazing at his impassive face. "You taught me swordsmanship, so I must acknowledge you as my master, right?"
He sighed, seemingly conceding defeat in trying to dissuade me. In a matter of seconds, annoyance flashed across his face as he asked, "And who told you that? Your other grandfather?"
He referred to my maternal grandfather, Anos, an elder of the Verninne clan and a mage. There had always been a rivalry of sorts between my grandfathers. At times, they engaged in heated arguments and exchanged petty insults, resorting to childish words that would make you wish you were deaf to their verbal sparring.
"Grandpa Jin, what's the issue between you and Grandpa Anos? Is it because you disapproved of your daughter marrying his son?" I finally voiced the question that had been on my mind for so long.
"Why do you ask?" Grandpa Jin looked genuinely puzzled.
"Well, I assumed you didn't get along due to your daughter's marriage," I explained, hoping to gain clarity.
I didn't want this animosity between them. I was certain it wasn't solely about their children's union, but it didn't hurt to confirm.
"Sam, who do you prefer more, me or your other grandfather?"
"I don't play favorites; he taught me magic, and you taught me swordsmanship. Both of you have been important figures in my life."
"Hm... Anyway, let's discuss our training," he diverted the conversation.
"Do you recall when you attacked me with your sword? How you lost balance while attempting to strike my head?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the adamantine sword in his hands.
"Yes," I replied, giving him a chance to elaborate.
"You exerted too much energy through your legs. When you swung your sword, your hands couldn't handle the pressure from your legs and body, causing you to lose control completely."
"You may be swift enough to reach your target in time, but if you lack the strength to strike, your speed becomes meaningless."
"Remember, Sam, there's no such thing as too much power; balance is what truly matters. You're a martial artist, focusing on speed, but it's not enough. If you want to become an exceptional warrior, you should explore new approaches."
"I am one of the strongest heroes, and your other grandfather, Anos, is a 9th circle mage, among the most powerful mages alive. You've inherited the best qualities from both of us, and none of the shortcomings."
"You're a genius; your potential is extraordinary. Being both a mage and a hero is a testament to your uniqueness. It's a miracle that you can use magic while cultivating mana," he remarked with genuine admiration.
I'm not one to boast, but his words ring true. Typically, individuals born to a mage father and hero mother, or vice versa, struggle to cultivate and practice
magic simultaneously. Yet, I possess both abilities, making me an anomaly. And honestly, I'm unsure how to feel about it.
Others with similar parentage exist, but they are unable to cultivate mana while practicing magic.
"Don't confine yourself to being just a hero; magic is equally important to cultivation," he advised, emphasizing the significance of both paths.
"Furthermore, your lineage is exceptionally powerful. You embody the qualities of the two mightiest clans."
The Tatsuya clan holds significant influence in the hero community, while the Verninne clan wields a comparable standing among mages.
"Yes, Grandpa Jin, I will heed your words." As I pondered his advice, I realized its truth. I may not be inclined towards magic, but the sensation of cultivation is exhilarating.
It's addictive, and my subconscious gravitates towards cultivating rather than practicing magic.
"Alright, let's head back home before your mother and grandmother become upset with me for keeping you out late," Jin chuckled, embodying the whims of an elderly man.
And there it was, his bipolar personality in action.
[Author's Note: As a new writer, I appreciate constructive feedback. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Reviews are welcome. If you enjoyed this chapter, please consider adding it to your library. Thank you!]