
The world is about to end? So what?

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- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

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Chapter 1New world, new journey.

- My teacher said that i failed my work! Year 2008 was when the monsters attacked our planet, so it makes it the year that they appeared, right!? Then why is my teacher saying that i'm wrong!? -- young boy told his father

- No, son, they first appeared a few years before that, but governments decided not to publish that fact, they wanted to study them first! Maybe they were harmless? Maybe they could be useful? Anyway, the governmetn did that to ensure out safety! -- his father said worriedly.

- Uhh, dad, i'm not a kid anymore! I dont believe you! - the kid cried out

- Haha, leets keep it quiet now, it's our turn, lets go, you wanted to buy this new game, right? -- his father hurriedly answered and led him forward.


- Why dont you just listen to me!? -- a man was screaming with a face full of anger

- Listen to you!? Why would i!? You are living in a world full of lies! Government is protecting us!? Then what happened to all those people who are getting drafted for experiments!? Not a single one came back! -- this man was redder than previous one, more than that, saliva flew out of his mouth with every word

- Son, you must listen to me! Do not anything foolish! You dont know what's going on, you are too yo...

- Enough! I'm not going to listen to any of your crap anymore! - the man ran out, forcefully closing a door behind him.


- Like hell i'm going to listen to whatever you're saying, dad! -- a man with nothing but a t-shirt and pair of jeans said to himself.

- Believe this, dont question that, follow the procedures, let them take your blood, let them put a marking on you! What crap that is!? -- he said even louder.

People around him didn't react, there were none in the first place, it was night and the man was alone on the street, seemingly lost.


- Yeah, right! Mana-exposure increases chances of becoming a Protector! Ever since dungeons became an every-day thing there were many people who awakened their potentional through them! I just need to expose myself to mana! -- crazed expression was on a man face who said it all.


- Hey, porter! Why the hell are you so slow!? Cant you run faster!? You are also a Protector, i can see that! Be faster! -- it seemed like a steel mountain was talking with an angry, but somewhat high voice.

- Yes, yes! I am going as fast as i can! -- porters face seemed like it was crying from the pain, but he still chose to struggle.

-* Damn, to think that i could've been in his place if i didn't awaken a nice skill... Well, A class investigation skill makes wonders! -- the man who resembled a pig thought to himself.


- 973... 974... Is that... all!? 974 pieces of F crystals!? That's not even a full D crystal! No... no way - he clumsily ran towards a weight with a bag in his hands.

- 860 gramms!? No way that is true! That's not even a proper E crystal?! Not in a thousand years i'm going to work with them again! -- he shouted angrily.


- Porters for a B dungeon... Porters for an A dungeon... What the hell is going on? Why is there not a single recruitment thingy for lower dungeons? -- he was sitting in an empty room, staring at a phone, just talking to himself.

- Well, since it's decided that i'm not going to get anything that is good - i'll just go to the highest one, my porter portfoilo is enough to get to an S dungeon... -- yeah, porter portfolio, it does exict, sadly, he's the only one who cares about it.


- Porter Squad A, C and F will go to Attack Squad 1, 2 and 3! Attack Squad, choose your porters and come to the gate! -- it was a woman who said all of it, those who heard it wanted to listen to her voice some more.

-* This b*tch again... God damn it, if i knew she would be here - i wouldn't join! She's completely crazy! -- a lone porter thought to himself, i wonder what other people would do to him if they knew his thoughts?

Men and women hurriedly ran each to their own place, somehow they knew where to go. Each and every one of them like a crazed b*stard who wouldn't stop even if the world collapsed.

Of course, there were some exceptions here and there, for example the woman who was talking before, she looked like she came to a banquet, not to a raid a highest class dungeon!

Another exception was... a porter, while others were bulky, tall and at least seemed strong, the one that was standing behind the others in Porter Squad F, he looked like a junkie who would kill for another dose, he wasn't tall, his hair wasn't great and instead of a bear his has just grew here and there, it looked horrible, but he didn't care.

-* I think i'll be fine, the pay here is really good, i think i'd get around 10 A crystals, that's like... uhh... a lot, i'll be able to buy myself a new phone and some nice food for a while... hehe... -- if you were to look at his face now you'd want to puke, it's good that you dont know how he looks like... oh... well... those are good things about him.

-* But... -- he looked around him -- i think those people are at least C-class Protectors... I'm just an F-class! Will i be thrown away?... -- some bad thoughts assaulted his mind -- Naaah, even if i do get thrown away - so what? Would i really care? No, i'd be happy! I'll finally be free of the burden of life! Hahahahaha! -- See? Now imagine how a person who thinks like that would look like.

- Hey, little guy, are you with squad F? -- bulky guy who was twice as big as that insane guy you were just reading about said

- Uh.. yeah? I think i am. -- his shy answer is something else, he looks awful.

- Eh... Okay, follow me, next time if you get lost you will be kicked or worse - dead, follow me or the guy with a shield -- he pointed on a beautiful tall man with short hair and the most beautiful jawline i've... uh... right -- he's in charge, his job is to make sure we can mine and collect everything out... by the way, what are you focused on? I dont see any tools of you. -- he then added, after briefly ranking the small guy in his head.

- Focus? Oh, you mean what i'll do? Anything! Usually i'm just collecting whatever others forgot, it doesn't sound like much, but believe me, at the end of the dungeon i've never brought less than everyone else! -- small guy proudly stated, trying to convince the only person that talked to him not to kick him out immidiately -- Lately... -- he then added...

- Okay, whatever, just try to survive. -- bulky man said, then turned around and ran like a dog towards some other bulky men... why would he run? it's not like there's a reason to...

Some time passed and it looked like kids from kindergarten were taken on a trip, people were screaming here and there, it was really loud and someone is already crying.

It was finally time to go inside. Like many other times when u're supposed to go inside, it didn't work well and some people got lost, thankfully, a beautiful woman came to rescue and threw a small porter inside.

- Is everyone here!? -- who said it? You guessed it, it was a beautiful woman who was called a b*tch by a small man!

- Great, now listen carefully! Attack Squad 1 with their chosen porter group will go towards the mountain on the right, Attack Squad 2 will go there -- she pointed at a big tree somewhere in a distance -- and will collect materials from the book i gave you earlier, Attack Squad 3 will have to follow me! -- as she finally stopped talking she looked towards a small porter.

- Wait, is that you? -- she said with a surprise on her face -- Whatever your name is, it's definitely you! -- she looks angry now... -- Come here! NOW! -- jeez, she's screaming now... it's good that you're only reading it...

- W-What? I dont know you! I'm just a porter! -- small man hurriedly answered...

- Of course you dont, otherwise you would've listened! -- some magic was casted and the small man was locked in place in front of her, was he flying? Yeah! Was it pleasant? Nope...

- I dont know you! Let me go! I'm just a porter! -- why is he saying that again?...

- Stop with that crap, Kerren, it's definitely you! -- she looked even angrier now... holy hell... does that not look s... eh... yeah...

- Okay, fine! Want to kill me? Go on! It's me! I dont regret anything i did! -- the man, whose name was Kerren now looked lively, like he was born anew, it didn't suit him.

- Of course you dont, but i do! Now that u're here - you're following me! -- she then looked away from him -- Men! Go on with tasks i gave you! Also, forget about what u've just seen, it is none of your business!

Everyone looked confused, she knew that little porter? That little porter whose looks would make even a hobo question how it happened? More than that, it looked like they were close! What nonsense!

Still, they chose to follow her order and soon only toppled grass was in a place where they stood.

Eons later, in a far away place, in a far away land called... Wait, not that, it's like a few kilometers and half an hour later...

- You little goblin! Why are you ignoring me!? -- woman said angrily, but quietly.

- Why would i not!? Stop bothering me, i'm a porter! Let me do my job, those people need me! -- he was not as quiet as the woman, some people would think that's he's insane for screaming in an S dungeon... i do too.

- Stop screaming! -- someone from the crowd around them said angrily.

- Fine... -- small man answered -- Now, you, why do you still care? -- he looked at a woman beside him.

- How shameless of you to even ask! You stole my underwear several times this year, and now you want to work under me?! -- wait, did he actually do that? God, he's worse than i thought...

- So what? I needed money! I'm just a poor porter, you wont lose anything and i got some nice cash for them! -- he said proudly... is that really a thing to be proud of? Surely.

- W-what!? YOU SOLD IT!? -- almost suffocating mana circled around her -- I thought you were a fan of mine, that's why i didn't do anything to you! But you! You sold it!? -- she looked angry, but not for a reason i would get angry if that happened to me... what the hell is wrong with her?..

- Oh now u're speaking! That's why there was a guy who followed me everywhere, and then challenged me to a damn duel out of nowhere! He broke half of my body and i started balding because of him! -- if you saw him now he would look like a tomato that was painted in blood, yeah, that red!

- So it wasn't just an accident? Well, it's better that way, you got what you deserved! -- the woman looked somewhat happy...

- Deserved? I just stole your underwear and almost died! -- the man screamed again.

- SHUT THE HELL UP! - a man with golden armor appeared right in front of him and said angrily, it looked like he was ready to kill him here and now. Also, the armor was not made from gold, it's just that the color was golden, just in case you thought someone was insane enough to make golden armor.

- Okay, enough with that, you go back to porters, if i ever see you again - i'll kill you! -- woman finally let go of him, he was flying close to her the entire time.

He fell to the ground with a good smack sound, surely, he broke something!

-* Oh wow, it looks like she made the fall softer, how very kind of her! -- small man thought while lying on the ground, truly a pose to think about life!

He didn't break anything this time... quite sad, to be honest, but oh well, it might soon change!

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Volume 1