
Cowards!; Upset again!?;

Kerren needed to pretend that he did something useful or at least tried to... If it turned out that he didn't do anything it would be a problem. "But he killed the boss" you say? Oh, yeah, he did, you want him to share his reward? No? Then shush, dont talk about it!

Anyway, where was i... Oh, right! What to do? Since the principle knew he wasn't in his room, it could bring some trouble to him... Even if she didn't reveal that fact, she could still notice if he lied about anything... He would gamble, that's the easiest way to solve things sometimes... Well, since it was a gamble it could also ruin everything, but still...

As Kerren was thinking about his next move he was walking towards the main hall, it was fourth time being there since he startet "studying" in this university... Whatever, he didn't know where to go because he wasn't strong enough to locate the students and... simply didn't know where people would be in case of an emergency...

Since the main hall was a big place that could easily be defended - he went there. However, he also thought that help could've already arrived and evacuated the stundents... Wait, why would they even do that? They're future protectors and they ran form f**kking goblins and wolves which were the weakest among monsters? Even if they didn't awaken, they're supposed to know how to fight! Yeah, those were stronger than normal, but... Ah, whatever...

Soon, he was right at the door that led to the main hall. He didn't feel any life or mana inside, which made him certain that this place was under some kind of a barrier. He, however, couldn't even notice that it existed. It didn't feel right... How could he not notice it? He had great understanding of those. He was too weak to see it, which saddened him, he thought he would at least be able to feel it, but it didn't happen.

As he placed his hand of a door, however, he instantly felt it! It was strange, he didn't feel it unless he touched the builting itself? Or was it the door? What about others? Did the same thing happen to them? He instantly asked himself many questions, for none of which he got answer as he lacked information, but he will gather it and eventually get his answers!

He didn't stop or made it look life he left it, instantly opening the door. When he was inside the building he saw several people in armor looking at him with strange expressions. He looked back them and asked...

- You got a problem? -- his eyes were full of scorn.

- Kid, who are you!? -- one the men asked, pointing his sword at him.

- If you are brave enough to point your f*kking sword at someone - be brave enough to die for doing that -- he made a visible magic bolt in his right hand. Truth is - he deliberatly made it visible, since he could easily make it invisible, like he did with bombs. That was an advanced technique and h didnt' want to reveal it, it was his advantage in battles!

- Kid, dont play with fire, you dont know who we are! Get on your knees and put your hands in the air! -- another man demanded with an angry voice.

Was Kerren that brave, to attack random people? Nope, it's just that he could feel that they were weak, insanely weak that, at best they were D rank protctors even by todays standards! What does mean? That meant that in his previous life he could've beaten them to death! Of course, he didn't plan on killing them, at worst he would cripple them so they knew to not talk back to those who dared to be arrogant.

But, as he prepared to attack them, a voice sounded somewhere...

- Kerren! There you are! Where have you been!? -- Yusaya ran to him, instantly asking a question. But, when she was still far enough...

- Who the f*kk are those trash? Get them out of my way or i'll cripple every single one of them. You have 10 seconds to do that. -- he demanded her to make those people disappear out of his sight.

As they heard that, they tried to answer, but Yusaya was faster, she simply made a wave with her, pushing them back. It didn't just move them slightly, it was as if something threw them away!

- Happy now? -- she asked Kerren -- Now, aswer me, where were you!? Didn't feel that horrible explosion?! -- she was worried that it was he who got attacked by that spell or whatever it was, just feeling the aftermath of it made her scared. Was it really that scary? Well, not really, it's just that Kerren made sure to oneshot the boss. It was an obvious overkill that not only scared away all the monsters that were still alive, but the students and teachers too! Thus, they immediately ran to the main hall hoping to save themselves from whatever made that attack!

Strangely, none of them linked it to an explosion they heard days before that one. Well, now that i think about it - it wasn't that strange, the previous bomb that Kerren planted was inside of a test room which was heavily reinforced, it absorbed most of the explosion and this one had two bomb and it was in open space.

- Yeah yeah, i went there to look at whatever it was, i didn't find anything though. Why are you all here? I spent so much time looking for you all that you thought you just ran away! -- he scolded people around him for being cowards.

- You actually ran towards the explosion!? What the hell!? Are you tired of living!? -- she actually scolded him back!? What was she, his mother!?

- Huh? You dare scold me?! You're a coward as well! Didn't you tell me that i have to fight and help others? Look at you now! Scared crapless because of some explosion, and me, a coward, ran towards it! -- he didn't surrender and attacked back!

- You are insane! That explosion was way out of our league! -- she tried to explain her decision. It's not like she needed to do so as everyone understood that, it was too scary!

- Yeah yeah, try to find another bullcrap reason that i'll believe. -- he just waved his hand as if he was not interested -- There's nothing there, at least i didn't find anything, also, the university is completely empty! Not even wolfes are around anymore! Why are you all still hiding here!? -- he was acting like he was the bravest man alive which was partly true, he was brave, but... it was only because he was somewhat insane and didn't fear death at all.

As Yusaya blabbed, trying to explain herself and other students the principal came over to them.

- Kerren, glad to see you! Yusaya here told me that you're in your room but i didn't see you there, where were you really? -- she greeted him and instanly asked the same question Yusaya had, for seemingly the same reason.

- I ran towards the explosion, didn't find anything though. Outside is empty too. -- he explained himself, it was actually the truth, he did run towards the explosion, it's just that it was before it even happened...

- That's why you weren't in your room! Oh, sorry, i barged in without an invite... It's just that your door was destroyed, did you know that? -- she acted like a shy little girl while saying all that, it was really strange.

- Yeah -- he looked at Yusaya -- she did that, but i already fixed it, it's fine. -- he fixed his gaze on Yusaya.

- I was worried, okay!? You deserved it for not answering me! -- she tried to reason destroying his door.

- I'm glad you kids communicate so well! Oh! It's such a coincidence! Why dont you become partners? You seem to like each other a lot! -- she smiled kindly as she said it, still acting ""cute"", moving her hand in a weird way and all... I'm somewhat scared...

- Uh... No, thanks -- Kerren immediately refused, but at the same time as he said it...

- Yeah! I'll be glad to! -- Yusaya was enthusiastic about it!

After saying it, they both looked at each other, seemingly questioning the decision of one another.

- Hahaha! See, Kerren? She likes you a lot! Isn't she pretty? Why dont you get closer to her? -- okay, it's just weird now.

- Excuse me? Are you a matchmaker or something? I think i can decide for myself -- he scolded the principle! IT shoked people that observed the situation!

They were silent, not even knowing what to think! On one side was an arrogant students, on other was the principle! But... he had a reason to be arrogant, he was a genius! He didn't even run from danger! He had a commendable character behind his arrogance! And for the principle... she did act strangely, she was too proactive on them getting together...

- Oh, sorry! I overreacted!.. -- the principle blushed, moving her head down...? What?.. Just to remind you, she was fat, short and didn't look good at all, the only good thing about her appearance was her voice!

- Why are you so against me?.. -- Yusaya said with a sad face, it looked strange since she was the exact opposite compared to the principal! Tall and good looking!

- Why? Haha! Well, you'll have to understand that yourself, you might want to ask whoever is behind you for an easier time though. -- he scolded her. As she heard that she made a shocking expression, as she didn't think he'd realise something! She didn't know that he actually didn't he thought about a different thing, but was still, technically, right.

- I'm sorry... -- Yusaya said, almost crying. She then immediately ran out the building.

- See what you did? Go tell her that u're sorry! -- the principal scolded him on the spot.

- Why dont you do that? Also, i'm going back to my room, i came here to see where are all of you, that's all. -- as he turned back to leave, he suddenly stopped. -- Also, be so kind to teach people that i exist, if those f*kks talk back to me even once more - i will cripple them. Try me out if you want to see if i'm joking or not. -- he declared angrily. He wasn't that angry, it was all a play so other people would be too scared to mess with him!


Soon, he got back to his room and started reading the skill book. He didn't do much apart from that and his life finally came back to being quiet! He rarely left his room, either to buy something or just to look around! He didn't think too much about the principal being inside of it after she revealed that she indeed was here, he thought that even if she planted something it wont hurt him too much if she saw the book.

Yusaya didn't visit him after that day. She acted as before she even met Kerren, she was quiet and didn't approach people at all, but... she seemed sad for some reason. One significant change could also be seen, she became... somewhat angry? As if she was a weaker and less arrogant version of Kerren! Many people thought that she acted like that to attract his attention, it was sad that he didn't care.

The principal, however...

- So? Did you find what that explosion was? -- she asked a seemingly empty room.

- No. There is nothing left after it. It wasn't an artefact, that i'm sure about. -- the empty room answered.

- Was it Kerren? He made a similiar explosion back in the test room. -- she suspected him, and she was right... but she, of course, wasn't sure.

- It's possible, but his explosion was way weaker. The explosion itself was almost the same, i couldn't find anything in the test room, just like that place in the forest. -- the empty room reported.

- Was it his master, then? -- she squinted her eyes -- What about the book? Where did he find it? -- she asked again.

- It was the girl. She gave it to him after the duel two days ago. -- it answered instantly.

- The girl? Huh... So her background is bigger than we thought.. -- she looked at an artefact -- Interesting... Who could give away such a book? Even i would want it... -- it was greed in her heart! -- Sadly, he already started using it -- she said with a dissapointed look.

- We can still take it -- the room suggested.

- No, he's worth more than the book. He's too perfect for our plan. Go make the girl approach him again, he need them to get together. -- as she said it he waved her hand at nothing, seemingly doing nothing.

-* Damn kids... -- she thought in the end.

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