
Heading Out And Messing Around

As Kon read the note, he was starting to hug Eevee closer and closer, the weight of what was happening and had happen sinking in finally. His mind getting chaotic but shaking his head to try and get himself out of it. He smiled with his his green eyes showing pure joy at the Eevee. Eevee looking right back at him smiling too.

"So, what are we gonna do first today Eevee? Oh, how about a new name for ya?" He says with curiosity, his eyes glowing yellow in reflection to his mood.

However, the Eevee in his hands shook her head.

Kon: "You don't want a new name, so you just want to stick with being called Eevee then?"

Eevee happily bobbed her head up and down. Kon happy had his eyes change colors again. "Alright then, well let's start this new journey! Onward march!" Kon said laughingly. He put Eevee on his back and supported her with one of his tails. He didn't even notice till he started walking a little bit.

Kon: 'Hmm, cool. Feels like I've had this body for ages. Well, let's practice some magic. I have it all in my head, so let's just go for it.' And as they walked, he started playing with the elements.

They've been walking for a few hours, Kon never needed to rest really, and Eevee just took a nap in his tails that he curled around her to keep her close and safe. And the dark canopy covering them made it dark at times, but for him was like daytime regardless since he had a sort of night vision due to his better body and his special eyes.

Kon and Eevee were just enjoying the company of each other. Kon still not sure how to start a conversation with Eevee since all she has 'said' was through nods and head shakes. He knows she can talk but typically doesn't he guessed. But as he kept walking he finally got to a point in the woods where they opened up and he could see a pathway leading up.

Kon: "What the heck?" As he said that Eevee poked her head out of the ball of fluffy tails. She cooked her head at the site of it. She knew as much as Kon did since she was just born.

Kon: "So whatcha think? Go up?"

Eevee nodded to his question.

So up the stairs they went. And they didn't realize the amount of animals and monsters that were trailing them while they walked. They started to follow them up the stairs too, just being really quiet about it.

Kon finally reached the top of the stairs after a while of walking. They weren't steep stairs, nor was it a long stair case, but it did take a few minutes of walking to get to the top. And when he and Eevee did, Kon was extremely excited to say the least.

When they got outside, they realized they were in another floor. Kon had an idea though of what was going on.

Kon: "Are we just underground in a dungeon?" He looked at Eevee who had her head next to his peeking over his shoulder to see. She looked at him and then said, "Donno."

Kon: "Well, should we see how far down we are? I can race up, I've been following this line to get straight over here, so it should take us all the way up... I hope..."

Eevee: "Sure."

And with that she jumped out of his tails and got into a racing stance. "Race?"

Kon: "....Yes, let's do this." And as he said he got into a lower stance. "Let's see how long it'll take us to get out. Alright. On go.





And with that he took off like a bullet, leaving sonics booms in his wake, same with Eevee as she was right behind him. They kept climbing, and as they kept running they could see people fighting in the distance fighting other monsters, though it was like they were all frozen and the environment around them changed every so often as the floors the counted numbered up into the 20s. They got to the top and when they made it a sonic boom was created when they both stopped.

"AAAAND SAFE! That didn't take as long as I thought Eevee. What do you think?"

Eevee shook her head, having the same thoughts as Kon.

At that time all the people in the building were just staring at them. Not recognizing them yet they they understood that they came from below. It wasn't until some people in some suits got out of their daze and started walking over that Kon and Eevee's little banter ended. Kon not wanting to interact with anyone there just picked up Eevee in his arms and looked at the man with pointed ears. "Elf?" He said in a questioning tone, and cocked his head to the side slightly. His jeweled eyes turned Yellow in response instead of the Blue they were due to his curiosity. The Elf in question stopped when he saw this. Kon then just smiled and happy he guess it chuckled a little to himself, and Eevee too seeing the funny expression on the Elf. Kons eyes flashed into green as a result, and then he ran outside before anyone could move and jumped onto the building and just kept moving.

Everyone was left there in place not sure how to handle what just happened, but the sun was going down and since everyone was heading out for the night lots of rumors started to spread about the fox boy and the fox looking animal he was carrying around. It didn't take long either for it to reach the ears of the higher ups.

And when they heard what happened they didn't want to believe it,but strange things have always happened with the dungeon, so accepted it but sent out search parties after Kon and Eevee.

Kon and Eevee however were literally hopping around on top of the buildings.

Kon: "Think they're gonna catch up anytime soon? Cause I don't think so." As he was hopping closer and closer to the wall to see it. They've been hopping around the city and letting themselves be spotted and having the search parties all look closer to the tower since that's the only place they've allowed themselves to be seen.

Eevee shook her head, but giggled in thought about how the city was going to ATTEMPT and catch them.

As they got closer to the wall they finally stopped while looking outside of said wall.

"Wooaaaah." They both said.

It's just blue skies with clouds and green hills with trees off in the distance.

Kon: "This is cool huh Eevee? I like this new world, and with that huge tower and dungeon underneath I know exactly where we are. We're in Orario. The Dungeon City."

As he said that, he was just content and happy, with eyes vivid blue and emerald green mixed together like swirling colors he enjoyed the peace hugging Eevee just on the wall.

Eventually he heard foot steps off into the distance making their way over to him, he looked over and saw way off into the distance between them was hundreds of meters away.

Kon: "Huh, I didn't think my hearing was this good. Hey Eevee, did you hear those people too?" And Eevee responded with a nod. "Should we head on out of here?" And again she nodded.

So he got up with Eevee still in his arms. And as he was walking away he heard the footsteps speed up a little bit. He looked back and saw them speed walking toward him. Kon focused on them finally and could see their features clearly.

It was Loki Familia core group among others they he didn't recognize, and they were also joined by other Familias. They started jogging when they saw him look at them. They couldn't see him as clearly as he did them but they saw him turn around to them.

Kon: "Hmm. What do you think Eevee? Should we let them come near or should we bail?" To that however Eevee said, "Whatever you want."

Kon thought on that and decided to just play around a bit. He waited until they got closer, but when they were showing down he ran back a bit. To most of them it looked like he teloported, but to the stronger ones they saw him move, but if they weren't paying some attention to him they wouldn't have noticed.

They started to run after him this time, and when he did it again they finally started to try and surround him.

Try was the key word here.

They kept at this game where they wilting try and surround him, and he would just move back. They could hear him laughing at their expense, and finally Finn had enough and told everyone to stop.

Kon accepting their defeat stopped and giggling to himself walked over to they could talk, although with a good distance between them and him and Eevee.

Next chapter