

As they were able to finally able to get Kon to get closer to them, they also noticed that he was still ready to flee at a moments notice.

Kon couldn't help but laugh at them though. They tried for about an hour to catch him and Eevee and he just toyed with them. His eyes vibrant emerald green, he finally calmed down enough to hear them out.

Finn: "Well, it's certainly been an interesting ride trying to catch you. That's some speed you have there." Kon's response to that was a nod though. 'That can't be the only thing he's hiding, or she, I can't tell. They're too young looking.' Finn couldn't help but think to himself. 'And he's holding an animal of some sort, never seen one of them before. Too many variables and nothing set in stone. They ran circles around us and isn't even winded slightly, unlike us who were trying and are tired after an hour.'

Kon kept staring at them, waiting for something to happen, or to answer a question.

Finally the wish came with an introduction from Finn.

Finn: "My name is Finn. Nice to finally have a chat (Chuckles). This is Riveria." While introducing a green hair Elf. "These are Tione and Tiona." He said pointing to a couple of dark skinned twins. "This here is Bete, and don't worry about him that's his natural face." He said nodding his head towards a scowled faced werewolf. "Also here is our friend Gareth." He pointed towards a dwarf in full plate armor. "Finally is the youngest one, Ais." And he pointed towards a blonde girl standing beside Riveria.

And as he finally introduced them, Kon followed suite, but in his simple way. "Kon," He said while having one tail point towards himself. "Eevee," while again pointing towards the little ball of fluffy in his arms he's still carrying.

With that, Finn asks the million dollar question. "Where are you from?" To him he originally thought maybe the two were caught and forced to go into the dungeon, but he's not so sure now after the whole 'trying to catch' hour long situation.

Kon just takes one tail and points it toward the tower and then down. He knows he shouldn't be messing with them like this, but he can't help but really want to mess up everything here.

Chaotic nonsense is what he wants right now, and he can't help but go through with what he's feeling right at the moment. The fur on the tips of his tails start to turn black as well at the tips of his ears. And the center of the fur/hair on top of his head starts to change. Along with one of his eyes, the jeweled pupils are still colored Emerald Green in happiness, but his left eye, the white of it turned black, and his smile became a little wider, unnerving the people there watching him.

The people near him all get into a more ready stance to react. But to their benefit Kon turned back to normal.

Kon said "Home," and all the while he finally turned to look at a certain spot. While being slightly vhanged he could feel someone watching him, and when he turned to look, he could 'see' a silver haired lady with with violet eyes.

Kon: 'So it's Freya, and it's the anime version of Danmachi apparently. At least I watched the first season. Tho that's all I got to,' as he mentally degrades himself. 'Oh well, could be worse I guess. As long as I just enjoy being here ill be fine.' And he just flashes an award winning smile towards Freya, and she is surprised that Kon could 'see' her. And with that, Kon turned towards the others there. "Bye."

And with that, he blitzes out of there and heads towards the tower, jumping from roof to roof, enjoying the breeze flowing through his fur and between his tails. 'I can get used to this feeling, and I'm not even going my fastest. Wonder how fast I can get really.'

With him leaving it causes the others to start and think of what he meant.

Finn: "He didn't tell us much, but what he did tell us concerning if it what I think it meant. If it meant that he's from the dungeon then we need to be looking out for him, though I wonder what he is though."

Riveria: "He didn't look like a normal Kitsune, as they normally only have 9 tails and from what I counted he had 10."

Gareth: "Hahaha, well at least the little furball can move. I don't see us stopping him anytime soon."

Tione: "Well regardless let's just head home. We'll probably run into him later on. After all as interesting as he is it'll most likely he'll draw attention."

And with all that they decide to head home, though two of them don't move.

Tiona looks back and sees Bete and Ais not moving. "What's wrong, why aren't you guys following?"

Bete stands there still with a scowled on his face, and it's not his normal one, which the others recognize. "None of you..." He whispers, the others having trouble hearing him.

Finn: "What was that, we couldn't hear you."

Bete: "None of you felt that pressure, not a single one of you!" He just bout screams. "When his fur started changing I could feel the anger and hatred start to poor out. Just pure evil."

Ais: "Also felt." She said, surprising Bete.

Bebte: "Ha, you felt it. Well, at least someone else besides me could feel it. Whatever... he is it isn't something we want to mess with."

This made the others wary. They only knew Bete as this tough guys, so seeing him riled up like this is news to them. And Finn especially since he didn't even have his thumb twitch like normal when something bad is about to happen. And with Ais confirming it they are even more suspicious about the whole thing, but they trusted their teammates and decided to be peaceful with Kon, or at least try to.

Meanwhile Kon jumping from building to building manages to jump up onto the tower. There he just sits and he just sits there with Eevee while the sunlight turns to moonlight and the stars start shining. He feels most comfortable with the stars out, and he just enjoys it.

He had a inspiration to just practice magic, and the one he practiced was sound at that moment. It only took a second for him, and he understood everything about sound magic, and all the magics associated with it like air and vibration and anything.

Kon: 'This is like the little project of the Six steps to Kevin Bacon all over again. When He gave me all magic he really gave me ALL Magic huh. At least I can still play around with it right now. Although I guess now with the magic I have now I can do this, let me get light magic now and it would be perfect.' He starts to giggle to himself.

And he practiced light magic and with it came fire, healing and physics. 'Geez, this is broken.'

But with him done learning for those few moments, but it wasn't gonna be anything bad.

He cast magic all over the top of the tower, and all these stars in the shape of Lumas from Super Mario came to be, in all colors. But that's when the true magic started.

Kon has cast another magic with them, that the Lumas floating above flew up around himself and started glowing lightly, and then the music played.

It was the Luma theme song.

The xylophone sounds coming out and the Lumas were shining to the beat of the sounds, making a beautiful tapestry of light and sound.

Kon: "Like it Eevee? Figured this would be a great way to end the day. Felt like the right thing to do." And his tails started drooping and sway slightly to the sounds, but overall Kon became extremely calm and relaxed.

Eevee just looked around in wonder. After all this is her first day with Kon, and was excited to see something as beautiful as what was happening. And with that Kon started to fall asleep with Eevee in his arms. And he just layer down curled up, with his tails under him to get off the stone and make it more comfortable and as a blanket to keep him warm and cozy, and like that fell asleep.

And soon after Eevee fell asleep like that too all curled up with Kon.

And none the wiser that the magic he was using drew the attention of a few gods who could sense the magic, being closest to the top that is. One being a blacksmith that never left the tower, another that was there cause she lived there, and another that was leaving said blacksmith's place after getting more weapons for the dive her Familia was about to go on. Her eyes opening from their squint rest in amusement and thinking of what that feeling could be.

Next chapter