
The New Start

With the words that were said between the 2 of them, David agreed to go to the new world. But he did wish for a few wishes however before going into that new place.

David: "With this new world, may I be something else besides Human. I don't really want to be like this anymore, if I'm going into a new life I would like a fresh start."

God was already planning this, but he was curious as to why, so he asked David why he wanted to change. He sees David go have a little more light come back into his eyes, and started talking with the fascination of a little kid.

David: "I always wondered what it would be like to be able to change into animals at will. And with a new world why not. Could I be a 10 tailed White fox please?"

God: "Granted. And while we're at it I'm also gonna guess All Magic too, so don't worry. You're not the first person and won't be the last." (Chuckles)

David: "OH. And also could I have my music come with me too. I always loved using music to calm down and help me think and things."

God: "Sure, and I'll also throw in a little halo too that reacts to the sounds."

David eyes lit up with that. "That would be so freaking cool. Oh, and could I get a strong body too. No point in being like a glass cannon when I could be a tank."

God nodded to that. He was already planning on doing this anyway, though was happy David was thinking of it before hand.

David also thinking about what else to wish for, suddenly thinks of something. "OH, could I also get a set of special eyes, don't have to do anything I just want them to be different than normal."

God curious as to this asks what he would want.

David goes and asks, "Could I get a set of eyes with a look of uncut jewels for my eyes? And also depending on my mood the color changes? PLEASE!" And as he says this he claps his hands together. Feeling his childish hope could get granted he is starting to be distracted from what happened.

God again nods his head to his request. "Of course. And with all this I'll send you on your way. I'll be here watching though. Just cause I am not there directly doesn't mean I'll not be there for when you need me."

David hearing this is elated, smiling away. "Oh." He says, smile starting to fade a little. "There's one more thing I would like to ask for. A new name..."

God looks at him, and thinks of a suitable name, thinks of something simple. "How about Kon. I think this suits you best, afterall you like simple things, so why not go with a simple name." He says grinning.

David, now Kon, looks at God and says "Thank you" one final time. He starts getting sleepy and his eyes start to shut.

"Good luck in your new home. This will be your firsts steps in you your home world. Make sure to make the most out of it and have fun most of all. You'll have to figure out the rest on your own, and get stronger, after all you are one of the strongest there but if you don't train then you'll be beaten easily. I've given you a friend also to help you out there. Take care of them and they'll take care of you. Goodbye for now. Until we meet again!"

David falling asleep could have swore that that last line he heard him say it in a Skeletor voice. But it's not like he could think about it anymore as sleep overtook him.

And with that he's off to another world. Floatimg through the Void towards his next destination isnt that long. However while he is traveling he manages to open up his eyes to see the void of nothingness. It's both colorful yet dark. Bleak and white. It's a contradiction I'm and of itself, yet to Kon it's "Beautiful."

Little did he know however that something in the Void was there watching them and heard them. Pleased with what it heard and curious towards the little fox demi human, started to watch. At the same time gave him a little gift from it.

Kon finally arrived at his new Home World. But he doesn't wake up. He stays asleep and is leaking out power unconsciously to keep people away, and for the most part it works. It also causes the environment around him to grow at a visible rate. Animals however come around him and enjoy his presence, same for monsters of all shapes and sizes. However there was one that always stayed by Kons side, and kept an eye out for him. It was very small but didn't matter as it was the strongest there besides Kon himself.

Finally, after a long time, Kon starts to wake up.

Kon was never a morning person, so it takes him about an hour to really wake up. Then after his mind starts chugging and working, he opens his jeweled eyes and were the color blue for his content emotional state right at the moment. He looks around and doesn't recognize anything, then all the emotions and memories come back, and after a chaotic swirl of colors going through his eyes, he finally accepts it all and is overall happy. Being able to start anew and in another place would be good for him. His green eyes and smiling face, and after getting up starts to walk around.

Not realizing that he was being watched, afterall it's a new body in a new environment, he's still trying to get used to it.

When he was enjoying his time just enjoying the forest around him, and remembered that God had said that He had given him a new friend. Still nervous about the new situation, Kon calls out quietly, "Hello? Is anyone here?"

And with that, the new partner with him come out from behind a tree. Kon takes one look and is immediately having a smile and is excited. His new lifelong friend and family member is none other than an Eevee pokemon.

However the pokemon does look different than normal. There's a fox symbol on its forehead, white in color just like Kons fur color. When he takes a closer look there's a little note tied to its neck. It's in its fur so he couldn't see it at first.

'This is the newest member to your family. I've sent you to a world where you are familiar with, but changed up a few things. There is Magic here, but you will have to play with it yourself to get used to it. I've given you the knowledge of ALL Magic and fundamentals. And I know you don't like chanting spells unless it's to do what you call FLEX. But either way have fun and keep your Eevee close by. They'll take care of ya. Oh, and I did give them a little boost. She's almost as strong as you, and also she can do all that you can. She's basically a little fox that follows you around. And you'll be able to understand each other, though others won't be able to understand her. They'll just hear her say the normal 'Eevee' saying. Oh, and you and the Eevee are both 'kids' now too. Eevee will take a while before she can shape shift into a demi human form like you, but you can also shape shift into a fox with ten tails, or curl them all together to make one very large tail. I wish you two the best of luck, and don't let me find you in front of me anytime soon. Goodbye for now.'

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