

4 hours later

Ezra, Kallan, Natasha, Shiro, Kaleb, and three silver skulls departed for the other camp after being received by Monkey/Shane and Rick, who had already arrived.

They gathered before the campfire and initiated conversations. Rick was narrating his story while Ezra was examining the surrounding individuals in search of potential recruits, but failed to locate any interesting one.

When he was looking around, Natasha and Kallan were telling the story of how they met and how it went, they didn't say anything about him being bitten or his strange powers. Many people were shocked at the history of three teenagers.

Ezra saw one tent that was more distant, almost isolated from the group.

"What about this tent?" Asked Ezra

"There sleep this stupid fuck boy he is dangerous. There is no place for him here. He should be thankful we didn't shoot him" Said fat drunk man.

No one refuted it some even nodded others, like Rick Dale Amy T-Dog looked down but don't say anything, as Rick don't know the boy and only knew he is dangerous from the group and his wife Lori for others that was will of group. Dale tried many times to change it, but to no success, also boy don't help himself as he rarly want to talk with them more than short sentences, and were going into violence many times. Shane would quickly kick him out, but his undoubtable skills were what held him back.

"Interesting," Said Ezra and he made his way to this tent. 'If boy is dangerous then he is possible recruit, but it depends if dangerous means insane ?

Then the question is, to what degree. Ezra is not completely normal himself when he started drinking blood, his insanity is slightly bigger, and in hard fights he can go into insane, close to berserk mode state, he also feels strong excitement.

He crouched before the tent and taped it.

"Fuck of" Growl made its way from the tent

'huh his voice is very pleasant to ear even when growling' smirked Ezra first time hiring such a relaxing and soft voice.

"How about no?" Ezra smirked

Clap of tent opened, and kick shot to him pretty fast, but not enough. Ezra sidestepped and grabbed his leg, making a throwing motion. The boy flew from the tent outside with a shocked face.

Landing he rolled to the side and looked at Ezra

"I don't know you" Said boy, confused from where the new face came from but still staying in attack stance.

"What a pity that you attacked. Now we need to end what you started." Ezra's smile widens. He rushed at boy with axe kick boy moved to side and shot forward sending a punch to Ezra's face, who smirked and took a hit.

From start he decided to don't use any defense as who would be get beaten by person who took every hit unfazed, will made bigger impression.

He grabbed boy's hand, pull him closer, and with his other hand punched him in stomach, making boy slightly rise from the ground. Force of punch made boy throw saliva out from his mouth with painful yelp then fall on knees, Ezra looked at boy unimpressed

"It is all you got ?"

Boy clenched his jaw and stood wobbly up, then spin kicked Ezra in stomach, that made him step back, but nothing else of effect was seen. Slight chuckle escaped Ezra's mouth but he tried with all force to keep excitement from the fight in check to not do much harm to boy who he was testing.

Ezra ones more attacked boy after 2 minutes of fight boy was lying on ground. heavy breaths go out of his mouth. Ezra has some scratches nothing much. What seems to be strange was that boy don't seem as much. He was still better than most in camp but to call him dangerous by the whole camp was to much .

Ezra squatted close to boy looking at him searching for details. The boy was 180cm Emerald green eyes. Possibly daied or natural green hairs that looks almost calling to pet no more than 17 years and some earnings body was lean and has slim but well defined muscles, sixth pack seen as shirt were puled up when he fall skin looks smooth.

Ezra go out of his though seeing an amused smirk on boy's face.

"Like what you see" Boy teased

"Yes" Said Ezra with a smirk that made boy shocked by such a bold answer.

"Then why we fought?" asked boy

"You tell me I wasn't first" chuckled Ezra

"Ah I apologize. I thought you were one of them." Boy motioned to group, who were curiously looking at their interaction. Even some gambling must go on as some snacks were taken from hand to hand as payment.

"Ye I heard that you are not treated good but they say you are dangerous in what way, if I can ask?

"Well, I'm good with knifes, and maybe I threatened and even scratched some of them that insulted me." said boy

"Hmmm what about joining my camp? Our group will get out of here, maybe even in 2 days. What do you say?" Asked Ezra

"Well if I need to be your fuck toy for that, then no" Said boy

"Hahah no you don't need to. We just don't discriminate. Also I don't need to be in relationship to hear your relaxing voice" Ezra smirked and winked at boy.

Boy blushed and look to the side

"You like my voice?"

"Ye it works in two ways at me making me relaxed and Excited at same time" Answered with truth Ezra making boy's heart beat stronger.

"Ehem. I will join then. Nowhere to go anyway" Said boy after clearing some of blush then took Ezra's hand that rised him up on his feat.


"Nico" Said boy

With help of Ezra Kallan and Natasha moved his things to their camp where he got cheers from group as he now was one of them.

That was first time Nico feel that he found a family that accepted him.

Next chapter