
Rick's Request

After some time in camp making plans, Ezra was notified that Rick wanted to talk.

"Hey kid it was not something that I would call civil recruitment, but I believe that here this boy would be better treated than in our camp" Rick looked slightly ashamed

"You came here just to say the obvious?" Asked Ezra with a raised brow.

"No. I just don't know how to say it. I... I know your capability, as I saw firsthand how you shot and fought. Now it seems group is led by you, and you had some knowledge of fighting infected. Your skills would be really helpful as we plan to come into Atlanta again, so what you say?" Asked Rick

Yes he was uncomfortable to ask young man before him, but he also saw him as capable and no kid anymore.

"Reason" Short answer shocked Rick

"Well I leaved bag of guns on street also we left man cuffed to roof" answered Rick

"Soooo you want to risk for no more than 7 guns and likely 500 rounds of ammo" Said Ezra with some ridicule in his voice.

"And this man"

"He is dead" Said Ezra

"You don't know that" defended Rick

"Make it clear he was like 14 hours cuffed to roof without weapon and whole fuckin night he had big balls and escaped or he is dead!!" said little louder at end Ezra

"Tdog secured doors to roof" Tried Rick "And ? This infected are slightly faster and more animal than zombies from comics, as you already found out. Chain at doors could get breached if they know that he is there also what about Vrights? huh or maybe you also blocked the ladder and all closest ends of roof to windows? You could just shoot this Cuffs or smash them with bat but no you are here telling me and my group to die for your and your group's idiocy!!" Ezra's voice was cold

Rick showed many emotions but settled on that it is lost conversation and start walking back.

'Fuck it'

"Wait" Rick turned around at that

"You all are all idiots and we will leave tomorrow, but you showed good will to me before it started, and I will go with you, but here favors and debets end and we own nothing to each other" Said Ezra

Shock this time showed on his group's faces.

"Then we will come with you!" All started arming themself even their new member, which surprised many.

"No you will all stay and guard our camp. Kallan Natasha you need some time outside danger. Shiro you wana come with me?" asked Ezra looking at his White haired hunter who smirked and go with his gear to Ezra

"First hunt with Leader, ahah that will be fun" Said excited Shiro making Ezra chuckle.

"Ehhhh Okay but come back in one piece Brother" Said Kallan, Natasha give him hug, others wished them "Happy Hunting." Ezra liked it and thought of it as parting words to squads that will leave his future base. Shiro already waiting in Humvee humming some song and tapping doors to it. Excitement of hunter made Ezra chuckle and hopped in.

When they come close to other group they see they are in civil car there was Rick Glen Tdog and man he didn't know. Rick showed to sign to open window what we did.

"Hey we are leaving in 2 min" confirmed Rick but before Ezra could respond

"What help are these two shrimps?" Scoffed man with crossbow Both Shiro and Ezra got twitching brows at this input.

"We are helping recover the remains of some random guy because of idiocy of your group so shut up!!" Shouted Shiro

"What remains you fuckin shrimp!" exclaimed Daryl and go into window of car only to be met with guns pointed at him.

"One more time call us shrimps and your remains will be first!!" Shouted Ezra and Shiro at same time.

"Huph whatever you say........shrimps" Said man with smirk and must dodge the trowed knife.

"Dangerous shrimps" chuckled Daryl, and go into car.

"I swear I will kill him" Said Shiro with clenched jaw, flames dancing in his eyes.

"We will push him from the roof and say it was accident" Shiro and Ezra were nodding to each other then saw Rick still standing there.

"What?!" They ones again together shout at man

"Nothing." Rick run to car to tell Daryl of possible assassination aimed at him.

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