
Romcom and Relationship [Male lead]

Author: B_N_F2
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A collection of different romcom fantasy stories about relationships and romance in a fantasy world or in a fictional world. The stories are ideas that are gather from different people and friends and families. _____________ Note, this is not plagiarism or copypasta. 20% of the story are ideas from people I know and meet, and they are not writers, and 50% are ideas from real world experience, as for 30%, they are ideas borrowed from the Author [B_N_F]. _____________ The Tags is more than just 10 tags The real Tags are: Romcom, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Modern, Middle age, Isekai, Reincarnation, Regression, Reborn, Vampire, Elf, Beastmen, Relationship, Level, System, Game, RPG, OP, Villainess, Villan, Tragic, Revenge, Music, Highschool, Time travel, Cultivation, Magic, Anime, Novel, Light Novel, Manhwa, Otome, Flag, WeakToStrong, Hacking, Yandere, Tusanderi. _____________ Thanks to [BNF] for the cover. Note: the cover has been Upgrad by Imagine. _____________ This is a continuous of the [Romcom and Relationship P1]

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Chapter 1Getting Revenge on my Cold Ex-wife (Part 1) [Edit]

My name is Seok-Jin, and I am 24 years old. No, that was wrong. I am back to 15 years old now, and that because I went back in time. I don't know How or Why and I don't care. All that's matter now is to pay back those who made me suffer in the past.

Let me rewind back my story before I died.

I was born from a rich family, the Lin family, one of the richest and the strongest family in Korea. I was a spoiled brat who likes to waste money on stupid things. Foods, games, cars, girls, bla bla bla, and others. I never went to a highschool because I was lazy to go there. I was spoiled by my parents until I reached the age of 14. At that time my parents began to ignore me because they want me to start being independent. But they still gave me some money whenever I ask for.

I also have a young brother who is a nerd. The boy likes to read and read and read and read. I never understood him but still, our relationship was not bad. We don't fight or argue. We both are busy on our own business.

At the age of 20 my parents force me to marry a girl or a woman, the same age as me from a different rich family. The Shin Family. Her name is Hwa-Young, and she was very beautiful. Many men fell in love for her, and many wanted to marry her because back at her highschool and college she was the top one beauty and the smartest between girls.

Pfft, yeah right.

But don't let her beauty fools you, because behind that beautiful face of hers is arrogance, coldness, ice, and queen. Yeah, she is that type of women, a beautiful ice cold queen.

After we got married we never got close to each other. The more I tried to get close to her, the more I get chills and cold from her and her glares. And she always ignores me and gives me the cold shoulder right after we got married! And from that day on, my life became worse.

I began wasting alot of money. And because I got married, my parents stop supporting me with money like before. Many of my friends (who are not really my friends just some followers) began to talk bad things behind my back and mocking me. And my wife kept throwing bad, nasty, hurtful words that damage my heart every time I hear it, because they were all True.

"You're pathetic."

"You're so spoiled."

"You're a failure."

"You're a weak - a loser - worse husband - worse man - a cry baby - a shame to your family and to me - despicable - disgusting -ugly - poor - trash."

*Critical Emotional Damage*x100

After receiving multiple humiliations from my family, my friends (who are not really my friends), AND MY WIFE for 3 years, I ran away.

Yes! I ran away! from the house, like a crying bitch.

I lost all my money, my parents ignored me totally because I failed them, my only best friend who is a coward ditched me, and my cold wife stabbed me in the heart with her words.

I end up in a cheap bar and began drinking alcohols.

"How dare she say that to me! Hic... Looking down on me! Hic.... she will pay! Hic..."

I drank all night until my mind got drunk completely. The owner of the bar kicked me out because it was time to close.

"Why did my life became like Hic... this..."

The answer was easy, because I was pathetic. I had all the power (money) to use but I waste them all. And the main reason was because I didn't have any Goal in my life.

As I was walking on an empty street in the middle of the dark night while drunk, a bright light was flashing behind me. When I turn around, I was met with a large truck that was about to hit me.

"You got to be kid-"




And that's how I died. Hit by a Truck!


Who drive a giant Truck in the middle of the night at 1:00 am, and across a road which suppose to be Closed. There was literally a sign that says "Road off use".

I swear if I survive, I will kill the one who drove that truck! I still remember it's plate number.


(A/N: means LOSER)

Anyway, the next moment I woke up from that accident, which I am sure it wasn't an accident, I woke up in my old bedroom 9 years ago.

It took me 2 hours to figure out what happened and my conclusion was, that I went back in time.

"Hehehehe...huhuhuhuhu...WUAHAHAHAHA!" I was laughing in my room like a crazy lunatic kid.

Now that I am back, I will not hold back my power, because I finally have a real goal this time.


That's my goal. Getting revenge on those who made me suffer, those who humiliated me.

The people who talked bad things behind me. The people who followed me and act like friends, my best friend who ran away from me because he was a coward, my parents (not really, they never hurt my feelings but I am sure they were thinking that I was going to be a failure.) I will make them show me their shock, funny, dumb expression when I suprise them, heheheheh.

And lastly, my ex-wife. That so called beautiful ice queen, I will melt that annoying cold expression of hers and make her feelings react.

Tch, she is so arrogant because she is so Cood and Cold like an Ice. Acting like she is a some goddess.

"Just you wait."

While I was murmuring and talking to my self like a lunatic, some maids where talking about me in the mansion.

"What is wrong with the young master?" Maid 2

"Don't know." Maid 1

"He's kinda acting creepy." Maid 2

"Maybe he lost his mind?" Maid 3

"Ugh." Fortunately I was able to hear their conversation behind the Stupid Door! If you want to talk shits about me, do it Far Away, Stupid!


"Yes Young Master."

I called the butler of the mansion and he showed up immediately.

"Fire anyone who talks bad about me, and don't forget to inform them all!" I shouted out loud so those maids outside can hear me.

"Hick!"x3 maids.

"Understood." Butler.

"And also, double the salary for those who speaks good about me."

"... understood young master." The butler was a little surprised by my second order.

The next day, I began hearing many praises and good words in the mansion, from the maids, guards, chef's, etc about me.

"The young master is so kind." Maid.

"The young master is so cool." Guard.

"The young master is so mature." Maid.

"The young master is so cute." Chef.

"The young master is so handsome." Guard.

"The young master is beautiful." Maid.

Pfft, I was laughing from the last comment. Beautiful? Not yet.

I already made my future plans and revenge plan.

First step is to get strong physically. I need to learn martial art and cultivation. And because I traveled back to the past, I remember all the useful information that I can use now.

I called my butler and told him to prepare a driver for me to drive me to the Hiel mountain, where I can meet an old man who is a master of cultivation, and lives there alone.

"You must be master Shifu?" I ask the old man.

"...yeah, who is asking?"

"Please, make me your student and teach me" I bowed.

"Get lost rich kid, my teaching is not a game for your kind, even If you have alot of money. " The old man snort in annoyance.

Heh, just like I remember. I snap my fingers and my men brought 10,000 packets of cup noodles that I order. Each packet has 100 noodles.

"How about 1,00,000 cups of noodles." I grind.


The old man like noodles alot. And he was shocked when he saw the amount. And just like that, I was able to get a Pro master who can teach me how to fight and train my body.

When I went back home I ask my parents to send me a Pro Private Excellent Teacher as a home school teacher. Of course, I was the one who chooses which teacher I want since I know who was the best. Mr Yin.

And so I began studying and training my body to the fullest, thanks to my 24 years old brain memory, I was able to learn fast and catch up before the high-school which I plan to enter. I wasn't just going to study until the high-school level, but also the college levels and above, hehehe.


2 year later. I was a changed man, I mean boy, totally different from my previous life. I was much stronger, healthier, smarter, handsome, cooler, and awesome.

Now is the second step of my plan. High School.

When I was back home to the mansion after I stayed 2 years in the mountains training and studying with my master and teacher who also stayed there thanks to my family's money (he also got some fighting experience and learn some martial arts which made him happy) my parents and everyone in the mansion was shocked with my new look.

"Son, you changed alot." Father.

"Look at you, you became a grown man." mother.

"Is that really the young master?" Maid 3

"He looks so handsome." Maid 2

"And cool." Maid 5

"And amazing." Maid 1

I was laughing loudly in my mind. Yes, this is the new me. Wuahahahahahahah

During dinner.

I ask my father about my signing to the (H) high-school that I order 2 years ago, and he said that he already put my name there. I was going to enter the high-school for the first time in my 16 year.

Oh, I also met my little brother during dinner only, hw is still the same nerd boy as before, reading books. In my previous life my little brother Seo-Jin, despite being a nerd in school, he was also the top student in school and a genius. After my parents ignored me, they made him the next to inherit the family company and he was very good at handling it.

No wonder my parents weren't afraid of my failure to inherit the family company. Still, I don't blame him.


(H) high-school.

Entering the high-school, I began doing my plans.

1) Make many connections with rich people. I was very popular in school because of my looks, my background, and my grades. Many girls fell in love for me, but I ignored them. I was also so kind and gentle to every one, to the high and the low status students. But that was all an act so I can use them all as my loyal followers, hehehe.

2) Get those talented students and the promising future students to my side. With my past memories, I was able to recruit those who have succeeded in the future jobs, by offering alot of money of course. There were many talented students both in high and low status. Offering future money and support to the low, and future connection and support to the high students. Yes, I plan to build My Army Of Elites, Wahahahahah!

3) Payback those who talked shit about me in the past life. As for how I do that, that's easy. Pranks.

I created many kinds of humiliating pranks at them, like kidnapping them and then throwing them inside a Close Scarey Escape Horror Rooms, where they work together to find a way out to escape the horror rooms. Adding in every rooms with multiple Fake blood, trails, torturing tools, ghost, and monsters, like Jason of Friday 13th.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa!" Girl 1.


"Get me out of here!" Boy 2.

"Spider! It a Spider with a human head!" Girl 4.

"*faint*" Boy 6.

"It's...it's...it's Chucky!" Boy 4.

"Keahahahahah!" Android Chucky.

I was watching them all through the cameras which I plan to upload it in the near future.

"Hahahahahahaha." I was laughing like an evil villain.

Man, being a villain is so much fun, WUAHAHAHAHA!.

"Huh." My butler who was watching beside me sighed.

And lastly (4), destroy my ex-wife Hwa-Young. She was studying in a different school, called the (T) high-school which is a rival to my (H) high-school. My plan is to Crush her and her school at the "High School Tournament". I used my past memories knowledge to chea-*cough* to help everyone at my school in winning the Tournament. And I was able to make the principal select me as the main leader for this event. Of course, I used my money to convince him.

And with me leading all the students, I was the one who will choose the students for each game and train them all.


In the Tournament:

- Teamwork Game: H high-school 1st.

- Treasure Hunt Game: H high-school 1st.

- Sports Games: All. H high-school 1st.

- IQ Games: All. H high-school 1st.

- Best student player: Seok-Jin

- Best leader: Seok-Jin

- Best solo - fastest - strongest - smarts - Handsome cooler - awesome - etc: Seok-Jin, Seok-Jin, Seok-Jin...

Yes, we won totally first place in every game. I even got a chance to facing my ex-wife in IQ Game and I was so much happy in crushing her, and able to see her unhappy face, and multiple kinds of reaction from her expression. She looked so humiliated, hahahaha.

Many students and teachers from other schools thought that we were cheating, but still, they can't prove it. And I got all the first place which I was able to show to every one, and on TV Live  my true powers (in body and brain.) And with this, my name and my school and our students became well known in all Korea.

After that event, many of my Elite Army (loyal followers) got a call from different families and others for a future job, but they all decline because they already signed a contract with me for my own future company that I build.


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Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Regression, Comedy, Slice of Life, Revenge.
Volume 2 :Isekai, A-Rpg, Simulator, Fantasy, WeakToStrong, Capture