
Asking the Middle Boss to Join My Party [P7]


After we left the village, we continue our journey in the 3rd area, finally reaching the Kingdom of Terona.

That kingdom was founded by the first King who was one of the former Heroes that fought the End dragon, along with wizard Oz and the witch Elizabeth. It's also where I can get the other Five legendary artifacts, which are, the Necklace (buff), the Armor Clothes (Hero's main clothe), the Ring (purification), the Boots (Agility), and the Shield.

And also, it's where we will be meeting the other five Heroines.

In the game of Forever Land, the Hero will encounter the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and the 8th Heroines in the Kingdom, and each one of their Quest will lead to the location of the 5 legendary artifacts. So, if I need to get them, then I need to complete their quest. Which means, I'm going to need to Meet them.


"Is something wrong Nero?"

"N-no, it's nothing. Just having too many thoughts."

We were both inside the city Kingdom, walking together towards the guild association. But on our way there, we encountered some street Rats (thugs) ten of them, and they tried to attack us.

I was going to give them some painful beating, but then Eilan told me that she wants to deal with them, so I allowed it. We were both using a cloak to hide our gears and face. But when Eilan uncovered her hoodie, those Rats started to show some lust when they saw her beautiful face. They even began smirking and licking their lips like rats, while saying that they should kidnap her for Fun, and get rid of me. Those words made Eilan glare at them in rage, and in the end, she tortured them.


I had to used a sound barrier spell to block their voice, so that the guards doesn't come here.

I looked at the thugs with a pity eyes. What happened was that Eilan used a Dark magic spell on them, putting them on a state of a drunk. Making them hallucinate some Nightmares in their mind. Kinda similar to the Genjutsu.

After we reached the guild association, we gave them our adventure cards to register ourselves, so that we can do some quest. After that I went to take a S rank quest from the board which was to subjugate a level 350 monster drake. And to do this quest, I first need to meet the one who comission this quest. The 4th Heroine. Amy, the young Mage.

Her role is a DMG dealer and a wide range AOE attacker. She is one of the strongest among the ten. But compare her magic to Eilan, Eilan is way much stronger.


We visited her house, which was a shop that sells magic staff and magic books for spells. She invited us inside her house and I told her about accepting the quest.

Amy looked at us with a mischievous smile before saying, "You need to pass a test first before I agree"

And of course, like in the game, the test was to defeat her in a dual.

We all went to the back of her house which has a wide ground, and I was the first to fight her.

"Now, show me what you got"

I looked at her in stoic face and went straight for an attack. She used her big spells to stop me, but I just dodge them easily, or Slash my way through. Amy looked shocked when she saw her spell was getting sliced into half, and in the end, I pointed my sword near her neck, ending the dual.

Next it was Eilan. I told her to go easy on her, but in the same time, she must show how strong she is. She nodded to me and I watched their dual play.


And it went well... somehow.

The moment the dual started, Eilan dashed towards Amy at a high speed, while cutting through all her spells with her scythe. Then she used shadow magic to appear behind Amy with her scythe around her neck.

With this, Amy is convinced that we are alot stronger than her. As I was walking towards them, I saw Eilan still holding Amy around her Scythe. Amy looked paled and sweaty, while Eilan was looking at her with a dead eyes.

"Eilan" I called her to stop.

When Eilan saw me, she released Amy from her grip and ran towards me.

"How did I do?" She asked me with a sparkling eyes, as if waiting for a praise.

"Uh... yeah, you did very well" I patted her on the head and she chuckled.

"So? Are we in?" I looked at Amy who was kneeling down on the ground.

"Ah!... Yes! You both passed."

For some reason, her body was shaking. Maybe because her pride as an S rank adventure shattered after she lost to the both of us?

Who knows.


(3rd POV)

After being accepted for the mission quest, Nero, Eilania, and Amy went out of the city to hunt down the monster drake who was staying in a forest that was close to the city. The problem was that one of the main roads that leads to the city kingdom was destroyed by the drake monster, and the adventure guild asked Amy's help to get rid of it. But it turns out the monster was alot stronger, so she made a quest for recruiting some Assistants to support her on her extermination quest.

"Heh. Weak" Eilania scuffed in a low voice after she heard Amy's explanation.

"Hm? Did you say something Eilan?" Nero looked at her.

"It's nothing. Just wondering about the drake monster." She showed an innocent smile to Nero.

Nero then asked Amy some questions about the monster to make sure it was the same in the game.

In the game, when the Hero's party and Amy reached the area where the Drake monster sleep, they found out there was more than just one Drake, but two. And that's exactly what they encounter.

"What the hell?" Amy whispered in shock after seeing the 3 drakes monster sleeping.

Amy was about to cancel the mission because there were three S rank monsters, but Nero and Eilania jumped down from the cliff, and dashed towards them.

"What are you guys doing?!" Amy screamed. But her voice woke up the monsters, and they started to attack them.

During the battle 3 vs 3, Nero and Eilania were doing well. But Amy was struggling against one of the Drake who was the weakest among them. In the end, they won, and Amy was laying down on the ground from exhaustion.

"Eilan, watch over her" Nero said to Eilania and she nodded.

Meanwhile, Nero went to the spot where the biggest drake was sleeping. He then used his sword to stab the ground, and it began to crack before breaking down, revealing a deep hole. He then jumped into the hole and landed around some ruins. In the game, the Hero would find this place during their battle against the drake. There will be a cutscene where the last drake gets thrown back, and then hits the spot where the hole is. Leading to this abandon ruins.

In this place Nero was able to find the 4th legendary artifact, the Necklace. It can give some buffs to the users and increase the magic ATK, Resistence, or spells by 370%.


After heading back to the Guild Association, Amy and the others went to meet the guild association president, and report about the subjugation quest, and the abandoned ruins.

The president thanked Nero and Eilania for their help, and they received 3x of the original rewards. Because there was 3 drake monsters, so the guild had to increase the rewards.

After receiving the golden coins, and also the rewards from completing the Heroine quest. Nero and Eilania left the guild and went to look for an inn to stay.

[Heroine Quest: Help Amy in completing the mission quest!]

[Quest Completed. Result: S]



It has been two days after we finished subjugating the drake monsters. Yesterday Nero told me that we should take one week as a break to enjoy the city. Meaning, during this one week, we won't be doing any adventure's quest or hunting.

Yesterday we went to eat in a restaurant which has some delicious food that I have never taste before. And today, Nero took me to a place to buy some Clothes. Nero wanted me to try some new and different clothes and dresses.

Inside a clothing shop, a young lady was helping me dressing. And when I came out from the changing room, I saw Nero looking at me with a wide eyes.

"H-how... do I look?" I asked in a low voice while trying hard not to get embarrassed.

"You look pretty" He smiled while giving me a thumbs up.

I turn my head to the side to avoid his gaze. I was so Embarrassed!

But also happy.


After that we went to the plaza, with our new clothes. I was wearing a white and green dress while wearing a big hat on my head. Meanwhile, Nero was wearing a normal clothes with dark blue jacket. There were many people looking at us, but we just ignored their gazes.

We saw some items, tools, accessories and other stuffs that are sold there, and Nero bought two beautiful hair band for the both of us. One was red, and the other was yellow. He gave me the yellow one and helped me tie some of my hairs with it. I too did the same to him, and tied some parts of his hair with the red band.

We then went to a tavern to eat. But while we were eating there, Someone came to our table and sat with us. It was That woman mage from before.

"What a coincidence. I didn't know you guys were here"

"What do you want?" Nero asked while eating his food, not bothering to give her a look.

I was also eating my meal while ignoring her.

"Jeez, why are you always so cold? Can't you at least say 'Hi' or Hello to a friend."

"We are not friends."


Despite we were ignoring her, she still kept talking to us about stuff that we both don't understand what she was talking about. After we finished our meal and was about to leave, she tried to stop us.

"Wait! There is something I want to discuss. It's very important"

Nero looked at me for a moment, before looking back at her.

"Five minutes"

I frowned because he agreed to listen to her, but I was able to stay calm. We then sat down again and began listening to what she wants to say.

"You are a Hero, right?"

"... Yes" Nero answer with unsurprised face.

"But your not just any Hero. Your the Last Hero, right?"

"... Yes" again, he answered in a lazy eyes.

She then showed a wide smile, like as if she found something interesting. I didn't know what she was thinking, but I feel like I won't like it.

"Since your the Hero from the prophecy, then that mean you're in a mission to slay the End Dragon. So..." The woman began to turn her gaze to the side, avoiding Nero's eyes.

"Get To The Point" Nero frowned in annoyance.

"Can I... join your party" she said with a little blush, and my eyes widened when I heard that. My heart was beating fast.

'What is this Bitsh saying!? Joining us!?'

My eyes frowned as I was thinking of getting rid of her. But then, Nero gave her his answer.


"Huh?... W-Why?!"

"Because I don't need anyone else to join us"

My heart started to calm down, and Nero told her that he doesn't need any more people in his party, and that he and Me are enough to slay the dragon. But that woman kept arguing, saying she would be of a great help, be useful, be etc etc etc.

"My answer is No. I don't need You in my party" that was Nero's final words to her, before we left the tavern.


(3rd POV)

Nero was walking away from the tavern, with Eilania who was walking next to him with a happy smile.

Eilania then asked Nero why he didn't recruit Amy.

"She could be useful as a supporter for our journey. Like caring our things and stuff like a maid"

"You want a maid?"


Nero let out a small chuckle.

"I don't need anymore member in my party, even if they are as strong as us. Having you in my party is already enough for me."

Eilania eyes widened when she heard that, and her face started to blush. She quickened her pace and was now walking in the front, while her heart was beating fast.

Still, she doesn't understand this feeling.


At night, at Amy's house.

After she finished closing her shop, she went to take a bath before going to bed. Amy was still a little frustrated about what happened in the tavern, and she plans to talk to Nero again and try convincing him to make her join.

When she turn off the lights of her room, she felt a chilling feeling and a bad vibe. She sensed someone's present inside her room, so she quickly cast a spell to reveal the figure. But then, black chains began to appear from the ground, binding her completely.

"What the Hell!!!?"

A dark figure then appeared from the shadows, wearing a cloak that covers its whole body. Amy wasn't able to see the individual's face because of the darkness, but she was able to see the glowing red eyes.

"Who Are You!?"

The mysterious individual didn't answer, but instead stretch its hand toward Amy's face. Amy tried to use her magic to free herself, but the chains has blocked her mana. The figure placed its hand on Amy's head, and then activated her skill.

"Mind control"

A female voice came out from the hooded figure, and Amy realized the owner's voice.

"You're... Kyaaaa!!!"

The hand glowed purple, and the hooded individual was revealed as Eilania. She came here to make Amy forget about Nero's identity, and do some changes on her memory. Although, she wanted to get rid at first, but then she changed her mind.

"If I kill you, the guild Association will then put on an investigation. And there is a chance Nero will get involved and finds out, so...."


"You will forget about Nero's identity as the Last Hero, and your interest on him will be less"


The Next Morning.

Amy woke up from the bed with a headache.

"Ugh... was I drunk last night?"

She felt like she forgot something, but she couldn't remember what it was. She looked at the time and it was late at morning, so she decided to go back to sleep and take the day off.

Meanwhile, in an inn.

Nero was looking at the Liking rate with a confused expression.

[Amy's Liking Rate: 44%]

'Weird. Yesterday it was 66%'

He didn't understand what happened, so he shrugs it off.


Next chapter