
A Fight Between Father And Son: Goku Vs Goten

"Our next match will begin shortly!" The Announcer says.

Meanwhile, Chichi is worried about Goten having to fight his own father.

"Oh, I wish my Goku and Goten didn't have to fight each other. I hope Goku takes it easy on our baby boy."

Meanwhile Gohan and Piccolo talk about upcoming battle.

"So. You think Goten can win against dad?" Gohan asks Piccolo.

Piccolo smirks.

"He better. Afterall, I trained him for this tournament." Piccolo says.

Both Krillin and Yamcha scoff

"You didn't even beat him." They mumble to themselves.

Piccolo hears this and gets angry.

"What was that?!" Piccolo yells.

Both Krillin and Yamcha quickly change their tones, being intimidated by the Namekian.

"Nothing." They both say.

Meanwhile, Bulla stays silent, hoping somehow Goten wins the fight.

"You got this, Goten." She thinks to herself.

Meanwhile, Goten stretches and practices strikes alone, preparing for this fight with a smile on his face. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. The young Saiyan is then approached by Trunks.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Trunks asks.

Goten doesn't say anything and just smiles while continuing to stretch, letting that be the answer to Trunks question. Trunks smirks at his bestfriend.

"Yeah, I figured. Well, you did beat me. So don't embarrass us both by losing, you got that? I want you to go out there and win this thing!" Trunks says.

Goten smirks, turning to leave and giving his friend a thumbs up with his back turned.

"You got it." Goten says, walking towards the ring.

As Trunks smiles at his friend, Vegeta appears behind his son.

"So, does that mean you want your little friend to beat me in the finals?" Vegeta asks.

A nervous look appears on Trunks face.

"H-H-Hey we should go out and watch the match!" He says, running off quickly.

Meanwhile, as Goku prepares for the fight himself, he is approached by Vegeta.

"Oh, hey Vegeta. Came to wish me luck?"

Vegeta doesn't reply for a moment.

"Kakarot... you can't take it easy on him." Vegeta says.

Goku stops for a moment and looks at Vegeta.

"I don't think I have to remind you that you're dead. You won't be here to face the threats that might come against this planet. The boy needs to be ready to step up when the time comes." Vegeta adds.

Both Goku and Vegeta stare at each other for a moment, sharing an understanding. Goku then starts to walk away.

"I get what you're saying, Vegeta. I promise, I won't hold back." Goku says.

Later on, both Goten and Goku stand next to each other, ready to walk out to the ring. Goku smiles at his son again.

"Goten, let's give this everything we got. I want you to do your best. Because that is what it'll take to beat me." Goku says, putting his hand on Gotens shoulder.

Goten smiles at his father.

"Right. You better do the same, dad. I don't want any excuses when I win." Goten replies.

Goku chuckles.

"You got it." Goku says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special match for you now! It's father vs son, in this match between Son Goku vs Son Goten!"

As they walk to the ring, everyone cheers for them.

"Do your best Goten! Please don't hurt our son, Goku!" Chichi yells.

"Go Goten!" Bulla yells.

The two stand in the ring, face to face, still smiling at each other. Goku then offers a fist bump to his son. Goten smirks, accepting it and the two step back from each, taking a fighting stance. The two fighters stare each other down, waiting for the match to start.

"Let the match, begin!" The Announcer says.

At that very second Goten powers up his Ki and rushes at Goku at top speed. He throws a punch that Goku sidesteps then chops Goten in the back, knocking him to the ground. Goten quickly recovers and goes for an uppercut that Goku is able to easily dodge. The young Saiyan goes for a kick But Goku blocks it, frustrating him a bit. He then throws many strikes with great speed and technique, but Goku is still able to dodge fairly easily. After a few more minutes, Goku finally attacks, throwing a powerful punch that surprises Goten.

Goten barely dodges the punch, getting his cheek scraped, but he is unable to dodge a kick to his chin, sending him flying. Goten quickly catches himself, flipping to his feet and gaining distance from his father. The two have a stand off, as Goten catches his breath.

"Goten immediately went on the attack. Probably didn't want Goku to be on the offensive." Piccolo says.

"Yeah, probably the best option honestly." Krillin adds.

"But Goten wasn't able to land a single hit on Goku. The boy must be so frustrated." Roshi says.

Bulla clenches her fists, worried about Goten.

"Goten..." She thinks to herself.

Goten wipes the blood from his cheek, looking at his father closely. Something then happens that confuses him, all of sudden he starts smiling.

"He was able to dodge all of my attacks without breaking a sweat, not to mention I could barely even follow his two attacks. Gohan was right, dad really is amazing. I'm in trouble... So why am I excited right now?" Goten thinks to himself, with a big smile on his face.

Goku smirks.

"That's my boy." He thinks to himself.

Krillin notices the look on Gotens face and chuckles.

"Oh boy, I've seen that look before." Krillin says.

Yamcha laughs.

"Yep. But what you expect from one of Goku's kids. Right Gohan?" Yamcha says.

Gohan rubs the back of his head and laughs, remembering when he fought against Cell and had that same look on his face.

Meanwhile Vegeta chuckles.

"Even though Kakarot is overwhelming the boy, he's still enjoying himself."He thinks to himself.

"So Goten. Is that all you got?" Goku asks.

Goten smirks, then gets a determined look on his face.

"Not even close!" Goten yells, charging at Goku again.

Goten quickly prepares to throw a punch but throws a fake instead, swerving behind Goku. He throws a punch at the back of Goku's head, but he easily dodges again and counters with a chop aiming for Gotens neck. Goten ducks down, getting a few strands of his hair cut. Goten continues to attack, throwing another punch at Goku's face. At the last possible second, Goku dodges again landing a powerful gut punch that sends Goten back a bit. Goten grits his teeth, ignoring the pain, and charges at Goku again.

He throws multiple punches and kicks, each one missing Goku. Goten then gets hit in the face with a forearm strike. As the young man falls backwards to the ground, he throws a kick but it gets blocked. Goten then sees Goku's hand preparing for an attack, but Goten flips away before he could.

This time Goku doesn't let Goten catch his breath, rushing at him and overwhelming him his speed.

"Crap!" Goten thinks to himself.

Goku throws multiple punches and kicks, with Goten barely being able to dodge. A punch then lands in Gotens face, knocking him to the edge of the ring. This puts the two at a stand off yet again.

"Looks like both the two of them are enjoying themselves." Bulma says.

Roshi laughs.

"I guess that's Saiyan's for you." The old man says.

Chichi sighs and smiles, knowing deep down that this would happen, that Goten would fall in love with fighting just like his father, but is happy that her youngest son is enjoying himself.

Meanwhile Vegeta continues to watch the fight closely.

"The boys doing better than I thought. Kakarot's obviously stronger, but Goten isn't letting that affect his movements at all. There's no hesitation in the brats actions." Vegeta thinks to himself.

"Come on Goten! Knock your dad's block off!" Trunks yells.

Goten charges at Goku again at full speed. He then surprises Goku by using the After Image Technique.

"Huh? He actually learned that?" Goku thinks.

At that moment, Goten appears behind Goku and lifts one of the stone tiles of the ring and flips it at Goku. He then jumps up into the air and kicks the tiles, shattering it and sending the pieces at Goku.

"He shattered the block to create a hail of ruble." Roshi points out.

Goku destroys a few pieces of stone with punches but looses sight of Goten. He tries to sense his energy, but Goten is suppressing it.

"Where did he go?" Goku asks

At that moment, Goten comes out from behind one of the pieces of stone and lands a clean punch to the side of Goku's face, sending him back a bit.

Bulla immediately jumps up into the air.

"He landed one!" Bulla cheers.

"Alright, Goten!... Sorry Goku." Chichi says.

Goku wipes the mark on his cheek off and smiles at Goten.

"Not bad, son. Not bad at all." Goku says.

Goten smirks

"Like I said before, dad. Don't hold anything back!" Goten says.

After a brief standoff, Goku disappears, surprising Goten.

"This is it. I think dad is getting a little more serious." Gohan says.

Goku then appears behind him. Goten throws a punch but he realizes that it's an after Image. Goku then kicks him in the back, knocking him across the ring. Goten tries to recover and jumps into the air to get some distance, but Goku appears above him and knocks him back to the ring, creating a small crater in the middle of it.

As Goku lands back into the ring, Goten slowly forces himself back to his feet, barely able to stand.

"Oh man, Goku did that much damage with only two hit? This isn't good for Goten." Bulma says.

Chichi puts her hands together, with tears in her eyes, worried about Goten.

"My baby!" She yells

Bulla is visibly worried but still believes in Goten.

"You still got this, Goten. Come on, you can still win this thing." Bulla says.

Goten has never been hit as hard as Goku just hit him. His entire body is in pain, his knees are shaking, his bruises start to burn. But even with all of that, the taste of blood in his mouth, and the sound of his heart in his ears, he is still smiling.

"Why am I still smiling? I'm loosing here... I can barely even move. So why am I smiling?" Goten asks himself.

He then looks over at Goku and gets the answer.

"For as long as I could remember, I always loved fighting. It was the only thing that I was really good at. But until today, I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself as much as this very moment. The way dad fights. He's so much faster, so much more powerful than me. The things he's capable of- it's overwhelming. But I was excited. When I realized how strong he was, my heart started racing. Maybe because, I realized I have further to go. Makes me want to train myself even harder, to push myself to his level."

Something starts to happen to Goten. His legs stop shaking, his body shifts, and his Ki starts to rise. Everyone is surprised by this.

"Gotens energy, its..." Gohan starts to say.

"Rising." Bulla finishes his sentence.

Goku smiles, excited that the fights not over yet.

"I'm not done yet. I can still fight." Goten says.

He then rushes at Goku again in a different speed.

"He's gotten faster." Goku thinks.

Goku quickly throws a punch, but Goten dodges and lands an uppercut that sends Goku flying back, surprising everyone watching.

"Woah, Goten just kicked it up a notch." Yamcha points out.

"Yeah, he somehow was able to increase his power out of nowhere, even though he was on his last leg." Krillin points out.

Both Piccolo and Gohan recognize this from training Goten, as he is able to somehow make himself stronger in the middle of a fight.

Goku quickly lands on his feet as Goten rushes at him again. Goku is unable to respond with an attack of his own, as Goten rams his head into his face. Goku tries to throw a kick but Goten blocks and lands another punch to his face. The young Saiyan then blitzes him with multiple punches and kicks, landing them all and catching Goku off guard.

Goku then has no other choice but to turn Super Saiyan, pushing Goten back.

"He actually forced Kakarot to go Super Saiyan?" Vegeta thinks to himself.

Goku smirks.

"Let's go, Goten."

Goten smiles back at him. The two then charges at each other, clashing with great veracity. They then start to trade punches and kicks with amazing speed, stunning the crowd. Some of the Z fighters are still surprised that Goten is actually keeping up with Goku in his Super Saiyan form. After the fight continues, Goten starts to slow down, missing more of his attacks and getting hit with Goku's. Goten grits his teeth and pushes himself to keep fighting.

"I won't loose... Gotta... keep...GOING!" Goten thinks.

Goku then lands a hard punch to Gotens gut, stopping him for second but he forces himself to stay on his feet yet again. They then land duel punches to each others face, stunning both of them for a few minutes. Goten then stumbles and slowly falls to the ground. At the last possible moment, Goten stops himself from falling to the ground. He tries his hardest to stay on his feet, but soon falls face down to the ground.

Goku powers down to his base form and looks down at his youngest son, unconscious with a smile on his face. Goku smiles, then picks up his son's body and carries him outside the ring.

A few minutes pass, and Goten wakes up to see Goku, Chichi, Gohan, Krillin, Trunks, Master Roshi, and Bulla all staring down at him.

"Hey, guys." Goten says with a smile.

Goten sits up, and gets a hug from Bulla that surprises him. Bulla soon realizes what she's doing and quickly let's go, smiling and blushing.

"You- did ok, I guess." She says, softly punching his arm.

Goten smiles.

"Thanks." He says.

Chichi then hugs Goten, pushing Bulla out of the way.

"My baby!" She yells with tears in her eyes.

Goten chuckles.

"I'm ok, mom. I promise." He tells her

Gohan kneels down and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Nice job, little brother." Gohan says.

Krillin tosses a senzu bean to his student.

"Great fight, kid." Krillin says.

Piccolo and Roshi just smiles and Goten smiles at everyone. He then feels a hand on his head, turning around and seeing his dad behind him.

"Goten, I am so proud of you. That was a great fight we just had." Goku says.

When Goten hears this, tears start to form in his eyes, feeling absolute happiness.

"Thanks." Goten says.

At that moment, the crowd cheers for him immediately as he slowly stands up. Goten is surprised for a moment, taking in all of the applause and smiling, bowing to the crowd out of respect.

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