
Goku Vs Vegeta: Over In A Blink Of An Eye?

"Alright folks! The final match of the tournament will begin shortly! The winner of which will face our world Champion, Hercule!"

As the crowd cheers, Hercule sits in the corner freaking out, with tears in his eyes and snot running down his nose.

"It's over- I'm done for. Both of those guys are monsters. I'm doomed!" He cries.

Meanwhile, Goten and the others wonder who's going to win between Goku and Vegeta.

"It's hard to say. Both of them have been training all this time, so it really can go either way." Krillin points out.

"Yeah, but I think I gotta give it to Goku. Who knows what kind of training he went through in other world." Yamcha says.

At that moment, Bulma pulls his ear.

"What was that, Yamcha?" She asks.

Yamcha nervously laughs.

"I mean, Vegeta. Of course I mean Vegeta, the guys been doing gravity training all these years, so he'll have the upperhand."

Chichi then pulls on Yamcha's other ear.

"Say that again, Yamcha?" Chichi says.

"This feels like a loose, loose situation here."

Both Bulma and Chichi glare at each other.

"Hate to break it to you, Bulma, but my Goku has never lost a fight." Chichi says.

"Oh so that's why he wears that halo?" Bulma replies.

"Only because of your husband's screw up. Who let cell transform again? Oh yeah, it was Vegeta." Chichi adds.

"Now you listen to me, my husband has been training like a maniac all these years, he's wearing that championship belt home, sister." Bulma says.

"Goku's fighting so he can feed his family and put his children through school. He's got heart, you know, he's not out there for cheap thrills like your husband."

Bulma then pulls on Yamcha's ear.

"Vegeta will win!" Bulma yells.

Chichi pulls on Yamcha's other ear.

"No! Goku will win!" Chichi yells back.

The two loyal wives continue to argue while torturing Yamcha as Goten, Bulla, and Trunks sigh out of embarrassment. They then wonder who will win this fight.

"So, who do you two think will win?" Goten asks.

Trunks thinks for a moment.

"Your dad is stronger than I thought, but I'm still going with my dad." Trunks says.

"Yeah, our dad is pretty strong too, I gotta give it to him." Bulla says.

Goten smiles.

"I think my dad is going to win." Goten replies.

Trunks smirks.

"Well, we're about to find out." Trunks says as Vegeta and Goku walk into the ring.

Everyone cheers for Goku and Vegeta, including the Z- fighters who are the loudest ones there.

Goku and Vegeta stare at each other across the ring with mutual smiles.

"At last. I finally get my rematch." Vegeta says.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Our last fight didn't really go the way either of us wanted."

Vegeta chuckles.

"Now I can finally prove that I have surpassed you." Vegeta says.

"I wouldn't be so sure, Vegeta. I wasn't planning on losing to you today."

"Alright! Let the match..." The Announcer says.

Both Goku and Vegeta close their eyes and begin to focus themselves. Goten, Trunks, Bulla, Piccolo, Gohan, Roshi, Krillin, and Yamcha are surprised for a moment.

"They're reducing their energy levels, I can barely sense them. Even their breathing is calm." Piccolo points out.

"Shouldn't they be doing the opposite though?" Bulla asks.

"Begin!" The Announcer finishes.

At that moment, both Goku and Vegeta open their eyes, confusing Yamcha.

"Nothings changed." Yamcha says.

But Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin and Roshi are all stunned.

"Everything's changed." Gohan replies.

At that moment, as Goku and Vegeta stand perfectly still, a great flash of light appears and the entire ring is destroyed. Everyone is shocked and confused by this.

"They were just standing there, now the ring is just history." Trunks says.

"What the hell just happened?" Bulla asks.

They then look over and sees Goten absolutely speechless.

"So much just happened in just an instant." Goten says, as a smile sneaks onto his face because of what he was just slightly able to see.

"I could barely keep up with them. They're truly amazing." Roshi says.

"Yeah no kidding." Krillin says.

"Wow. I know dad and Vegeta got stronger after all these years, but this is insane." Gohan says.

Piccolo nods, amazed at the fight himself.

But everyone else is confused.

"Ok, can someone fill us normal people in, please!?" Bulma says.

"Yeah! What happened in the fight?!" Chichi adds.

"I want to know too, Gohan." Vidal says

"Well, it was a blow for blow battle, with a series of counters. It was really incredible." Gohan says.

"Yeah, by the time I noticed, I had already missed half of it." Goten says.

"We could try to explain, but it would probably take too much time to describe it." Krillin says.

Half a second before the end of the fight.

Goku and Vegeta rush at each other at top speed, shattering the ground under their feet. As the two smile, they start to throw multiple strikes at each other, both of them dodging and blocking. Vegeta then lands an elbow strike to Goku's face knocking him back. He then grabs him by his shirt and slams him into the ground. As Goku is on the ground, Vegeta throws multiple punches to his body, causing the ring to shatter even more, but is surprised to see the punch didn't actually land. Goku uses instant transmission to appear behind Vegeta, and as the prince turns around he gets hit across the face with a powerful punch.

Goku then lands fast punches on Vegeta, pushing him back. He then throws a kick, but Vegeta catches his foot and puts his hand in his face. As the prince fires a ki blast, Goku is able to duck just in time and land a knee into Vegeta's gut. Vegeta then sends out a large amount of energy, sending Goku flying back. While Goku is in the air, Vegeta flies straight at him and lands a headbutt. As Goku falls back towards the ground, Vegeta lands a punch to his jaw.

When Goku lands on the ground, Vegeta launches a ki barrage at his rival. Goku tries his best to block, but knows he can take much more and uses instant transmission to teleport above his opponent. As Vegeta continues to fire ki blasts, Goku flies down at him. Vegeta soon notices and prepares to fire a massive ki blast at him. At the same time he fires it off, Goku uses instant transmission again, grabbing Vegeta by the leg, spinning him around and throwing him.

Vegeta quickly stops himself, using a chunk of the ring in the air to stop himself. Goku then immediately appears behind him and throws a punch. Vegeta dodges it and throws a punch of his own that Goku blocks. Goku throws a kick at the prince's head, but Vegeta is able to duck, landing a punch to his face. Goku quickly answers back with a punch to Vegeta's face.

Both fighters, bruised and blood, share an intense stare down before trading blows with each other. After a while, Goku sends Vegeta flying and appears behind him to land another attack. He blitzes Vegeta with multiple strikes, then lands a devastating punch to the gut that sends Vegeta crashing down to the ground, causing the explosion that destroyed the ring.

Goku then lands, standing over a beaten Vegeta. The proud Prince then smiles.

"You've always been like this. Ever since the day I first met you...You never fought to kill, or for revenge...Only to test your limits, and to push yourself beyond them. To become- the strongest you could possibly be. How can a Saiyan fight like the way you do, and at the same time be so gentle that he wouldn't hurt a fly. It used to make me angry just thinking about it... but it was my anger that made me blind to the truth for so long... I see it now... This day has made it all too clear... You're better than me, Kakarot. You are the best." Vegeta says.

Goku smiles, feeling pride in both his victory and Vegeta's words.

"That means the world. Coming from the prince of all Saiyans." Goku says, offering his hand to his old rival.

Vegeta chuckles, taking his hand and getting helped up to his feet.

Meanwhile Chichi and Bulma swoon together over this moment between their husband's. Meanwhile Yamcha is wiping his eyes.

"Yamcha, are you crying?" Krillin asks.

"What!? No! I just- have some popcorn in my eye." Yamcha replies.

Meanwhile Goten clenches his fists, inspired by this fight between two proud Saiyan warriors.

"Trunks... We gotta get stronger... Stronger than them even."

Trunks looks over at how serious Goten is and nods.

"Yeah. We will." Trunks replies.

Bulla smiles, having faith in Goten and even her older brother Trunks.

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