
Valkyrie Potter: Pokemon Journey

Anime & Comics
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  • 300 Chs
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Had you told Valkyrie 'Vali' Rosebud Potter that she'd end up transported to another world as a Eight year old due to an outburst of accidental magic mixing horribly with a patronus charm, time turner, and the presence of dementors, she would've considered it for a few moments before saying that her luck wasn't that bad. Of course, she would be underestimating just how much the Potter family luck could possibly do in situations like this. As a result, Vali ended up in another world filled with odd creatures. Thankfully, she had Sirius with her and they managed to survive with a little help. Sirius gained a wife and she gained a mother and brother. Having to adjust to pokemon wasn't that hard, she was actually eager to become a trainer. A life of adventure, companionship, and so much else? Sign her up. Dealing with criminal organizations, legendaries, and harsh realities? Not so much.

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Chapter 1Dropped into another world

Vali groaned softly as she slowly came to feeling far colder than she had been moments before. She could remember the terrifying moment that the time-turner shattered against her skin as her flickering patronus turned into a supernova due to the intense amount of magic she'd conjured up due to her panic at the thought of losing the only family member that seemed to care for her. She took a deep breath and winced as sharp chilly air hit her lungs. Shivering, Vali opened her emerald green eyes and gasped softly. The world was covered in a blanket of white snow. She heard a low groan from near her and turned her head to see Sirius slowly sitting up. She watched his eyes scan the world around them and widen as she struggled to deal with the massive amount of emotions swirling through her. Sirius' eyes settled on her and he gasped out, "Pup?"

"S-Sir-" Vali cut herself off as she heard the soft and definitely childish voice that didn't belong to a thirteen nearly fourteen year old girl.

"Pup, you look younger," Sirius told her with wide eyes.

Vali felt panic start to rise above the mass of swirling emotions. She felt tears prick at her eyes with as her throat tightened. She struggled to keep it back, but a strangled sob worked it's way through her throat. She felt arms wrap around her and lift her into a hug. She burrowed her head into Sirius' neck as she struggled with her emotions, "Siri..."

"Let it out, Pup," He shushed her, "Just let it out,"

The words she'd always wanted to hear, but had never heard before caused her to finally let loose the tears she'd kept back for most of her life. Sirius murmured soothing words of comfort and rocked her gently. When the tears slowly came to a stop and her sobs died to soft hiccups, Vali pushed against Sirius' shoulders and shivered softly as she looked around them, "W-where are we?"

"I have no idea," Sirius looked around as well, "But we'll figure it out,"

Vali nodded slowly while sniffling softly, "O-okay."

Sirius frowned as he put her down and slowly stood up while looking around, "Let's start by finding some sort of civilization and get somewhere warm to stay for the night though we should probably change into something warmer."

"Yeah," Vali rubbed at her eyes, "How?"

Sirius stuck his hands into his pockets before drawing out a wand that she recognized to be Professor Lupin's. He waved it and frowned as it only sparked weakly, "That's not good, but it will work for now."

Once they were both dressed in something better suited to the cold weather and Vali's wand was secured in a bag that Sirius carried, they set out in a random direction.

Delia Ketchum was making her way home with Professor Oak carrying her two year old son. The snow was coming down heavily and the Professor hadn't thought it would be a good idea for them to go home alone. The Professor's Arcanine walked with them providing warmth and light. Arcanine stopped walking for a moment and let out a whine causing Professor Oak to frown, "Arcanine, what's wrong?"

The canine let out a whine and paced slightly earning concerned looks from the two conscious humans, "Professor?"

"Let's check it out, it's probably a pokemon that got caught outside," Professor Oak decided before turning to his pokemon, "Arcanine, show us what's bothering you,"

The pokemon took off with them following him. Soon enough, the large fire type was digging in the snow and breathing out a few embers to melt the snow. Delia let out a gasp as she realized what the fire type had found, "People! Professor!"

"Quickly Arcanine, dig them out," The Professor took out a few pokeballs and released the pokemon inside, "Charizard, we have two people unconscious in the snow. Help Arcanine get them out. Alakazam, take Delia and Ash home before coming back here. We need to get these two out of the snow and to the lab,"

Delia wanted to protest, but knew she needed to get Ash inside quickly. Alakazam nodded slowly and reached out towards the two humans as Charizard began helping to melt the snow while taking great care to avoid burning the humans currently laying in it unconscious. Delia looked at the Professor and said, "Tell me what happens."

"I will," The Professor promised, "Now go,"

Delia inwardly sighed, but nodded to the powerful psychic-type.

As Vali slowly floated within the blissful serenity and warmth of her unconsciousness, she got flashes of what had happened before she'd ended up in this black abyss. Snow had begun to fall as Sirius and her had tried to find civilization. She had begun to get tired the more she walked. It seemed like the snow was sapping her strength with each step along with any warmth in her body. Eventually, she couldn't walk any longer and Sirius had picked her up after she'd stumbled for the fourth time. Even without any contact with the snow save for what was falling, the strength in her body was being sapped alongside the warmth with each breath of the chilled air. With each breath she took, knives of cold air stabbed into her lungs until it felt like she couldn't breath.

She couldn't remember anything after that and wondered what had happened to Sirius. Panic disrupted the serenity and she began to struggle to awaken. Sirius, what had happened? Did he get hurt? Eventually, she managed to pull herself from unconsciousness. She struggled to open her eyelids which felt like lead. Once she managed it, Vali found herself staring at a dark ceiling and turned her head slowly to see that the entire room was dark. The only source of light in the entire room came from a thin crack under the door. Slowly struggling to sit up, Vali tried not to cry out at the pain that ran through her as she moved her lead filled limbs. She had to take a small break once she sat up because of how tired she felt from that simple movement. Eventually, she managed to regain her strength and began moving towards the edge of the bed.

A soft cry left her as her body impacted the ground and pain ran through her limbs. She stayed there for a few moments as she tried to push back the tears that gathered in her eyes from the pain. As soon as the pain faded away enough, she worked on picking herself up and began the slow stumbling walk towards the door. She leaned against the wall beside it for a few moments to take a few deep deep breaths and regain the strength it had taken her to reach this point. She listened for any sound and couldn't find anything. She looked at the door handle and reached up to grab it. Twisting the handle, she carefully pulled open the door and flinched as bright light assaulted her eyes. Shutting them, she waited for the brightness to become less painful before opening them again to take in the world outside the room.

She found herself in a hallway. Rich looking brown wood covered the floor and a small portion of the wall. Cream colored paint covered the walls where paintings or photos didn't. She looked down the hallway and spotted a door. Moving towards it, she was almost halfway there when something spoke. It didn't come from a discernible direction which made her stiffen, "Child, you should be resting. My master had the lizard and the dog free you from the snow in order to provide medical care. Do not waste his efforts."

"Sirius," Vali murmured, "Where is Sirius?"

The voice took on a softer tone and Vali could pick out vaguely feminine hints to it, "The odd man that was with you is in another room. Will you rest if I take you to see him?"

Vali nodded as rapidly as she could, "Y-yes. Please, I need to see Sirius."

The voice spoke in a resigned tone, "Very well. I will take you to the odd man before returning you to bed and informing my master that you have awakened."

Vali was about to thank the voice when something picked her up. It felt like there was nothing stable holding her up, but some kind of force seemingly defying gravity. She tried to twist only for the force to keep her still, "W-what is this?"

The voice took on a curious tone, "An ability that many psychics can use though it is harder for the human psychics to obtain the ability to do more than life small object."

"Psychics?" Vali murmured as the force levitated her down the hall past the room she'd been heading for, "What do you mean?"

"Humans and pokemon with psychic type abilities. Psychic type pokemon are far stronger than any humans though some have managed to become as powerful as some of us," The voice replied only making her feel confusion, "Do you not know what psychic-types are?" Vali shook her head, "What about pokemon?" Vali shook her head again, "This is a disturbing notion. No one within this world doesn't know what pokemon are. Pokemon are creatures of all shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside humans like myself. We are able to use abilities using our innate energies that most humans cannot. Pokemon grow stronger through battle though having humans train us allows us to grow stronger faster and gain new heights of strength that our wild brethren cannot. Humans like my master are known as Trainers who capture pokemon and train them. My master also studies pokemon and is known as a Professor due to his knowledge of the subject,"

"Capture?" A feeling of disgust ran through her, "Isn't that wrong?"

"No, it is the way of things and many pokemon choose to be captured," The voice, a pokemon, said, "While there are those that do not really wish to be captured, they soon realize the benefits. Those that do not like it eventually end up released back into the wild,"

Vali didn't really like the idea, but pushed that out of her mind, "What are you?"

"I am an Alakazam," The voice informed her, "I am a psychic-type pokemon,"

"Don't you have a name of your own?" Vali asked earning a soft hum.

"No though some of those trained by humans are given nicknames," Alakazam replied, "I did not want one even if my master offered it," Vali found herself in front of a door which was opened by a soft blue glow, "The odd man is in here. Would you allow me to look into your memories? It will fill some blanks and allow my master to help you,"

Vali hesitated for a few moments before asking, "Only the ones you need?"

"Yes," Alakazam replied and Vali granted her agreement, "I will wait until after you've seen the odd man and I've taken you back to bed,"

Vali nodded and found herself being deposited gently onto a bed. The lights flickered on and Vali gasped as she took in her godfather. Sirius looked like death warmed over. Vali reached out with a clumsy hand and touched his cheek which was very warm to the touch. Vali spoke, "He has a fever."

"He will be fine," Alakazam informed her, "It is lucky that we pulled you both out of the snow when we did. You were worse off than him, but that is due to how young you are. Though for some reason, you've recovered faster than him. He will be very weak for a few days, but should recover so long as he listens,"

Vali nodded slowly feeling herself starting to get tired, "Thank you."

"It is no problem, Child," Alakazam murmured as it lifted her with psychic and carried her from the room after shutting off the lights, "You will likely fall asleep very soon,"

Vali's eye lids fell closed as her consciousness wavered. She felt herself being placed on something soft and slowly fell asleep.

Vali woke up feeling something rough and wet brushing against her cheek. Trying to move away from the source didn't do anything as the licking moved to follow her movement, she felt something soft and warm press against her cheek. With a giggle, Vali tried to move beneath the blanket as she opened her eyes only for a soft orange and cream muzzle to follow her. Finally, she pushed up the blanket as she said, "Okay, okay, I'm awake."

She jolted at the creature that barked at her as its fluffy tail wagged and its tongue lolled out of its mouth. It looked kind of like a tiger with its orange and black striped fur. Orange tinted cream fur covered it's chest and tail. A tuft of the orange tinted cream fur came from its head. She stared at the creature before smiling as it padded closer to her. She reached out and let it sniff her fingers before giggling as it licked them. She jolted as it pressed closer and she carefully began to scratch behind it's ears earning a soft whine of pleasure. She heard a soft laugh, "Growlithe, where are you?"

The creature yipped prompting her to realize it was Growlithe, "So you're a Growlithe?"

The creature, Growlithe, barked as the door opened and a girl with brown hair entered. She paused as her dark viridian eyes widened before she grinned brightly, "You're awake! Grandpa will be so happy. My names Daisy Oak."

"Vali," Vali replied as Growlithe nuzzled into her hands.

"Growlithe seems to like you," Daisy noted with a smile earning a small nod from Vali, "You don't talk much, do you?"

Vali frowned slightly before giggling as Growlithe butted its head into her chest prompting her to resume her scratching, "I...Where am I?"

"You're in my grandpa's lab," Daisy informed her making Vali recall what Alakazam had said something about her master being a Professor, "I should go tell him you're awake. Growlithe, do you want to stay with her or come with me?"

Growlithe barked and settled down against Vali, "I guess it want's to stay with me."

"He," Daisy corrected before nodding, "Yeah. I'll be back soon. Grandpa's checking on the guy that was with you,"

Daisy disappeared through the door as Vali wondered how Sirius was. While Alakazam had said he'd recover, Vali wasn't sure how he currently was. She hoped that he would wake up soon. Growlithe let out a whine and Vali shook her head lightly while giving the pokemon her attention. She wondered what type he was though something about the heat radiating off of him made her think of fire. Growlithe enjoyed her scratches and kept her from thinking about Sirius long enough for the door to open. Growlithe yipped as he jumped off of the bed and rushed over to the door where an old man stood. He looked younger than Dumbledore, but he certainly wasn't young. His black eyes focused on her as he bent down to scratch behind Growlithe's ears, "I'm glad to see you're awake. My name is Professor Samuel Oak. How are you feeling?"

Vali thought about the question before saying, "Tired and kind of cold."

"Any pain?" Professor Oak asked as he walked further into the room and Growlithe got back up onto the bed.

Vali nodded slowly, "A small amount. I mostly feel tired though."

"Well that's good," Professor Oak smiled at her, "It seems like Growlithe likes you," Vali nodded as the pokemon cuddled up against her, "What's your name?"

"Vali," Vali answered softly, "Valkyrie Potter,"

"And the name of the man that we found you with?" Professor Oak asked.

"Sirius Black," Vali hugged Growlithe to her chest, "He's my godfather. Is he alright?"

"He hasn't woken up yet, but he should soon," Professor Oak told her before sighing, "Alakazam told me about the memories she observed with your permission, but I'm having a bit of trouble believing it," Vali just stared at him, "How is it that you managed to transport yourself to this world?"

Vali battled with herself for a few moments. Magic wasn't supposed to be talked about with non-magicals outside of family, but this wasn't the world she came from. After a few moments, she replied, "I...I don't know. My magic reacted."

Professor Oak frowned, "Can you think of any reason why your 'magic' would react that way?"

"I was scared...I was so scared of losing Sirius so soon after finding him and the fact that the demons trying to take him from me were going to take my soul as well," Vali's fingers clenched, "Fear and panic as my patronus began to fail. Knowing that I was going to die and lose my godfather," Vali's mind flashed back to that moment, "I suppose my magic reacted to my will for us to live and get away from the demons. I suppose it also reacted to my wish to be free," She closed her eyes, "Among my people, there is a thing known as accidental magic which occurs within children during times of duress, I suppose I managed to tap into it. No one really knows what all magic can do,"

"But that doesn't explain you being deaged or your god-father," Professor Oak pointed out.

"The time-turner," Vali remembered it shattering, "I don't know what it was exactly, but it allowed people to travel an hour at most back in time,"

"Why did you have it?" Professor Oak asked her curiously.

"For my classes," Vali told him remembering McGonagall's speech to Hermione and her, "I took two that were at the same time,"

Professor Oak nodded as Vali's eyes grew heavy again and he seemed to notice her tiredness, "You should get some rest. I will send Daisy back in here to bring you something to eat later. Growlithe," The pokemon blinked at him, "Do you wish to stay here?" Growlithe yipped and snuggled against her as Vali slowly began to lay back down, "Alright. Wake her up when Daisy comes back."

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Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1