
the potters' death

When your entire life goes to shit you can essentially boil down the entire fault into one fucked up decision.(yes that's a dead pool reference. Sue me.) for James Potter it was when he placed his faith in the one person he shouldn't have.

I sighed as memories swirled to two weeks ahead.

In the bleak years of this war James Potter was having a good couple of months. James Potter was in his house smiling and cooing at his baby. He tried to make baby noises and amusing faces to make the baby laugh. But the baby seemed unimpressed. In fact sometimes James could swear that if his baby had basic muscle control he will even face palm at his antics. His boy was different, special.

Suddenly his face turned serious. All amusement was drained from his face and his eyes sharpened. James said:"honey, get your wand." lily looked at James and nodded.

James immediately put his child under the table, cast a silencing Charm on him and covered him with his cloak.

(AN:" the cloak is a DEATHLY HALLOW")

They both stood back to back Wand tips bursting with magic. Eerie silence filled the room.


the windows burst open as black smoke billowed through. The black smokes coalesced to form 30 dark clad figures. Before the two can even utter a word numerous beams hit them at an instance throwing them back.

The couple lay in the ground groaning their body riddled with wounds. They scowled with pure hatred at the attackers. James said with spite:" death eaters!!."

One of the dark cloak clad ones came forwards. The other death eaters all moved away respectfully creating a path for the former. The death eater took the mask off revealing a sneering Bellatrix Lestrange: "I don't think blood traitors such as yourselves have the luxury to call us by the name our Lord has given us. "

Bellatrix smiled and continued:" James Potter, heir of the potter household, you and your filthy mudblood whore has been supporting the terrorist organization by the name of order of phoenix to commit numerous crimes against the wizarding community. For these crimes..... "

Lily shouted:" BULLSHIT!! I --"

She was cut off as a knife was placed inside her mouth by Bellatrix who was still smiling:" I am the one talking darling. It's rude to interrupt. "

Lily quieted down still glaring at the death eater. She still smiled coldly as she continued:" anyway... As I was saying for these crimes, you are punishhhhhed.....by death. "

"Just spare us your speeches and kill us already you snake." lily shouted.

"now what fun would that be. Lord, I wish you hadn't moved your baby what fun we would have had. But I guess we'll have to make do with you. My lord was adamant in your death. But he won't mind playing with it before breaking it would he." she replied her sneer widening. She pointed her wand and uttered:



The living room of the potters' was riddled with dried up blood. In middle of the bloodied mess stood two shivering figures. There entire body was riddled with wounds but their remained unrelenting.

Bellatrix scowled at this:" that's no fair. Sixteen crucios and I went out of my way to do some physical torture and you are still so full of spirit. Heck I am kind of out of it actually."

A shivering lily looked at Bellatrix with enough hatred to power ten killing curses. She wanted to retort but her voice boxes were destroyed beyond repair. It would have been so easy to give into the pain. But the thought of giving Bellatrix any form of pleasure or satisfaction repulsed her.

Bellatrix's scowl widened:" c'mon Bella. Physical pain is obviously not the way to go." suddenly she smiled:" But what about the pain of losing a close one? Yes. Yeeees. That'll work. "

Bellatrix moved her wand tip glowing a ghastly green and pointed it at James potter's head. She asked smiling:" exhibit A. The blood traitor of the potter's. A caring husband. A loving father. Is he the one to bite the dust today...." she then moved twirling her wand between her fingers and pointing it at the next potter:".....or. Exhibit B. A whore of the mudbloods. A stain to magic. A disgrace to the wizarding community itself. Which will it be."

But they still resolutely held their stance. They knew their was no escaping today. So they were not going to give their captors any satisfaction in the pain they were inflicting on them now. They were both ready to die.

But Bellatrix couldn't admit defeat. The fire of hope in their eyes seemed to prick her. She will break them. She had to break them.

Suddenly realization dawned in her eyes. Her smile turned into a sneer.:"or how about exhibit C. The precious little baby. The bundle of joy. The bag of adorableness."

Life drained from the potters' eyes. Their boy. Their little firefly in this war riddled world. The cloak under table seemed to flutter.

"it seems we have a winner." Bellatrix said smiling exhilaratingly. "Crabbe.. Can you please grab the truth ser.... "


Every single death eater drew their wands in precaution. They warily looked at the direction of the noise. Two headless people lay their, pure magic wafting from their bloodied headless necks.

Bellatrix poked the necks with her wand. She said to herself:" accidental magic. They must have used the emotions for their kid. "

"well that's a wrap." She emotionlessly stood up:" the order will be here soon let's move. Besides today's the day of the most important mission of all. Killing the child of prophecy. We must all be present at the dark Dark lord's. "

All of the cloaked figures nodded in unison. They all instantly apparated, except one-Bellatrix. She gave one last hateful glare at the dead potters and turned around and apparated as well.

Suffocating Silence fell upon the room. For a few seconds nothing existed there except for the two dead potters. Suddenly a baby's cry erupted from under the table tearing through the silence.

The entire scene suddenly unravelled into silver threads, the baby's cry turning into a dulling echo.

Harry's eyes slammed wide open as his entire body thrummed with power. the drill was thrown off the ground. Harry directed the overflowing power and placed the drill in the trunk.

He huffed and closed the trunk of the car. In glass reflected a pale face with rugged, unkempt hair. Harry slowly brought his hand up and parted his hair to reveal his greatest mystery. Under the hair was a clear smooth forehead. His lightning scar was absent.

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