
theories and plots

After finishing my chore I sat down in the porch as I knew that I will not be allowed in today.

This gave me much time to contemplate my existence. During the seven years I have been with the Dursley I have postulated many theories regarding the absence of my lightning bolt scar and what I saw at Godrics hollow at that dreaded night.

The story of Harry Potter I was familiar with was absent in the world I live. From what I seem to understand there did exist a child of prophecy. And it's not me. More importantly it couldn't be me.

Unlike cannon Harry I wasn't born on july 31st. I was born on August 1st. So their was no reason for voldemort to suspect that I am child of the prophecy. This only leaves one there viable candidate. Neville longbottom. After all his cannon birthday was July 30th. And he was also the second most likely candidate to be the child of prophecy in canon.

The state of the wizarding world often mirrors in the muggle world. Because no matter how hard wizards try, they can't cover up everything. So from what I can understand from the news the world currently is stable. Which must mean the same must happening for the wizarding world too.

So the chances are high that the war is over. So the hectic horcrux creation backfiring must've happened with longbottoms. Which means if my guess is correct, longbottom must be marked. Of course all of these are assumptions. But I have reasons to believe I am indeed correct.

The reason for my belief is because the Bellatrix Lestrange who was supposed to go to the longbottoms came for us the potters. So it's safe to assume the reverse must also have happened.

But then there's the biggest question of them all. How did this happen. I never... Never in a billion years wanted to be child of the prophecy. But that doesn't explain how this change came to occur.

An idiot my say:"Ooh. Maybe it's an AU universe of the actual potterverse." what the fuck does that even mean. Think about it. The concept of an entire universe made like a J. K. Rowling book alone is ridiculous. This alone suggests the possibility of higher beings like a God responsible for this. So if someone created something like that why on earth would change something so stupid and innocuous as the child of prophecy's identity. See what I mean???

And so I have looked for answers and I have glanced upon two probable ones.

The first idea is that Fate itself decided that I couldn't be the child of prophecy. You see Robert Is not the child of prophecy. Harry Potter is. So when Robert's soul hijacked the body of Harry Potter fate decided to take away the rights of the soul for becoming the child of prophecy.

This idea might seem convincing except for one fatal flaw. You see fate is set in stone. The entire Harry Potter books discussed this idea over and over again in many ways. Harry's time travel do-over, Voldemort's second fall or even Harry's sacrifice. They were all meant to happen and there was no way out of this. Harry was nothing but a cog in the machine known as fate.

So once the train of fate leaves the station it's almost impossible to stop it. The way I could think of is if I myself altered the timeline. Since I was a baby without basic muscle control at that time I could not have made any forceful changes to the timeline. So it wasn't fate.

Then there's my second theory. I we are saying the truth I am almost scared of the second theory.

The second theory... is time travel. Someone from the future came back and caused ruptures in the timeline.

This alone might sound insane. But there's more. One of the biggest reasons I wish with all my heart to let it be reason one.

Who time travelled. Who crossed space and time and created such a huge radiation in the timeline and left. Who would do such a thing.

You see in the original timeline, no one did such a thing. Even Dumbledore no matter how dire things were never even thought about using time turners. This means that the person who used it is not in the original timeline.

That's right.

If, theory two is correct, .....

The one who will fuck up all of time.....

Is me.

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