

Author: mjean1234
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Chapter 11-5

There is a well known saying that goes like this: the bigger they are, the harder they fall. I doubt I have to explain the meaning but for argument's sake I will. You can see it from a physical perspective as a body with a large volume will contain a large amount of mass as well, and so when said body falls it will apply an equally large amount of force. There is the social context as well, for example a mistake made by a politician will be far more costly to their career than that made by a small time shop keeper.

Now my dear reader, you may be wondering what this has to do with a story involving the naruto franchise. Well this is precisely how the story starts. Aurora Ambridge was a well renowned scientist in the fields of space-time mesh bending and quantum physics, her aspiration was to be the first to breach the space-time mesh in a controlled way to form a stable wormhole. I would like to point out that I said she was instead of is, why? simple, she is no more.

The first attempt she ever made was her last as she made a simple yet vital mistake. The machine she was using to open a portal the size of a few atoms in diameter hadn't been properly configured. This error however was not hers, but that of her personal assistant. If one were to look back it was a sequence of seemingly inconsequential actions that led to the mistake.

Emma, the assistant, had spent the previous night celebrating with her colleagues, Aurora not included. In said celebration she had consumed a fair amount of alcohol which of course led to a hangover the next day. Not wanting to miss their first ever attempt at making history she decided not to call in sick. Coincidentally that day was a guard rookie's first day and so he performed his duties poorly. This led to Ema's unenpided entry into the facility despite not being in working condition.

Mistakes were made, Emma with her rather prominent headache imputed the wrong parameters into the machine which led to catastrophe. For starters, the quantum restriction field's oscillation frequency had been attuned to five ghertz more than it should. The portal diameter had been set to five meters instead of five femtometers. Worst of all was the desynchronization of the portal's temporal canals.

Many things should have happened thanks to all these mistakes. The machine should not have started, and if it did it should have shut down before it could even start the warming up. Even if it did manage to warm up and properly attempt to open the wormhole the sheer energy requirement should have caused it's shut down. None of that happened.

Somehow the sum of all the mistakes led to the impossibility of the machine functioning with normality. The energy required was absorbed by the quantum restriction field from the temporal dysfunction created by the desynchronization of the temporal canals. This led to the creation of a pair of wormholes of five meters in diameter instead of a singular one. Worst of all was the fact that only god could know where the wormholes led.

A second. The portals lasted a single second as the power grid suffered a meltdown from the sheer amount of energy generated. However that was enough for Aurora to be mercilessly ripped from the fabric of reality. She had been a single step closer to the containment glass than her peers and that was enough to be within the 5 meters spherical radius of the wormholes.

All Emma and the other scientists saw was a flash of light and then nothing. The lights of the underground compound had died and so they were in complete darkness. A moment later a scientist used his phone's light to observe their surroundings. In front of them, where the bright doctor Aurora Ambridge had once stood was a crater. A perfect pair of spheres had been cut into the concrete walls and floor leaving nothing behind.

In the turbulence of time and space where all realities and none existed at the same time a new straggler appeared. It happened too fast for Aurora to react. One moment she was standing in front of the containment glass exception to write history the next she was flung through an unknown environment. Worst of all was the pain. An indescribable pain assaulted her senses as her body was assaulted by dissonant waves of space and time. Any other living being should have died by now and yet by a miracle she was kept alive.

The colors were blinding and suffocating. Her body demanded air but there was none in this place if it could be called as such. Unknown objects would smash against her body, ripping it to pieces only for a wave of temporal inconsistency to fix it. Some other objects would instead be absorbed causing an untold amount of changes.

Time went on, or back as she continued to suffer the worst hell imaginable. A millennium experienced in a microsecond. A microsecond experienced in a millenium. In a place where time and space lose all coherence, how is the feeble human mind expected to keep sane. Finally her body was torn, shredded to nothingness and yet something remained. The soul, a concept all living things know exists and yet none comprehend. That remnant was finally freed from the chaos of space and time to either disappear or find a new vessel.

The soul is a complex thing. A conglomerate of energies that form the basis for any and all living entities. A data bank containing all possible information pertaining to said being. Complex, powerful and firm, yet fragile to a fault. From DNA memories, experiences, personality and many more the soul stores them all.

Aurora's soul had gone through a traumatic experience as it had been overwritten and rewritten over and over again while within the chaos of time and space. Now that it had finally fallen into a stable reality once again its first instinct was to search for a vessel. Normally, souls would experience energy decay while outside their vessels. This of course could be mitigated through many means. However, a soul that has left the body will for all intents and purposes disappear after experiencing decay to never be recovered.

Aurora's soul was different. Whatever happened to it within the chaos of time and space made it resilient to a fault. It as any other would decay and disappear with time. However, how long it would take for it to do so was up for debate. Not that it matters as after a day it found what it needed.

A single zygote just formed in the womb of a woman was the perfect vessel. It was like a clean slate. No soul resided in it yet and as such it could be modified and adapted to house the soul. There would be no rejection and as such a life that was supposed to end could be brought back.

As soon as Aurora's soul entered extreme changes began to occur to the genetic material of the zygote. Mutation after mutation followed as whatever had changed her soul was now changing her new body. She would never come to know the full scope of what had integrated and changed her but for us who watch her story it would be better to disclose it.

For starters it's better to explain what resides within the chaos of time and space. Aside from the chaotic primordial energies of time and space themselves there is also an innumerable number of things within. After all, chaos is connected to any and all realities and worlds. It would not be a stretch to say that anything and everything that could exist has once entered the chaos.

Of course the chaos of time and space also works as let's say the multiversal trash-can. When a universe dies it gets torn by the chaos, reduced to its most elemental components. What might remain of them are the things that can withstand the chaotic energies within. That brings us back to what entered and changed Aurora's soul.

The first thing to come in contact with the poor scientist was a lightning made out of pure energy. This lightning was the very representation of a primordial force. The speed force as its name implies controls speed and therefore the kinetic energy contained within an action or being.

Even though a link was established between Aurora's being and the force itself said link was rather narrow preventing her from taking full advantage of its primordial powers. However, with time and effort she might be able to increase her connection with the speed force being able to use more of its power.

Another boon she got is a piece of an entity that is known as scp-682 or the hard to destroy reptile. Don't let the name fool you though. The damned lizard is for all intents and purposes immortal. Capable of adapting to any and all situations it also boasts of absurd regenerative powers. Unfortunately, just like the speed force it didn't provide the full scope of these absurd abilities. Instead, Aurora got a heavily degraded version of them.

If the lizard is capable of adapting in a matter of seconds Aurora would take days, months or even years depending on the situation. While the lizard can reform its whole body from a single cell in an hour or two. Aurora heals a little faster and can regrow lost limbs albeit the process would take a long time to complete.

Finally, an eye from the spider goddess shiraori. Shiraori is a goddess born from the boredom of her progenitor known as the evil goddess D. Through insurmountable odds and struggle Shiraori ascended into god who earned her name from D. Her eyes possess many powers from seeing a few seconds into the future to clairvoyance for kilometers. However, her most powerful ocular power is the eye of gluttony.

The eyes that can never be satiated. A skill created by shiraori with the intention to fight and defeat other gods by stealing their energy through her eyes. The eye of gluttony. Just like before Aurora didn't get all the boons from the eye. However she did get the eye of gluttony. The eye of gluttony or boshokugan when activated changes her iris color to a bright pink while the pupil separates creating four new ones that surround the original one.

There are multiple factors that determine the rate at which energy is stolen. However, the amount isn't large even when Shiraori used them. That's why she used an untold amount of clones to stack the effect.

With all these modifications it would be safe to assume that Aurora would be an absolute monster in her new life. However, one has to remember that she does not know any of this information. It is up to her to realize her potential.

Days went by as little Aurora continued to grow until finally after eight months her consciousness woke up once more. Of course as a scientist and logical thinker she did not panic at her current situation. After all, as a renowned scientist and avid user of the scientific method how could she let herself panic? Right?

'Where am I? Why can't I see anything?' Disoriented, Aurora tried to move around.

'Wait? Why can't I move!? Calm down Aurora, think. The last thing I remember was giving the good to go for the experiment and then a bright flash and a lot of pain… am I dead? Of course not, how could I be thinking if I am dead! Not to mention I still have my sense of touch. I can feel a warm fluid around me so…'

As Aurora continued contemplating her situation she began hearing voices from an unknown place.

"hey… have you… about baby… name?"

"yes… if boy… girl…"

Aurora's thoughts came to a halt. For starters she recognized the language spoken as japanese. She had never been more thankful for her addiction to Japanese culture as it was this that led her to learn the language. However, the more pressing matter was the topic of the conversation.

'Baby? What baby are they talking about? Is it me? No way, I am a full grown ass adult. I want no part in any of their kinky fetishes, hell no. Wait, let's not go there, judging people is bad. Maybe I happened to be nearby and overheard them. That however does not help with my situation. Could it be that I am going through some experimental medical procedure after the accident?'

Frustrated Aurora tried to scratch her head furiously like she would do in the past when a problem refused to be solved. Once again the attempt to move was met with failure as her body refused to move… properly that is. She felt how her arms flailed wildly before hitting something. That something felt warm and oddly flesh-like.

"Looks… baby… woke… active"

"... means… healthy… happy"

Once again Aurora's thoughts halted. The two voices began talking about how the baby was active just as she moved. To make matters even worse she felt a soft soothing pressure traveling through the walls of whatever held her. At that moment a thought creeped its way inside her mind. Could it be that she was actually a baby?

You are reading story Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic] at novel35.com

'No fucking way! That 's absurd! How the fuck could I be a baby? How the fuck could I become a baby? That makes no sense! There must be an explanation! Grown women in their thirties don't just become babies out of the blue!'

However, the more she thought about it the more it made sense. Leaving aside the how, the current situation alludes to that very conclusion. The evidence is there.

'Okay, let's assume that I did become a baby. The question is how? As for that, the only thing I can guess is that I somehow went back in time to before being born. However, that theory crumbles as soon as I take into consideration the language spoken. My parents never learnt japanese! Both of them were born in the UK and grew up there. There is no reason for them to speak Japanese!'

That's when a new thought or rather word popped in her mind like an intruder hellbent on robbing all of her attention. A simple word. A Japanese word. A word that has picked up traction in fantasy settings in recent years. The word is the dreaded isekai.

'I wasn't run over by a truck though. Jokes aside and as implausible as it may sound it's the best guess I got. The facts are: I am a baby again, my new parents speak japanese. Now I know that's not a lot of evidence but in my situation it's kind of hard to acquire data. With that done now what? Am I supposed to wait for my birth? How long will that take!? If I am unfortunate enough it could be three months or more damit!'

Having nothing better to do, Aurora decided to meditate. She had never done so before, after all she was a very busy and energetic woman. What has changed is that as of now there is nothing else to do not to mention that if she has truly been isekai she might have some powers or some such. That was always the premise in the anime and manga she read.

It made zero sense for her. Her logical thinking complained that what she was doing was nonsensical and a waste of time. However, her otaku heart disagreed with her. She opted to believe until proven otherwise and so she attempted to meditate. In anime meditation has always been about clearing the mind of all thoughts. She doubted that she could do that so instead she opted to concentrate on herself.

Aurora concentrated on her senses or at least what little she could sense. The first thing to catch her attention was a soft constant beating, presumably her mothers heart. The sound was relaxing and helped her ease into a tranquil state of mind. Next she felt something she had never felt in her previous life. The closest description she could give was that of a warm tingly feeling flowing through her body and around her.

Finding the new sensation interesting, Aurora concentrated on it. She began studying its flow, speed pattern and anything she could get. The feeling was complex in many ways. What she could tell was that the one that came from inside her felt dissimilar from the one outside. Somehow, she could tell that the one inside her would answer to her while the other wouldn't. Perhaps, the second one would answer to her mother instead.

Not having anything better to do, Aurora continued to analyze the feeling with such scrutiny only a scientist could muster.

A month has gone by and Aurora felt that the time for her birth was close. Why? because her living space felt cramped as all hell. She feared that if she wasn't born soon she would be stuck inside her mother forever. As she thought about that as if the very world listened to her, her mother's water broke.

Inside a hospital room a pretty woman with light brown hair screamed her lungs out as she pushed with all her might. At the moment the only thing she could think about was killing her husband for putting her through this.

"Nagi I swear to god after this I will kill you!" Nagi who was currently having his hand crushed by the women he loved could do nothing but have a wry smile on his face. The last month had been really tough on him. Himiko's mood swings became wilder by the day, not to mention her constant assasination threats.

"Come on honey just a little more and it will be over" He tried to reassure her for the Nth number of times as he had lost count a while ago. To tell the truth those words were more for him than for her as his hand had been broken for a while now. The woman, a shinobi at the rank of jounin, was well known for her physical strength.

Ten minutes later the baby was finally out as her cries could be heard in the room. Aurora was ecstatic to finally be out. What the doctors, nurses and her parents thought to be the usual cries of a new born baby were, in fact, shouts of celebration from Aurora.

"Whaaa, whaaa 'I am free motherfuckers! No more fucking boring black with absolutely nothing to do!'"

The nurse that was currently cleaning the baby could do nothing more than smile at her cuteness. The little thing was currently flailing her tiny arms as if she was celebrating. After the nurse finished cleaning and wrapping up the baby in a warm blanket before handing her to her mother.

"congratulations she's a healthy baby girl"

An exhausted mother held her baby with a smile so bright only a mother could have. She felt such joy at meeting her little baby girl that tears wouldn't stop flowing from her eyes. Truth be told, she had thought she would never be a mother after that incident.

During the third shinobi war when she was nothing more but a naive chunin, an enemy ninja had the drop on her and stabbed her stomach with his tanto. At the time she was sure of her death but miraculously an allied squad with a medic-nin saved her on time. Unfortunately the attack had damaged her womb dropping the chances of a successful pregnancy to almost nothing.

Unknown to Himiko, Nagi and Aurora, the only reason the pregnancy had been a success was due to Aurora's mutated soul changing the zygote. Due to 682 adaptability Aurora's new body managed to pull through otherwise, a natural abortion would have happend at around the third or fourth month.

You are reading story Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic] at novel35.com

Nagi was also smiling despite the pain from his left hand. As of now he was receiving some medical treatment for his broken hand while smiling towards the happy Himiko.

"As we agreed you get to name her honey" Nagi and Himiko had agreed that he would name the baby if he was a boy and Himiko if she was a girl. Truth be told, Nagi didn't care that she was a girl. He was just glad to be a father against all odds. Even Lady Tsunade had said that her beloved Himiko could never be a mother. Now he was just glad to have received such a miracle.

"I will call her Tomoka, my little Tomoka" Himiko chose the name a long time ago. The reason behind it was that for her, her child would be the most precious jewel to ever grace this world. Not only that but she had a feeling. She felt that her daughter would be smart, confident, beautiful but above all else she would be true to herself and loyal to her friends.

"That's a beautiful name honey" Nagi's gaze landed on little Tomoka as the little girl looked intently at her mothers eyes. Bright green eyes met the canela brown pair belonging to her mother. Nagi was sure that a connection formed between the two as they gazed at each other.

Meanwhile, Tomoka felt a little conflicted. In all fairness she liked her new name but she was reluctant to get rid of her old one. After all, it was given by her first parents. Admittedly not the best parents out there, they did neglect her a little while growing up, but ultimately not the worst. In the end she accepted her fate. It wasn't like she had a say in the matter.

As a matter of fact, that little reluctance didn't last long as instead she concentrated on her mother's face. Truth be told, Himiko is quite beautiful. Despite the seemingly boring color of her hair and eyes it could not be denied the beauty the woman held. Of course she couldn't be compared to Tomoka's previous life super models. Nonetheless she was still the looker.

Tomoka felt happy because with such a pretty woman as her mother, she would for sure be pretty as well when she grows up. The thought cause a giggle to escape her causing all within the room to have their hearts melt down from pure unadulterated cuteness.

This however didn't disrupt the doctors and even Nagi from noticing a few odd things about Tomoka. For starters, the few strands of hair on the newborn's head were a bright red color not dissimilar from those of the Uzumaki clan. Above that was the sheer surprise coming from the Hyuga clan member in charge of checking little Tomoka for any oddities.

For starters, the Baby had a lot of chakra flowing through her body. Even more concerning was the speed at which said chakra was moving. If one were to compare the Tomoka's chakra pool to an actual ninja then she would be at around low genin range.

The actual problem came from the speed at which the chakra moved. For all intents and purposes Tomoka should be dead, her little body grinded to a pulp due to her own chakra. Only a ninja in the high chunin upwards could handle the level of stress placed on the body by such an occurrence. Yet little Tomoka seemed completely unbothered.

As discreetly as he could, the Hyuga clan member approached the doctor present and disclosed the information he had gathered. With the new information Hazaki the doctor in charge couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face. The new info plus the hair color made him come to the conclusion that somewhere in her family tree an Uzumaki was involved. Moreover it seemed that little Tomoka had inherited their insane chakra reserves as well as their hair color.

The doctor had hit the nail right in the head. However, things were a little more complicated. Even though she had indeed an Uzumaki ancestor, the chances of her actually inheriting the Uzumaki bloodline was closer to none than anything else. Once again the reason behind the odd defiance of odds was due to 682.

For a matter of fact, little Tomoka is as genetically enhanced as possible. 682's adaptability made sure of it. It just so happens that the Uzumaki bloodline was the best suited for this. However, that wasn't all. Due to her human genetics from a past life carrying over alongside her soul 682's influence further enhanced her.

Going back to Doctor Hazaki's thoughts, he was currently debating whether to report this to the Hokage or not. After all, the sudden appearance of an Uzumaki descendant with a strong inheritance from the bloodline was rather important. In the end he decided to go through with it. At most he would be adding a little more paperwork for the fourth and himself.

After a few more minutes Tomoka was taken away from Himiko despite the mother's strong reluctance to let go. After all, Himiko needed to rest and Tomoka needed to be properly taken care of. During that time doctor Hazaki wrote a short report and sent it to the hokage's office.

Unknown to doctor Hazaki, the fourth had no time to read the report as a rather important event was about to happen. Instead it was the old third hokage who was currently helping Minato with paperwork who took interest in the matter. No sooner did he read the report he decided to pay a visit to the hospital.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third now retired hokage from Konohagakure or the village hidden in the leaves. To tell the truth Hiruzen had wanted to retire much earlier than he did but none of his students wanted the mantle. It wasn't until the next generation that an appropriate candidate had appeared. Now with his new found freedom from the hell known as paperwork Hiruzen would often spend his days doing nothing more than smoking his pipe and reading… cultured books.

As Hiruzen walked calmly through the streets of his beloved village he couldn't help but smile. As of now the sun was high up in the sky. Children were running and playing around. Adults would respectfully nod his way before continuing with their usual business. Hiruzen loved this simple peace.

After a while Hiruzen entered the hospital before asking around for doctor Hazaki. A while later a somewhat nervous man came to meet Hiruzen. How could he not be nervous when the legendary third hokage with the title of "professor" had called for him. He could somewhat guess why the third had come. However, he never expected his report to incite such a meeting. At most he expected some instructions or some such.

"No need to be nervous, Hazaki. This old man was thinking of taking a break from all that paperwork and what better way than to observe the new generation" With that said Hazaki relaxed a little. It was well known by now that the third enjoyed observing the future generations of Konoha.

"In that case I assume you would like to see little Tomoka. This way please" With steady steps Hazaki guided the third to a room where a few newborn babies were currently sleeping peacefully in their respective cribs. Well, all but one.

You are reading story Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic] at novel35.com

"She seems quite energetic. As expected from someone with the Uzumaki bloodline" Hiruzen couldn't help but comment as the image of a redhead woman with a fiery temper crossed his mind.

As he said that Tomoka's eyes locked in on his position while stopping all movements. She suddenly became as still as a statue. The reason being that the reincarnated girl instantly recognized the old man.

In her previous life's youth she had spent her time doing many things. From learning all sorts of hobbies to studying any science her little hands could get information on. One of the many hobbies she had acquired was that of watching anime. It oh so happens that one of her favorites was Naruto!

To be sincere she never liked most of the characters, Naruto included. Instead what attracted her to the show was the world itself. The mere thought of humans being able to shoot fireballs out of their mouths mesmerized her. The idea of giant creatures that normal biology would not allow to exist fascinated her.

Now she realized that she had reincarnated in that very world. After all, how could she forget the old perverted third hokage! Even though back then the show was animated and now the man was of flesh and blood she could still see an uncanny resemblance between them. She was at least eighty percent sure she was right in her assumption.

Now taking that into consideration she could make new guesses and figure out a few things. For starters, the fact the old man is still alive means she was born before Orochimaru's attack. Unfortunately it had been about fifteen years since she had seen the show so only very big events remained in her head. The many details were lost to time.

Tomoka wasn't discouraged by this. No use crying over spilt milk. Whining would change nothing. Instead she was glad she remembered at least some events. With this she would have some advantages for the future.

As she thought about this she couldn't help but become excited as she began flailing and giggling wildly.

"Looks like she likes you lord third" Hazaki commented with a slight chuckle.

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