

Three hour later outside the operation room in a waiting room a woman could be seen going to and fro. The woman is Himiko, Tomoka's mother. For the last three hours she has been passing through the waiting room to the point her husband worried she might leave a permanent imprint on the floor.

Sat with a heavy expresion Nagi simply waited for news about his daughter's condition while praying. When a ninja with news about their daughter came to their door they could not believe it. Little Tomoka was supposed to be peacefully sleeping in her room. When they checked she was gone, a pillow had been placed under the covers instead.

What followed could only be described as the worst day of their lives. After they rushed to the hospital the news they received were heartbreaking. Tomoka's right arm was in really bad shape and to make matters worse the Tenketsu points in her arm were irreparably damaged. She wouldn't be able to use it for jutsu in the future.

Now they just waited and prayed that she could at least keep her arm's mobility, despite all evidence pointing against it. Another hour later the surgeon entered the waiting room, his expression hard to read even for trained shinobi. However, one could see two emotions even if just barely, worry and awe.

Doctor Motoi didn't know what to do. Tomoka's body was a mystery to him. When he was called to perform emergency surgery on a one year old he didn't expect to see her arm in the state it was in. Whole chunks of flesh missing and a lot of bleeding was what greeted him. Not wasting any time he began the procedure.

First he began sewing what he could together. Nerves, muscles, tendons, blood vessels the man worked tirelessly to fix as much damage as he could. He didn't delude himself. He knew that even though he was good at his job he wasn't that good. She would be crippled for the rest of her life. Even lady Tsunade would be hard pressed to fix something like this.

What he didn't expect was for the medical jutsu to be as effective as it was. Whenever medical jutsu was applied to her wounds they seemed to close way faster than normal. Even worse was the sight. Her flesh would move and wiggle, reknitting itself in a completely abnormal way.

As he continued with the operation he could see his previous work being undone by her flesh as it fixed itself with far more efficiency than his own work. He could tell that his work did aid somewhat but in the end it seemed as if it was not necessary.

The most surprising thing was the news provided by the Hyuga members present. Her previously destroyed meridians and tenketsu points regenerated as well, something that should be impossible. However, the miracle seemed to stop there as something else happened.

As the flesh healed and regenerated, her arm began being covered by a viscous black substance. Curious doctor Motoi took some samples. A moment later the substance began hardening forming what he could only describe as a black insect carapace covering her arm.

No one in the room knew what to do. The previously heavily bleeding and hole ridden arm was as good as new if one were to ignore the new addition it had. Curious, Motoi asked the Hyuga member to inspect the carapace with his byakugan. What he found was a large concentration of chakra inside the carapace.

For a while no one said anything. Doctor Motoi wondered what to do now. From one perspective the operation had been a success. However, this new development was worrying. He didn't have to think too much about it as a while later the carapace began cracking. Not long after, it broke and fell to the ground. The previously tough as steel carapace was now fragile as over-cooked clay.

Soon they discovered that the difference was the lack of chakra in the carapace. Now, without the chakra it becomes brittle and fragile. However, more surprising than that was Tomoka's arm. It was in perfect condition with no scars or anything else that could hint at her previous injury. The only visible difference were the black marks that covered her arm from fingers to elbow.

Doctor Motoi made a conjecture that this was perhaps a new kekkei genkai. Anyway, he had to report this to the parents and his higher ups, maybe even the hokage.

"First of all, let me tell you that your daughter is fine. We managed to heal her arm, however I also have some… concerning news" After that Motoi explained what he did and saw in the operation room.

"So my little Tomoka's arm is fine? Will she be able to use it fine?" Himiko disregarded the strange events as her priorities were elsewhere. She only wanted to know if Tomoka would be able to use her arm like any normal person.

"From what we could observe she should be able to use it with no problems. However we will only know for sure once she wakes up" Motoi could only smile wryly as Himiko was a little too close for comfort at the moment.

"Will there be any complications with what happened to her arm? You said it was covered by some black carapace" Nagi was calmer than Himiko so after confirming that Tomoka was fine he wanted to know about the strange occurrence.

"If I may be sincere Nagi-san we do not know. This is a first for us. However, we believe it might have something to do with a new kekkei genkai as it seems to have no negative impact on her. Only when she wakes up will we know for sure."

A few hours after the operation Tomoka started regaining her consciousness. Her entire body still felt numb from the anesthesia while her mind was kinda slow. As she began to move her mother stood up from the chair near her bed.

"Tomoka! I was so worried!" Hugging her daughter with all her strength, Himiko began crying her eyes out. She had been worried and stressed for the last six hours! As she thought of how much her daughter worried about her she became angry.

"Mom… can't… breathe" Tomoka was trapped in her mother's death grip. Her lights were going out as she felt her ribs about to crack. Fortunately her father came to the rescue.

"Honey you should be careful, Tomoka still needs to recuperate and have her final checkups" Even though he said that he wouldn't let Tomoka go easy. If his wife was the hot-headed type then he was the cold anger type.

A second later Himiko let go of her daughter as her expression shifted from anger to worry and back to anger. Seeing this Tomoka knew that she was in big, no, huge trouble now.

[Should have listened to me. Now you are in trouble. Seeing this will be fun]

'Kurama, I will drag you down with me'

[Now that is just unreasonable]

A moment later doctor Motoi came into the room as the nurse in charge had just informed him about the patient waking up. Without saying anything he went to Tomoka and began inspecting her right arm.

"Does it hurt? Can you move it?"

Tomoka looked at her arm for the first time after waking up and was surprised to see the black markings. For her, it looked like tribal tattoos from her past life. After a moment of inspection she began moving her arm then her fingers. It didn't hurt, as a matter of fact her arm felt just like before the accident.

"It doesn't hurt but… what are these markings?" She thought that perhaps it had been doctor Motoi the one that placed those markings on her for her treatment or something.

"Actually I was wondering if you know. A lot happened during the surgical procedure on your arm" Motoi didn't have any expectations for the little girl to know. If her parents didn't know then how could a one year old be any better.

Unexpected to doctor Motoi and Tomoka's parents something happened. Curious Tomoka decided to command her chakra into the markings. Something in the back of her mind was telling her that by doing so something would happen.

Indeed something happened. From the markings in her arm a black substance appeared and covered her arm from the fingers all the way to the elbow. A moment after a black carapace was formed. Tomoka could feel how the black carapace was constantly absorbing her chakra to sustain itself.

"What is that!? Tomoka what did you do!?" In panic Himiko couldn't help but scream and worry for her daughter. Her arm was now covered by a black shiny carapace that made her arm look cursed or some such.

"Eh? I just flowed my chakra into the markings?" Tomoka didn't know why her mother was panicking so much. Her arm felt just fine, no rather it felt stronger now. Though the amount of chakra needed to keep it up was rather large.

"Stop, stop it!" Himiko worried that the markings were a cursed seal or something like that. She worried that her lovely Tomoka would be completely covered by that evil looking carapace.

Taking into account her mother's panic, Tomoka decided to stop supplying chakra to the carapace. In all fairness she would have to stop soon anyway. Her chakra was near the limit with only a few seconds of having the carapace on her.

As the supply of chakra disappeared the carapace cracked and before long fell apart revealing Tomoka's arm. Her arm looked just like before with no change to it or the markings on it.

"Ahem. Himiko-san please calm down. While your daughter was sleeping I got to study the remains of the first carapace and a sample of the liquid it's formed from. The structure is a crystal-like biological armor resembling spider chitin."

"Spider chitin? What does that mean?" Nagi was confused. Why would his daughter suddenly have spider chitin forming on her arm?

"Precisely that Nagi-san. We believe this might be some kind of new kekkei genkai. The fluid sample I collected the first time brought some insight into the process. It is mainly made of a soup of different proteins that when exposed to Tomoka's chakra becomes the chitinous armor.

As you can see. When the armor stops receiving Tomoka's chakra it loses its stability, becoming fragile and brittle. However, we theorize that the more chakra she feeds it the tougher it becomes. It is truly an interesting substance."

After Motoi's explanation an awkward silence fell in the room as everyone thought and process the information. Tomoka was happy since she believed this was something like a power up. Himiko was worried that it might have some costly drawbacks or backlash. Nagi was trying to think of a reason why this power would appear. After a while Himiko broke the silence.

"Is it dangerous? Will the markings spread?" She needed an answer. If the answer was not satisfactory she would have the markings sealed at all costs.

"Well, there is no definite answer to that question but I believe it is safe. The markings seem to be part of her as well as the armor. There are traces of her DNA in it so it most likely has something to do with her DNA as well." With that said Himiko released a sigh of relief. As long as her little Tomoka was safe nothing else mattered.

Ever since Tomoka's little mistake, as she calls it, her alone time has been reduced to almost zero. Himiko has been watching her like a hawk. It's a miracle she can go to the bathroom without her mother watching her. Well, she can thank her dad for that one.

Things changed throughout the last three years. For starters, her house became a maximum security prison with her as the prisoner. Himiko the warden was strict and would sometimes be overbearing. Nagi the technician had set up seals throughout the house to keep her monitored. It cost a small fortune but in both of Tomoka's parents' minds it was worth every Ryo.

It wasn't as bad as it might sound. Yes, she would be watched over all the time but they wouldn't interfere with her activities unless she tried something dangerous which she didn't. The seals were lock type seals that would prevent her from escaping through the windows. It wasn't like she couldn't continue her training in other ways.

However, today something did change. It has been a week since her fourth birthday and her parents had finally decided to officially train her. The reason? A month after the arm explosion incident Tomoka asked them to train her since "she wanted to be a great ninja".

They refused, the scare of that day still haunted. Not to mention that Tomoka was still too young to start training. She would pester them about it at least once or twice every week. In the end they agreed to train her but only after she became four years old.

Today was the day Tomoka would start her official training. As of today Tomoka's chakra pool was at the high chunin rank. Not only that but she could withstand a little over half a tail worth of Kurama's chakra.

"Alright sweety, normally we would start by unlocking your chakra but since you don't need to we can move on. For starters we will start training your chakra control before teaching you jutsu." Himiko was still worried that something might go wrong and her daughter dearest would be hurt again. But she decided to put her worries aside for now.

"First you will do the leaf training. Using your chakra to try and stick leaves to your body. If you use too much it will be propelled away, use too little and it won't stick. When you manage to stick five leaves for a whole minute we will move on." Nagi was also present in case of an accident. Normally, what they were doing was quite safe but he didn't want to take any chances.

"Okay!" Tomoka acted like she was enthusiastic about her first task but inside she was sighing… hard. This was the very first exercise she attempted and as of now she could keep twenty leaves attached to her for the whole day without even noticing.

Not wanting to waste time pretending she was progressing slowly, Tomoka took five leaves and stuck them to her face. This action surprised both her parents. They couldn't help but gawk at their daughter effortlessly doing their task like it was nothing. A minute later Tomoka had completed the task and was eager to continue.

"*Cough* Alright, you made it. So for the first jutsu we will be teaching you, how about the clone jutsu" Himiko wanted to keep Tomoka safe so the clone jutsu was a good idea as it was nothing more than an illusion.

"Wait! I don't think that's the best honey" Nagi could only look at Tomoka with a wry smile. What if their girl attempted to sneak out again by using a clone?

"Dad, I know what you are worrying about. I promise I won't use the clone jutsu to sneak out" Tomoka had to make a move, otherwise her parents would end up teaching her no jutsu out of worry.

[They became pretty overprotective huh]

'I can't blame them really. And you are one to talk. Ever since then you went from a grumpy fox to a worried fox. "Tomoka, that's dangerous we should stop", "Tomoka, you are too young you could damage your body", "Tomoka I don't think-"'

[Alright, alright I get it. But you are not normal. Any other kid attempting what you have should be crippled or dead by now.]

'Oh please, what I do is nothing compared to what Rock Lee will be doing in the future, not to mention what Might Guy is for sure doing right now'

[You keep mentioning those two but I can't help but feel like you are pulling my leg]

'Oh don't worry, you'll see'

It is worth mentioning though that both Lee and Guy began their intense physical training later in life at around the age of eight. If either had attempted to train like Tomoka did at her age the results would have been crushed dreams and crippled kids.

Truth be told, it was Tomoka's special constitution that had not only saved her every time but also made her stronger. She had gone through a rigorous physical training she made for herself. Said training consisted of a hundred pushups, a hundred pullups, a hundred situps and a ten kilometer run every day. Doing all that without her parents noticing had been extremely difficult but worth it.

The previous training was one of the milder ones she did. Her sense of pain had been highly distorted by her time in the chaos of time and space. Right now she could have her arm cut and say "tis but a scratch".

In the end Tomoka's parents decided to teach her the basics. The clone jutsu, transformation jutsu as well as some taijutsu. What they didn't expect was for Tomoka to be proficient enough in the two jutsus to do them in her first try. Not only that but the clone she made was a perfect clone. The transformation was also perfectly made.

The reason behind Tomoka's success was her developed mind. Unlike a normal kid she is able to put her entire concentration on the task at hand. Not to mention that her constant self training has improved her concentration even further. Another important factor needed for both jutsus was imagination.

How the jutsus work is by bringing the mental image the user has to reality. If the image is realistic and clear, so will be the end product. Tomoka, who was an avid anime, manga and novel lover, had that aspect covered with ease. Not to mention that she was also skilled in painting.

The taijutsu training on the other hand didn't go as well. She performed admirably. Her body is way stronger than that of a normal four year old kid. However, her actual combat skill was none existent. The end result was her parents wiping the floor with her. What surprised her parents was her determination and stamina.

Tomoka was punched and kicked down to the ground over and over again. Each time she stood up and fought again. Of course her parents were pulling their punches, they didn't want to hurt her after all. Nonetheless the constant beatings should be painful enough to deter such a young kid.

It didn't matter for little Tomoka. Once again her distorted sense of pain came to play. She could feel the pain but for her it was nothing but a warning. They way her body told her it had been hit. She could easily ignore the pain and learn from it.

She stood up only to be put down again. Each time she could last a second longer on her feet. Each time her form improved ever so slightly. Her improvement was visible to the naked eye. What would normally take days of training took her hours. Her parents were well impressed with her. The title of genius and prodigy solidified in their mind.

They spent the entire day training, going well into the evening. By the end of it everyone was winded and breathing hard. Himiko and Nagi could only attribute Tomoka's monstrous stamina to her Uzumaki blood. If they knew what she had put her body through to get that stamina they would have fainted.

The day came to its end and so everyone went to sleep. Or at least it should have been like that. Tomoka continued to be awake well into the night while meditating. For some reason she couldn't understand her need for sleep steadily decreased with the years. As of now she only needed four hours of sleep to feel refreshed.

Once again 682's adaptability was showing itself. Her body was in a constant state of change as the lizard's genetics attempted to improve her in any way possible. Sleep for that matter was a defect that needed correcting. So much time wasted doing nothing. Because of this her nervous system had been changing in such a way that her need for sleep was steadily being reduced.

If this pattern continued by the age of eight she would only need two hours and then by twelve only one and so on. Anyway, Tomoka didn't complain. Having more time to train even if it was only by meditating was a boon she would accept.

Her goal as of now is to graduate from the academy and become a proper genin. At that point she would already be considered an adult. This would mean she would regain some of her freedom.

She really missed her freedom. Without it she could not use all her knowledge from her past life. After all, she couldn't just build a lab inside the house without her parents noticing. Her plan was to find a cave or something after graduation and make a base there.

Either way those dreams were far away. She wouldn't be going to the academy for another four years. After that she would have to spend three in the academy. Even after graduation she wouldn't be completely free as she would have to do missions with her team.

She would only be truly free when she became a chunin at which point she could only take missions when she wanted or when they were specifically given to her which wouldn't be often.

She continued to be lost in thought and planning for the next few hours before going to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day. An interesting day of training and growing stronger.

The next day was a first for Tomoka in this life. For the first time since reincarnating she didn't feel like training. The reason for such and odd behavior was simple, muscle pain. Her entire body hurt like crazy. Even breathing was slightly painful.

[You know, from all the crazy things you have done I would have never guessed this was the thing to put you down]

'Me neither. I can't understand why everything hurts so much'

[If I had to guess then it's probably because of how your body is being restructured]

'Hu!? What do you mean!?' The nonchalant comment from Kurama had surprised Tomoka. Normal biological bodies weren't meant to just be restructured out of the blue.

[Hm? I thought you knew, I noticed it happening ever since I was sealed inside your body. I thought you were doing it on purpose]

'What!?' Tomoka.exe stopped working. The sudden news had made her mind shut down. It has happened since Kurama got sealed in her? That's since she was born, dammit! Also, what the fuck did he mean by restructure!? Is her DNA mutating? Will she have cancer? Ninja cancer? What the actual fuck!?

[Erm, Tomoka are you okay?]

'Of course not you big dumb fox! Humans are not meant to just restructure their bodys ever since birth! Not to mention what the fuck even is restructuring!' It is safe to say that by now Tomoka was having a panic melt down. Every and all genetic diseases she could remember would flash across her mind.

[Okay first of all, calm down. From what I have noticed nothing bad has happened so far. On the contrary it all seems to be beneficial to you]

'How so?' That last comment had calmed and piqued Tomoka's interest at the same time. Who cares about genetic deviation as long as it is beneficial. Look at Orochimaru, the bastard was like a cockroach on steroids.

[Well, from what I can tell, your muscles are denser than before, your bones as well. I don't know a lot about you humans but I think your nervous system has also changed. Your meridians and tenketsu points have changed a lot as well. Not to mention that while you slept I could sense how your muscles shifted positions and shape]

'That is interesting but I would like to know what is causing all of this. Is it related to you somehow?' As she finished asking the question a thought flashed through Tomoka's mind.

What if instead it had nothing to do with this world but instead something else. There is a segment in her memories from the time of the flash from the failed experiment on earth to waking up in her new mother's womb. That segment is filled to the brim with nonsensical information.

All she could recall was pain, pain, and more pain. However, what if that had something to do with her current situation? For starters she has noticed that her current looks are similar to her old ones when she was a kid. She looked like a combination of Aurora Ambridge, Himiko and Nagi.

Somehow, her genetic material from her old life mixed with her parent's. Then could it be possible that whatever happened in between the accident and her reincarnation changed her as well? And if so, to what extent do the changes go?

'Kurama, tell me anything else that you have noticed about me no matter how trivial.' right now Tomoka needed information. What better way to get in than to have a second party narrate her life to her.

Kurama took his time to rant about Tomoka. Four years of frustration from her outrageous behavior resulted in a lengthy rant. However, it had given Tomoka new insight into her situation. She had been blind as a bat not to notice. Why the fuck had she just gloss over her weird right arm power? What had been in her mind at the time?

[Right! Let's not forget about those weird eyes of yours, I haven't seen you using them again ever since you used them against me]

'Sorry, what? What do you mean weird eyes? Not to mention when did we fight? The only time I can think of was before you were sealed inside of me and I was a baby at the time, you know'

[Well, I don't remember everything, I was being controlled after all. What I do remember was this uncomfortable sensation that someone was stealing my chakra. Then I remember a baby, presumably you, with bright pink eyes staring at me.]

'Huh, any idea how I did that?'

[No clue]

'I guess experimentation is in order'

[Just make sure not to blow up your eyes]

'Ha, ha, very funny'

Inside Tomoka's room a rather bizarre thing was happening. In front of a mirror a little girl of four years of age stared at her reflection as if it had stolen her candy. This girl is Tomoka and she is currently inspecting her body in detail.

The first thing one would notice about her is the messy fiery red hair. Above her shoulders in length, her hair defied gravity by being a spiky mess in whichever direction it decided to go. Unlike her hair her eyes are the complete opposite. A pair of emerald green orbs that shine with a mysterious glint of knowledge and mischief.

A round face that has just begun losing the baby fat. One could already tell that Tomoka would be a beauty when she grows up. A small body normal for a four year old dressed in shorts and a black t-shirt.

'So what do you think I should try Kurama'

[Why are you asking me? You are the "scientist" here]

With a sigh Tomoka decided to try the obvious first. Controlling a bit of her chakra she moved it towards her eyes. She had done this before as by doing so one could improve their sight slightly. Now however, instead of just letting the chakra flow however it liked she began to move it this way and that in an attempt to prompt a change.

She tried making the chakra rotate, but that didn't work. Then she tried to instead make it into strings and move them, again nothing happened. She continued trying this and that for the following hour but nothing happened. Frustrated, she decided to look out the window. Maybe some fresh air would help.

While looking outside while still moving the chakra in her eyes in whichever way she thought of something changed. For a moment, she could see colors that should not be there. Tracing her steps she once again made her chakra flow in a specific pattern. This pattern oddly resembled an open hungry maw.

As soon as her chakra took shape the world around her seemed to change. Colors flowed around the trees and people. In the case of people she could see for most of them a thin cyan layer covering them. Trees on the other hand had a thicker green layer. The sight woke up a memory. She now remembered seeing a red layer on Kurama back then.

While contemplating a bizarre occurrence took her attention away. The chakra in her eyes bagan moving by itself. The maw now moved its jaws opening and closing as if they were eating something. Then she saw it, the layer of color from a pedestrian she was watching had a part torn from it. That part began flowing towards her before disappearing as it went inside her body.

Surprise painted Tomoka's face as she felt her chakra regain the little she had been using on her eyes and a tiny bit more. At that moment she realized what the layers of color were. Instantly she ran back to the mirror only to gasp in surprise.

Tomoka's green eyes were now painted in a soft pink. Her pupils had a second one next to the first. What was truly creepy about the sight was seeing the secondary pupils contracting and expanding by themselves disynchronized from the primary ones.

[Well, that is disgusting] Kurama couldn't help but comment about it. For him Tomoka's eyes at the moment felt disgusting and fear inducing. Something he felt strongly about. After all, not even the Uchiha's eyes that could control him made him feel fear.

'Yeah this is creepy as fuck' Tomoka was no better, seeing her eyes like that was creepy. Factor in the fact that the chakra in them acted like a hungry maw made it extra creepy.

"I can't let anyone see this. I will be marked as a monster or something if they do" Those were her truest emotions at the moment. Though despite all the creeps her new visage gave her the idea of having a powerful dojutsu still tempted her.

'Hey Kurama, what about calling it Kinagan as in hungry eyes' Deactivating her kinagan Tomoka couldn't help but smile. For sure this was one of the changes she experienced in whatever place she ended up in before being reincarnated. From what she could remember in Naruto anime, manga and light novels something like this never appeared.

Admittedly, there was still the possibility that she was in an alternate version of the story. However, with no way to confirm that thought she simply placed it aside. So what she has managed to gather so far is that: She has an unknown dojutsu she decided to call kinagan; Her body somehow can adapt, to what and what triggers the adaptation process is unknown; Finally, her body heals abnormally fast not to mention healing wounds that natural healing shouldn't be able to heal.

Her arm is probably a bi-product of her adaptation, or it could be another thing altogether. Without being able to study her DNA Tomoka couldn't be sure. Not to mention that even if she could get the equipment necessary to properly analyze it her knowledge in the subject was superficial at best.

[Well look at the bright side, you are more of a monster than I am]

'And that is good because?'

[I mean, it's good for me] Kurama began laughing at his own poor attempt at a joke.

'Whatever, might as well ask mom and dad to go to the park. I need some fresh air'

A while and a short walk later Tomoka arrived at the nearby park with her mother. As soon as they appeared Tomoka and Himiko were approached by a bunch of women, presumably the mothers of the kids Tomoka could see playing. After a barrage of questions and gushing about how cute Tomoka is, she was freed unlike her mother.

Finally being able to breathe, Tomoka decided to go to a quiet corner of the park to cool down. She wasn't and for that matter isn't now either an overly social person. In her past life she didn't consider anyone as a friend. As for someone closer than that it was simply impossible.

With a sigh she sat on a swing far away from everyone else. Back on earth her social life was lacking, not to say non-existent. It wasn't that she didn't want to get close to others. The problem lied with her and her alone. Her introverted tendencies prevented her from actively seeking others.

Then what about others seeking to get close to her. The thing is that as a bright and prominent scientist most if not all that actively approached her did so out of business or self interest. If she had to blame someone for the whole thing asaid from herself it would be her parents.

Her parents had been strict. Her mother was a businesswoman at heart. She would always seek to reap the most benefit out of any situation. Her father on the other hand was a famous neurosurgeon. The expectations they had placed on her shoulders from a young age were suffocating.

Tomoka, or rather Aurora, was a brilliant kid. Her learning speed was staggering and her comprehension abilities were top notch. However, that didn't seem to be enough to impress her parents. No matter how hard she tried, how many new things she learnt her parents wouldn't be satisfied and would always tell her she could do better.

To make matters worse, she had been homeschooled all the way to and through highschool. Her first interaction with other people that weren't either direct family or employees was in university. The social anxiety she felt due to her parents behavior made her feel inadequate and inept.

It's for these reasons she always avoided others throughout her time in university. Fearing rejection she isolated herself and concentrated fully in her studies leading to an early graduation.

The situation didn't improve once she got a job. Her colleagues were just that. She avoided interacting with them outside of work out of sheer habit. In the end the only quote on quote friends she ever made were online due to the net's anonymity. In the end she… died? Alone without friends or family that cared for her. She didn't even get to lose her V-card. Now that she thought about it she didn't even have her first kiss!

'Now that I think back, it wasn't a great life, I guess I am better in this one. After all, I already made my first friend, right Kurama?'

[Yup, your first friend is a giant fox beast that is trapped inside you without being able to speak with anyone else but you. Definitely a great achievement]

Once again Tomoka sighed. Kurama did have a point. Despite her new chance at life not much had changed. Yes, her parents wholeheartedly loved her and supported her but she instinctively avoided them. That's when she made up her mind. In this life she would change.

She couldn't and didn't want to change her personality. However, she swore to herself that she would at the very least have some friends. She would also try and spend more quality time with her parents. With a firm resolve Tomoka stood up full of energy.

"Ehp! Sorry for bothering you, I'll leave" Suddenly Tomoka heard a soft voice to her right. Sitting on the other swing a girl of her own age sat there. Black, silky, straight hair flowed around in the soft wind. Her eyes are a pair of obsidian black orbs, one of them covered by her bangs.

Tomoka had been so deep in her thoughs she didn't notice someone had just sat next to her right before she jumped off. The sudden appearance of the girl had caught her off guard causing her brain to freeze for a moment. Which was enough time for the girl to get off the swing.

"Eh? no, you did nothing. I didn't even notice you, I was too caught up in my own thoughts, sorry" Out of reflex Tomoka apologized to the girl as her brain finished rebooting.

[Hey this is a good opportunity, how about you ask to be her friend] Kurama found the situation entertaining. The great Tomoka was currently slightly flustered.

'Right! This is my chance! "My name is Tomoka, wanna be my friend?" What the fuck was that Tomoka you idiot!' Tomoka began having cold sweat, had she ruined her chance?

"I, I'am Nozomi Uchiha. Uhm, do, do you really want to be my friend" Nozomi's eyes shone with a hopeful glint. Tomoka didn't know this but she would be Nozomi's first friend as well.

"Yes, I don't have any friends so I want you to be my first friend" Tomoka decided to be truthful as she gave Nozomi a sad smile.

"I, I don't have friends either. You will be my first friend too" Nazomi gave Tomoka a bright smile that washed the latter's sadness and loneliness away.

After that they too spent their time talking about likes, dislikes and things like that. However, the topics came to an end soon. After all, neither left home often.

A somewhat awkward silence had appeared. Not finding anything else to talk about, Tomoka began thinking about another subject to talk about. A moment later she realized there was a rather obvious topic they hadn't touched on: ninjas.

"Hey Nozomi since you are an Uchiha and all are you going to become a ninja as well?" Right after Tomoka's question Nazomi's expression became depressed. It was obvious that Tomoka had chosen a rather delicate subject for the girl.

"I don't know if I can become one" It was more than clear that the girl lacked confidence but below that there was something else. Tomoka couldn't tell exactly what it was but something was bothering her. At that moment Tomoka decided to try and help Nozomi.

"Do you want to be one? Because I am sure I want to be a ninja" Tomoka gave Nozomi her brightest smile. Tomoka couldn't tell what it was but something about the girl in front of her made her want to protect her.

"I do but I don't think I am good enough" Throughout the conversation Nozomi avoided eye contact with Tomoka. It was obvious that she felt shame about something.

"Nozomi. I am sure you will be a great ninja if you want. All you have to do is put effort into your training. If it doesn't work then put more effort. Find what suits you and what doesn't. I believe you can do it" Once again Tomoka gave Nozomi a bright smile.

What happened next took Tomoka by surprise. Nozomi furrowed her brows, she looked angry. For the first time in the current conversation she looked Tomoka straight in the eyes before speaking.

"What do you know! I have trained a lot, I have given it my all! In the end I am still useless!" Small tears began appearing in Nozomi's eyes. Tomoka could tell that the girl was hurting inside. Something or someone had completely demolished her self confidence. Just like Aurora's parents did in her last life.

"Nozomi please calm down. What are you talking about to begin with? What did you try that didn't work? I might be able to help, after all two heads are better than one" Tomoka tried her best to pacify Nozomi with no success. After all, most of the time you told someone to calm down they would do the opposite.

"Help me? How are you supposed to help me? I am defective! I can't do the Uchiha's fireball jutsu no matter how much I try! I don't have the element for it!" At that moment Nozomi broke down sobbing. She hated herself, or rather through her short life people have made her hate herself.

Tomoka didn't do this but Nozomi is an orphan, her parents died during Kurama's attack on konoha. She had been neglected and never received any love. Things got worse a few months ago when her chakra was tested for elemental transformations. She had fuuton and suiton, no katon. In other words she had wind and water but no fire which was a staple of the Uchiha clan.

Due to Nozomi's lack of fire element she could not use the fireball jutsu that once again was a staple of the Uchiha clan. This led her to be shunned by other clan members. Even worse was the bullying she received from the kids.

Hearing Nozomi's words, Tomoka understood some of Nozomi's pain. She decided that words would not be enough in a situation like this instead opting to hug the crying girl. Nozomi didn't resist, instead she hugged Tomoka back with all her strength while crying.

It took a while but Nozomi managed to calm down. She was still sad but she also felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Nozomi, you are not useless. Yeah, you might not be able to use fire release but who cares? You still have water release and wind release. Train them with all you got and show everyone that you can become a great ninja.

"But I am an Uchiha, I am supposed to make the clan proud!" Tomoka could only smile wryly at that.

"Nozomi, you shouldn't care about dumb things like that. You owe them nothing. You should be your own person and live for yourself. You should aim to live a life you can be proud of, one that will make you happy. After all, it is your life and you will only get one"

[That last part is a little hypocritical don't you think?]

'Shut up. can't you see I was having a moment there?'

"Can I really do that? Can I really become a strong ninja?" Nozomi's sad eyes were now filled with a fragile hope. One that Tomoka was sure that if broken would cripple Nozomi's mentality for the rest of her life.

"You can, I promise. Don't listen to anyone that says otherwise. I will help you become a great ninja. Believe I will" For the third time today Tomoka gave Nozomi a bright smile.

After that motivational speech Nozomi couldn't just stand still. Her confidence had been restored somewhat and so she went back home to train. Truth be told it was lunchtime so Tomoka also had to leave.

"Hey sweety want to go eat out with mom and dad?" Himiko had a gigantic smile on her face. She had seen the entire thing from afar. As a mother she was happy that her daughter had finally made a friend. However, when the other kid began crying she got worried but all seemed to end well.

"Yes mom, I'm quite hungry actually." With that said the mother and daughter pair left. A while later the three of them stood in front of a ramen shop. Himiko and Nagi had actually thought of another place. However, when their cute daughter suddenly froze in front of the shop they decided to give it a try.

The reason behind Tomoka's behavior was simple, on top of the entrance stood a sign that in big letters said Ichiraku ramen. How could she let go of this golden chance to taste the legendary Ichiraku ramen?

"Hello! What can I get for you?" The man, the legend, Teuchi in the flesh spoke to the new customers.

"Hello, we would like to get three servings of your recommendation" Without even waiting for her parents to react Tomoka made her order and even did the same for her parents. She had this feeling, an instinct if you will, that whatever Teuchi chose would be to the liking of each of them.

A few minutes later three servings of ramen were in front of them. Each one is slightly different from the other. Not able to contain her excitement any longer, Tomoka dug into her food.

She didn't have a foodgasm or anything as exaggerated as that, nonetheless it was delicious. Everything about the meal had been made with pinpoint precision to the point that Tomoka wondered if Teuchi's skills had to do with some kind of hidden kekkei genkai. Seeing their daughter enjoying the meal, Tomoka's parents began eating as well. As to be expected they enjoyed the meal to its fullest.

Having finished their meal Tomoka's parents took their time to complement Teuchi's cooking while paying. Meanwhile their daughter was thinking about the ramen she just had compared to the cooking of her original world. To her surprise she came to the conclusion that Teuchi's ramen had been at the same level if not higher than earth's cooking.

Having finished their meal the three of them went back home. Today was a somewhat special day as both Tomoka's parents were free for the whole day. Because of this Tomoka decided to spend the rest of the day with them. However, there wasn't much to do besides playing some table games like shogi and taking naps.

Because of this, after a few hours Tomoka became bored out of her mind. With nothing better to do she decided to train despite her still sore body. As she was walking towards the back garden she remembered something important. She still hasn't tested her elemental transformations.

"Mom? Do you have any chakra paper? we haven't tested for my elemental transformations" As if she had been enlightened Himiko smacked her fist on top of her open palm.

"Oh you're right! Let me get some and call your father" Doing as she said Himiko left the living room to look for Nagi who was currently in their room.

A while later the trio stood outside. The scene was somewhat comical. A small girl with a piece of paper on hand. A very excited woman standing nearby watching her like a hawk. A man with a wry small stood next to the woman as he tried to ignore her antics. This is Tomoka's family and she loves them to bits.

Not wanting to waste any more time Tomoka infused her chakra into the paper which wrinkled up instantly before splitting in half. The girl couldn't believe her eyes. Having an Elemental transformation was normal, having two on the other hand was rare. This meant that in the future she would have more options to choose from.

"Yey! Tomoka has mommy's lightning release!" Himiko rushed towards Tomoka while screaming at the top of her lungs. A moment later a grown woman hugging a small girl could be seen on the floor. With an expression of bliss Himiko rubbed her cheek against her daughter's.

"Don't forget she also got my wind release" Again Nagi could do nothing but smile wryly at his wife's antics. To tell the truth he didn't mind, on the contrary this is the very reason he fell for her.

"Who cares? She got my lightning release, hehe"

"Oi! I care" He might love the woman but being outright dismissed was still a little much.

"Pft, Hahaha" Not being able to contain her laughter at her parents antics Tomoka couldn't help but do just that, Laugh. A moment later both Himiko and Nagi joined her. Tomoka decided to enjoy her peaceful days with her parents and new friends. After all, things would become hectic once canon Naruto starts.

"Alright Tomoka, mama will teach you all she knows about lightning release!" Himiko shouted while acting like an excited little girl. She had prayed for her cute daughter to inherit her elemental transformation since day one.

"Watch carefully and study my chakra so you can learn it" While saying that Himiko took Tomoka's hand in her own before releasing small sparks of electricity from her open palm.

Not wasting a moment, Tomoka began analyzing everything she could about her mother's chakra. To tell the truth, this method wasn't the most efficient way of teaching. Only someone with above average chakra sensing could glean any information from this.

Tomoka doesn't have a high level of chakra sensing, not even average. Said average is referring to Jounin ninja by the way. Anyway, Tomoka shouldn't be able to learn from this, no normal person should. Fortunately Tomoka is not normal.

The little girl watched how sparks appeared and disappeared from her mother's open palm. As she did she began analyzing the little information she was getting. The first thing she realized was that the electricity was moving slow.

Don't misunderstand Tomoka, the sparks were plenty fast. However, they weren't as fast as they should be. Electricity moves at the speed of light, but this elementalist chakra didn't. This led her to believe that this wasn't the electricity she knew.

She began to think about the Elementalizations. Even though they resembled natural phenomena they acted differently. Fire made with a jutsu could start normal, natural fires. However, fire made with a jutsu would always disappear once the chakra fueling it disappeared.

The same applies to the other elements. This means that each element is a copy of the natural element. Lightning release is not real lightning but a copy of it. The same applies for the others. With taking into account this conclusion Tomoka began thinking about how this is achieved.

To copy something you need to make it resemble the original. Electricity is nothing more than the movement of electrons through a material due to a charge imbalance. How does one replicate this through chakra?

As she thought she began to unconsciously experiment using her free hand. She attempted to create a charge imbalance using her chakra. It vibrated and moved as it began changing. Little did she know this was not the normal way other Lightning users did it.

Chakra is a form of energy that is part of living beings. It responds to the living being's will. Normal lightning users saw lightning and forced their will into their chakra changing it to resemble lightning.

Tomoka, on the other hand, understands electricity. She knows what it is and how it works. Because of this her understanding of lightning is completely different from other shinobi. Her lightning release is not just a replica of lightning through observation. It is for all intents and purposes electricity.

As she continued to think and theorize her subconscious mind had gotten to work in making her thoughts a reality. Her Chakra became something akin to a wire, extremely conductive. Next Her chakra caused a charge imbalance between the two ends. The end result was a lightning fast sap of electricity flowing through the chakra wire.

It was too fast for anyone to notice besides Tomoka. She looked at her hand. She had felt it, an electric discharge flowing from her thumb to her index finger. At that moment something clicked in her mind. She understood what she needed to do. However, she wasn't satisfied.

Something in her was telling her that there was far more potential to be tapped into. However, she also felt that there was something missing. It was like she was standing in front of a door with a key in hand while the door in question had two different keyholes.

Putting those thoughts aside, Tomoka concentrated in replicating what she had done before. Unlike normal lightning releases, Tomoka's version was stronger yet unstable. It is faster and the power contained is larger but the control is lacking. She could easily sap herself if she isn't careful.

Concentrating once more. She created a new chakra wire. Just like before she made a charge imbalance and a sap of lightning flew through the wire. Analyzing the result, Tomoka smiled wryly. The chakra wire had been obliterated.

Once again she repeated her actions, she created a new wire and a charge imbalance. Another sap. This time she wanted to go a bit further. Instead of one wire she made two. However, something unexpected happened once she made the charge imbalance.

The electric discharge jumped wires creating a lightning mesh for a fraction of a second. It seems the wires had been too close to each other. The mesh had been a millimeter wide however, that was enough to give her a scare.

Tomoka didn't realize at the moment but her parents had been focusing intently on her. For someone to grasp elemental transformation in a matter of minutes was incredible. Once again the words prodigy and genius solidified in their mind.

Next chapter