
Yue Xin

The girl straightened her posture once more, a sense of pride shining in her eyes. "I am Yue Xin, Palace Lord. I come before you not only as a disciple but as a loyal servant of the Heavenly Mist Palace."

Mi Ling nodded, acknowledging Yue Xin's dedication. "Thank you for bringing this important information to our attention, Yue Xin. Rest assured, our palace will not stand idly by while the Guardians of Light threaten the balance of the cultivation world."

Li Yan floated closer to Yue Xin, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Tell us, Yue Xin, do you think this so-called alliance can withstand the mayhem that we are about to unleash?"

Yue Xin's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and excitement overtaking her. "You mean, you have a plan to counter their threat?"

Li Yan's lips curled into a confident smile. "Oh, my dear Yue Xin, the chaos that is about to unfold will leave the Guardians of Light trembling. Just trust in your palace lord abilities, trust in the twists and turns of fate."

Mi Ling shooked her head and said," For now, focus on gathering information and continuing to serve the Heavenly Mist Palace. We will determine the best course of action together."

Yue Xin nodded resolutely, determination burning in her eyes. "I am committed to safeguarding our palace and bringing harmony back to the world of cultivation," she vowed with conviction.

Acknowledging her strong resolve, the two women exchanged knowing glances and granted her permission to depart.

Yue Xin, with a sense of gratitude and respect, bowed deeply before the two women. The rigid lines of her body softened as she lowered herself, showing humility and appreciation for their trust in her abilities.

Rising from her bow, Yue Xin straightened her posture, a renewed determination shining in her eyes. With a final nod of gratitude, she turned on her heels and began walking resolutely towards the towering entrance of the restricted area.

As Yue Xin made her way out of the secluded spirit pond, a cunning smile crept onto her lips. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the unfolding events, and the prospect of the chaos that would soon ensue.

As she walked through the corridors of the palace, Yue Xin couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, barely audible to herself. "Mi Ling and Li Yan are interesting, but Liang Yifei seems even more interesting than them." A sly grin spread across her face as she contemplated her next move.

Yue Xin had always been shrouded in mystery within the palace walls. She was initially seen as just an ordinary disciple, her talent and potential hidden beneath a veil of secrecy. However, through some stroke of luck or perhaps a fortuitous opportunity, her cultivation had skyrocketed, reaching the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage in an unbelievably short span of time. It was a feat that astonished many, even those who believed they knew her well.

It was precisely due to her sudden rise in power that Yue Xin had been assigned as the heavenly messenger of the palace. It was a position that held immense significance within the Heavenly Mist Palace, a role that could only be filled by one individual every fifty years. The previous heavenly messenger had passed away unexpectedly, leaving a void that Yue Xin had unexpectedly filled.

Now, as she walked through the palace halls, the other disciples regarded her with a mixture of awe and curiosity. They couldn't help but wonder what secrets Yue Xin held, and what events had transpired to grant her such unimaginable power. But Yue Xin preferred to remain silent, to let the whispers and speculation swell around her without revealing her true motives.

Within the Heavenly Mist Palace, power dynamics were constantly shifting and evolving. Everyone had their own hidden agenda, their own desires for control and dominance. Yet, Yue Xin played her cards close to her chest, silently observing those around her, gathering information and bidding her time.

She had been drawn to the secluded spirit pond today not by chance, but by careful calculation. Yue Xin had known that Mi Ling and Li Yan would be there, engaged in a private conversation. She had chosen this moment to reveal the news of the Guardians of Light to the palace lord.

Despite the fact that many cultivators are aware of the existence of an alliance, their participation often remains superficial, limited to merely joining in name. The intricacies and inner workings of the alliance are typically reserved for the upper-echelon of the alliance.

As she continued through the palace, her steps silent and her presence almost ethereal, Yue Xin couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. The looming threat of the Guardians of Light had presented an opportunity, a chance to maneuver and manipulate the intricate web of power within the cultivation world.


Looking at Yue Xin's departing figure, uncertainty flashed through Mi Ling's eyes, she sat cross-legged with a serene grace, As she closed her eyes, a sacred silence enveloped her, and the weight of the world settled upon her shoulders. With each passing moment, her connection to the unseen deepened.

When she opened her eyes once more, they transformed into an abyss of velvety darkness, as profound as the night sky. Within those ebony orbs, a mesmerizing display awaited. No longer were there mere mortals and objects before her, but a tapestry of vibrant lines, interwoven like a celestial web, traversing through time and space.

These lines, teeming with an ethereal glow, were the manifestation of fate itself. Mi Ling through her unique physique could trace each line effortlessly and perceive the intricate threads of existence. Every colourful strand unveiled the hidden secrets of all living beings, be it their present, past, or even glimpses into their future.

As Mi Ling delved deeper into the web of destiny, her ethereal gaze scanned the intricate threads that stretched across time and space. Each thread, like a pulsating heartbeat, glowed with its own unique energy, weaving through the tapestry of existence.

But her focus sharpened when she came across a particularly striking sight. A thick golden thread stood out from the rest, shimmering with an unmistakable brilliance. As Mi Ling followed its path, she realized that this thread was interconnected with thousands of other vibrant threads, creating a radiant tapestry, it's the fate line that represented the Guardians of Light Alliance.

Within this magnificent constellation of threads, Mi Ling sensed the presence of every member, their destinies intertwined with the collective purpose of the alliance.

With a gentle touch, she began to trace the golden thread, feeling the power and strength it held. Each strand connected her to a member of the alliance, revealing glimpses of their past, their present struggles, and even hints of what awaited them in the future.

As Mi Ling continued her exploration, her understanding of the Guardians of Light Alliance deepened.

After what felt like an eternity, Mi Ling's ethereal gaze gradually faded, replaced by her usual almond-shaped eyes. The vibrant lines of destiny that had consumed her vision dispersed, leaving behind the familiar world she had momentarily transcended.

As she blinked, adjusting to the normalcy of her surroundings, a serious expression settled on her face.

Fate lines or Fate threads have the same meaning I will be using both.

Don't forget to leave a review if you like the book, Power stones would motivate me too, and yeah leave a comment (that's important)-Very.

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