
Paradise City (1)

Mi Ling's eyes narrowed as she processed the newfound information.

She turned to Li Yan, a mix of concern and amusement in her voice. "Li Yan, it seems that the Guardians of Light are not as simple as we initially thought."

After a brief pause, she resumed speaking, her voice filled with intrigue, "As I delved deep into tracing the intricate paths of destiny, an astonishing revelation emerged - the fate lines of one of the members of the alliance intertwined with none other than the Mortal Ascension Legion."

Li Yan's eyes flickered with a dangerous glint. She had always been one to enjoy chaos and upheaval, but with the mention of the Mortal Ascension Legion, she now has to be serious.

"But why now? Why after all these years of silence?" Li Yan pondered aloud, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. "It can't be that they are just showing us their anger because what happened with the monk ?"

Mi Ling's calm demeanor remained unchanged as she silently contemplated Li Yan's words. "Perhaps, But I think the matter is not that simple," she mused. "On top of that, we have already made a deal with them that day, so probably they had other goals."

Li Yan's eyes flashed with a vicious light as she said. "If that's the case, Then why not just uproot that trifling alliance ."

Mi Ling shook her head, her expression serious. "It's not that simple, Li Yan. The Mortal Ascension Legion is a formidable force, and the Guardians of Light Alliance, as insignificant as they may seem, could be their means to a larger end. If we were to directly confront or uproot them, it might provoke the Legion and worsen the situation."

Li Yan scowled, her face contorted with frustration and worry. "Mi Ling," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with urgency, "we can't just stand idly by while they amass power and become a growing threat to us."

Mi Ling's gaze hardened, her determination unwavering. "No, we won't be passive spectators. We need to gather more information and understand the true extent of the alliance's connection with the Mortal Ascension Legion. By doing so, we can devise a plan to dismantle them from within, without giving the Legion a reason to retaliate."

Li Yan nodded, concern etching deeper lines on her brow, her voice laden with confusion, "If that's what you think, then what about Liang Yifei? Is he the one responsible for the chaos, or is it the influence of the Legion?"

Mi Ling sighed, her expression tinged with regret. "I wish I had a clear answer for you," she replied honestly. "Liang Yifei's actions are veiled in a shroud of secrecy. It is incredibly challenging to track him down or uncover any information about him, even with my Destiny Oracle Physique abilities."

Pausing for a moment, Mi Ling's confusion became evident in her voice. "Previously, I was able to at least discern his fate line and preserve some knowledge of his situation. But now, I cannot even discern a trace of his fate line."

Mi Ling's Destiny Oracle Physique was a rare and powerful physique bestowed upon her at birth. It allowed her to perceive the patterns and threads of destiny woven into the fabric of the world. Through it, she could tap into this cosmic tapestry and glimpse fragments of the future, as well as gain insights into the past and present.

When she focused on an individual, Mi Ling could typically discern their fate line, a shimmering thread that represented the trajectory of their destiny. By following this thread, she could gather valuable information about their past, present, and potential future paths. It helped her understand their motives, actions, and the forces that influenced them.

Mi Ling's ability to perceive fate lines went beyond mere observation. With practice, she could subtly influence the threads, nudging them in different directions to alter the course of destiny. However, meddling with fate always came with consequences, and Mi Ling approached such actions with caution, for she knew that fate was a delicate tapestry that affected the outcome of everything.

But fate line tracking isn't without restraints, as some matters are considered heavenly secrets. Tapping into these matters could lead to dire consequences, and she had learned this the hard way in the past. She once attempted to tap into one of these matters, only to find that her cultivation remained stagnant for over four hundred years.

But now, as Mi Ling spoke of Liang Yifei, her powers seemed to falter. He had somehow severed his fate line from the cosmic web entirely. This unprecedented occurrence left Mi Ling puzzled and concerned. There were two types of fate lines that she couldn't see: one due to the limitations of her cultivation and power, and the other possibly related to a heavenly secret or the distant future.

Just as Mi Ling and Li Yan were engrossed in an intense conversation, their focus was abruptly shattered by a soft and melodious chime emanating from their space rings. Intrigued, they expanded their divine senses to determine the origin of the sound.

To their surprise, they quickly discerned that the source of the chime was, their alliance badges, the insignias of the Starry Sky Alliance, captured their attention. These circular emblems, crafted from finely detailed silver, showcased the alliance's emblem—an exquisite portrayal of celestial stars encircling a vibrant sun.

Reacting almost simultaneously, both Mi Ling and Li Yan reached out to their badges and activated the voice transmission feature, triggering a faint glow that enveloped the badges. With bated breath, they focused their attention on the badges, eager to receive the important message that resonated from the badge.

As the glow intensified, a soothing yet authoritative voice materialized from the badges, resonating within the minds of Mi Ling and Li Yan. Each word was delivered with measured precision, imbued with an otherworldly resonance that commanded attention.

"Attention, Mi Ling and Li Yan of the Starry Sky Alliance, This is a message from the Elders Council. We have received word that the conference with the Mortal Ascension Legion is about to commence in the underground paradise city. We require your immediate presence. Please make your way to the designated location promptly."

The message concluded, leaving Mi Ling and Li Yan both surprised and intrigued by the sudden turn of events. The conference with the Mortal Ascension Legion was a crucial gathering, and the fact that they were summoned stirred a mix of anticipation and apprehension within them.

Mi Ling exchanged a glance with Li Yan, and they both shared a silent agreement. The urgency of the situation left no room for hesitation or delay.

"We should go, now," Mi Ling stated calmly, her voice carrying an air of certainty. "We can set aside everything else for the time being. Compared to the perilous journey to the devil realm, everything else seems insignificant."

Li Yan nodded in agreement, a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "Indeed. Let us make our way to the underground city and see what unfolds."


Mi Ling and Li Yan made their way through the spiritwalker street. Unbeknownst to them, a figure clad in a cloak of darkness trailed closely behind. The mysterious figure moved with unrivaled stealth, blending seamlessly into the shadows, becoming just a flicker of movement whenever a passerby glanced in their direction.

The bustling city began to fade into the distance as the duo ventured deeper into the maze-like streets. Their focus remained fixed on their destination, the Paradise city. This hidden gem, shielded from both mortals' and cultivators' eyes.

With each twist and turn, the atmosphere grew heavier, an ethereal presence enveloping the alleyways.

As they approached the entrance to the Paradise city, a subtle shimmer washed over the ground, marking the threshold of the hidden realm. Mi Ling and Li Yan, oblivious to the figure tailing them, stepped through the veil, their bodies momentarily vanishing into thin air before reappearing on the other side.

The underground paradise city was a sight to behold. Towering structures, adorned with intricate carvings depicting fantastical creatures, reached towards the heavens. Glowing orbs suspended from the ceiling illuminated the streets with a gentle luminescence, creating an otherworldly ambiance.

Yet, amidst the grandeur, a lingering sense of unrest prevailed. The figure trailing Mi Ling and Li Yan emerged from the darkness, standing at a distance, observing the scenes before him. His eyes glimmered with surprise and excitement.

The Underground City , the Paradise City or the Underground Paradise City are the same thing, just revealed its full name here.

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