

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya." The voice emanated from the entity.

"Oh, is it you, Mom? You scared me. What on earth?" Linus replied.

"Happy birthday Li'l Liny!" Lina gave the boy a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Gosh, that's what its all about." the oil lamps and wax candles were lit, illuminating the living area. The table was a feast for the eyes to look at, with fruits of different variety, lots of meat dishes, and much, much more. A regular household in Solus wouldn't be able to afford much, but this time it was different.

Julius entered the living area, patting the boy in his head. "Happy 11th birthday, son. This past year, you made many contributions, making our town plenty prosperous. These things weren't available to us in great abundance, until today. Look outside, see who's coming."

Outside, the patio was slowly being populated. Although the skies were already dim, the lanterns held by the congregation brightened the surroundings. There were Gordon, Nina, and the school kids, waving at Linus their set of paper lanterns they made in school, to which he waved back at them in return.

Ray, Rock, and their warrior brethren were also present, carrying jars of alcohol in the front yard, setting up the chairs and tables for the celebration. The women set the food, while the townsmen brought decorations and gifts. Even the local priest was present, dressed in his ornate garb decorated with gemstones, blessing the feast.

Guided by his walking staff, the priest, Norton, stepped forward and approached the Stannous family. His golden circlet gleamed to the warm candlelight and the gems on his garb glinted. "My boy, it was all the townsfolk's idea to hold a celebration for your day. I would have been against it if it was for any other person, but for Enqui's favored, please pardon our intrusion and meager preparations for the event."

"I'm most thankful your holiness. I'm even baffled why people would hold this event for me." Linus replied, recalling a similar event before his demise in his past life. He somewhat knew about what people were here for, but he was afraid he's starting something he couldn't take accountability for.

Julius patted his head from behind, saying "Despite your wisdom, don't you understand, or do you pretend not to? Boy, don't shirk. You had taken care of us tremendously for the past year, and the people count on you to take care of them in the years to come." He then slapped the boy in the back, propelling him to take a step forward. All eyes were on him.

Norton spoke to the people, "People of Solus, today marks a special day you all know of. It's the 11th year since our Young Master, Linus Stannous was brought to us in this mortal realm by Lord Enreel, the Supreme Arbiter of Destinies. Favored by Lord Enqui, this child has brought us four successive victories so far, and led us, his people, to the road of prosperity."

"It is destiny that I was brought here before you, my people, as the great Lord Enreel gave to me his revelation, his most prestigious royal decree to which all of you must heed. I declare ending the tradition of succession by combat in favor of making Linus the uncontested successor to our great chief." He proclaimed, raising his staff in the air. Two maidens came forward, bringing a silver circlet for all people to see. It was placed on Linus' head, reflecting softly the warm flickering glow of the candles.

Ding! [You have a new notification. Press (OK) to continue.]

[Quest: Take charge]

[With the expansion of the Solus dominion, it is inevitable for leaders and factions to emerge. It is your destiny to take charge of how your lands will be governed.]

[Objective A: Accept the anointment]

[Objective B: Propose political reform]

[Reward A: Ruler's Gaze (Class Skill)]

[Reward B: Lion Heart (Class Skill)]

[Accept the quest?]

The priest turned to Linus. "Son, it's your turn." he spoke, softly.

Feeling a little bit overwhelmed, Linus found it hard to stand in front of his people. He accepted the quest and used the skill <Grace> to calm the people and his nerves down. Once again, he found himself in a troublesome situation, but since when did he run away from responsibilities? Not once when he was a professor, and not when he had to take charge of the Solus' defense in Julius' absence.

"People of Solus, I thank you for the warm cheers, gifts, and your presence tonight. The decree of Lord Enreel is heavy, but I gladly accept its burden and defend it if it needs be. I cannot promise to be the wisest or the most glorious, but my only wish is for our lives to prosper. Let's work hard together and make Solus the greatest settlement of all in the Nozul Islands." Linus spoke.

Ding! [Achievement unlocked! You are hereby granted the skill <Ruler's Gaze>.]

"Hail Linus! Hail to our chief's second in command!" Ray yelled, holding a mug of liquor up in the air.

"Hail Linus!" The men followed, raising their mugs.

"I couldn't be more thankful, your holiness." Julius spoke to Norton.

"No, my child. Everything is for the greater good of everyone." Norton replied, showing a weak smile.

The next day, Linus returned to school to work, this time, he turned to Nathan and Jules, the two of most matured students in the academy, they were about 14 years old and will be ready to join the warriors the next year. But he wished the promising youths to become stewards of the chief's office once he got rein of it. Solus was expanding and soon, it would need an organized government to secure the law and order of the land.

"Nathan, I task you with the mass manufacturing of ink. You will recruit men and establish an ink factory. Come and see me later for the funds once you figured out estimates." Linus told Nathan.

"Yes, sir!" Nathan saluted.

"Jules, your task is the mass manufacturing of paper. Go out and recruit workers for the establishment of a paper mill."

"Affirmative, sir!" Jules saluted.

"My lady, have you finished carving the inverted alphabet punches?" Linus asked Nina.

"Oh, yes. It was my pleasure working on these samples. See, I tried stamping them on paper and they produce perfect letters all the time." Nina showed the prints.

"Most splendid, my lady! It wouldn't be if not for these wonderful hands." Linus took her calloused hand and kissed it.

Slap! Nina weakly slapped Linus' face away. "Sir Linus, you're becoming more and more aggressive these days. And you have grown… taller and…"

"More manly? Oh, Nina, you really are my type." Linus' eyes gleamed, smirking. He snatched her hand, pressing it between his, warming them.

Nina took her hand away. "Sir, this is the school. There are kids. Please restrain yourself."

Linus told her, shrugging "But we're kids too. It's alright."

Helena stormed in, berating Linus. "Perverted brother! There you go again, teasing Nina. If I told mum, you'd have a spanking later." Helena took Nina's hand and towed her away out of the room.

Linus couldn't have enough teasing the lass. She's one of the only few who understood him since he was reborn, giving him a sense of warmth different to those of his family. Although he was still muddy of mind, his heart knows better, leading his actions.

He slapped his head, clearing his thoughts. "Alright, I got what I wanted. Let's see Raymond."

After half a day's journey, Linus met Raymond in the foundry. He presented to him the punches of the alphabet and numbers carved out of wood. He told him, "Please cast these letters and numbers by bronze. I need five hundred of each character."

"500! Of details these fine, it may take a while to polish them, Young Master. Is it okay?" Raymond told him.

"Yes, take your time. The characters must be legible." He told Raymond. "Have you seen Samir around?"

"Young Master, are you looking for me?" Samir waved at him.

Linus turned to Samir. "There you are. I want you to leave the logging operations to someone else. You have to lead the mining of gold, silver, and lead this time. I'll enlighten you." he clutched the man's forearm.

[Follower Samir was deputized with the skill <Prospecting Lv.1>.]

"Your will be done, Young Master." Samir bowed.

In school, Linus charged Nina and other skillful students to work on a Gutenberg screw press. With the skill, <Art of Teaching Lv.3>, he explained to them how the construction of the device is done, and how the gigantic wooden screw impresses print into paper. The students enthusiastically worked on the construction of the device.

Meanwhile, Simon finished the construction of the shipyard, and this time, he started the construction of the caravels. Given the scale of production, it may still take many months for the ships to emerge from production.

Late autumn arrived, leaving the tree branches bare. The cold became more and more unbearable by the day. Rain became more menacing, and people started getting sick from the cold. Heavier clothes are in fashion as the people started adorning themselves in thickened layers of hide.

"It's becoming colder in the classroom, my lady. You sure are plenty energetic for the weather." Linus told Nina, tucking his arms.

Nina replied, "Well, the press is almost done. We're only adding the finishing touches."

"Very timely. You'll find out soon how useful this device will be for us and our people." Linus remarked, smiling.

Next chapter