
Leon and Lily

As the weather got cooler, Solus townsfolk wore increasingly heavier but fashionable outfits. If they could afford it, they wouldn't shy away from wearing longer and thicker garments not just to increase one's prestige, but as a necessity to keep themselves warm.

"Brother, look at these people. Almost all of them could dress like that. I wish we were able to save thicker clothing for the coming months. We'll freeze to death in winter." Lily told her brother Leon.

"Don't worry, Lily, we'll find this fellow named Samir. If we have jobs, we can fend for ourselves. We'll buy ourselves new clothes and a decent headwear." Leon tucked his arms, shivering to the cold breeze.

The brother and sister duo found themselves in Solus after months of moving place to place as they were displaced by the pirate invasion. Soon, they learned of the news that the pirates were repelled, so they chose to go back to their little village near the mountains. They found that the place was burned to the ground, looted, and deserted, but they couldn't be angry. They blamed themselves for fleeing, unable to fight back.

Journeying by the river Aourus, they found a little settlement, and a strange structure by the water with a gigantic wheel attached to it, turning to the flow of the river downstream. Dazed by the rotation of the wheel, they found the mill to be the most fascinating structure. They decided to sit down by the grass to rest and observe.

Time after time, well-built men entered the structure, towing logs inside, and weird buzzing noises can be heard for quite some time. After the noise died down, the timbermen came out, loading the processed lumber in oxen carts. Being an all-around guy himself, Leon was no stranger to woodwork, so it baffled him to see the lumber so cleanly cut after it came out. Were they stocks to be taken out by request? Were they processed inside? Leon kept on thinking.

One of the timbermen spotted the two sitting outside, he was curious enough to approach them. "You're not from these parts, are you?" he asked.

"Nope. Our village was burned down by the pirates, so we ended up being displaced." Leon told the man the tale.

"That's sad, you see, same thing happened to us. Those pirates are despicable scum. Fortunately we found ourselves jobs and even housing to keep ourselves afloat this coming winter." The timberman said.

"Oh, that's wonderful mister. Favor please, can you help us find jobs?" Lily asked the timberman.

"Not on these parts. The sawmill is currently swamped with applications, so I can't really help. But if you find Mr. Samir, he might be able to get you a job. Samir is a tall dark fellow, sort of a foreigner from the seas, so he should be easy to find. If you follow the path, it will lead you to Solus settlement. He goes there from time to time." The timberman told the two.

"Thank you very much mister." Lily thanked the man.

And when they came to the town of Solus, they found it different than imagined. Although it wasn't anything like Nexus or other developed cities in the Nozul Islands, it didn't look poor either. It was a city in the making with structures erected left and right. At the town center, they found a boy running around, telling people about this thing called newspaper.

"Mister Vincent, just for a copper coin, you can have news here!" the boy told the old man.

"Get lost, brat. I hold no interests in the things you do in that white hall or something." The old man turned around, got inside his house, and slammed the door shut.

"Woah, what a grumpy old fellow!" Leon remarked.

The boy scratched the back of his head. "I should have known. That Old Vincent is no fun at all. He gets mad for no reason at all. But you Mister, you might be interested in our newspaper, the Solus Times. It only costs an Atsu!"

"Lord Atsu? Why blaspheme the old god?" Leon asked the boy.

"No, not the Lord Atsu, but these coins. The smallest one is Atsu, the bigger one is Diamat, equivalent to 10 Atsu, and the largest one is Enqui, equivalent to 100 Atsu." The boy took out samples from his pouch.

"Woah! Copper coins! Way too expensive!" Leon reacted as if he'd have a heart attack seeing the boy's riches.

"What! You get copper coins from selling those things! What are those!" Lily's eyes glittered, seeing opportunity.

"Newspaper. I'm a newsboy selling them. This paper contains news as well as up to date information on opportunities available." the boy bragged.

"You mean jobs? I want to know. Pray, tell me, please." Leon's eyes sparkled.

"If I read you the news, then it's as good as giving you the paper for free. I'm sorry, mister." the boy refused.

"Come on, Larry. It looks like the young man needed it. I'll give you a copper atsu." a middle-aged woman passed by and gave Larry a copper coin.

"Here's the paper." Larry handed Leon the paper.

"But what to do with it?" Leon asked the boy.

"Ahh… like the old timers, no read, no write. Okay, I'll read it for you. News, ads, jobs, features, sports, what do you want to know?" Larry asked Leon.

"Jobs, please tell me about jobs." Leon said.

"Oh, there are several, first, the foundry is looking for promising metal trainees, preferably those with experience working gold and silver." Larry read.

"I know nothing about metals, pass!" Leon replied.

"The porcelain workshop is looking for trainees in pottery making. It requires you have experience in working with pottery or earthen structures." Larry read.

"Don't know nothing about that either. pass!" Leon replied.

"The carpentry shop is looking for new trainees it says. 4 copper diamats per month. It requires you have experience in woodwork, professionally or domestically. Look for Paul at the carpentry shop." Larry read.

"That one I know. Please, tell me where to find this carpentry shop." Leon asked Larry.

"Over there, you take the right turn at the corner over there and if you went straight, you'd eventually get there." Larry told them the direction.

"Larry is it? Is there anyway I can learn how to read those papers?" Lily asked.

"Oh, there is. In fact, the paper says it. Adult learning course is available for 2 copper Atsu a week at the White School Building. I come from the place. I can recommend you to one of the schoolmasters, Mr. Fahrenheit, even if you don't have the money now. Just promise to pay later, he'll understand." Larry invited.

"That's great. I'll go with brother for now, but I'll visit the school later. I'll look for you." Lily told Larry.

At the carpentry shop, Leon met Paul, a senior carpenter. He said that he needed to pass the carpentry test to prove his skills before he can be employed. The task is to build a chair out of scrap wood.

"That's simple!" Leon pulled his sleeves up and took on the challenge. His hands shook when he held the tools for the exam, the bronze hammer and chisel.

"These tools are precious! Really, can I use these?" He asked.

"Yes, yes, that's standard equipment. You may as well use the saw for cutting wood. It will take you forever using the chisel." Paul pointed out.

Leon picked up the saw and started working at the legs. The sharpness of the metal tools shone in practice, making him more enthusiastic with the project. Using the chisel, he carved out the joints for the legs and the seat. Then he joined them together.

"Good job Leon. You knew well how to work with wood even if it was your first time using bronze tools. How did it feel?" Paul asked.

"Splendid, absolutely. It would have taken me longer had I used my stone axe and chisel to work on those." Leon replied.

"This workmanship isn't bad at all. With just a week of training, you can start as a carpenter. You're hired. You can start work tomorrow." Paul told Leon.

Leon further imposed by asking for an advance, explaining his situation. He was shown sympathy by Paul and was lent some money to get by even though the rules dictated they shouldn't. He was told that quarters are available for carpenters, but he must pass training before he could avail of the privilege.

For the meantime, the two stayed at a transient tent near the wall provided by the townhall. They learned that they were not alone. The pirate attack displaced many people, and as a result ended up like them, wanderers. They were fortunate that Solus welcomed them with brand new opportunities.

Soon, Leon started work as a full-fledged carpenter, affording him and Lily a place to stay. Meanwhile, Lily went to the White School every day to learn reading and numbers. She couldn't wait to put this knowledge to application. She wanted to join those newsboys to sell newspapers a copper per piece. Little did she know that more opportunities waited for her as she learned basic literacy in school.

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