
Making Salt

"Boy, the caravel, what kind of ship is it? If you describe it to me, I might be able to build it."

When Linus told Simon to build the caravel, he assumed that the shipbuilding skill gave him knowledge about the vessels of his former world, however, it didn't seem to do that. Simon seemed confused by the command he gave him.

[The skill <Art of Teaching Lv.3> is in effect.]

"The caravel is a small two masted ship about 15 meters long and 6 meters in width. It has an upper deck and a lower deck. The upper deck, the raised portion at the back of the ship after the mast, has enough room beneath it to house the sailors, while the lower deck covers the ship from its mid-section to the bow. This caravel I wanted you to build is powered by two triangular sails. This unique feature, combined with its narrow beam, small, and lightweight design, gives it speed and maneuverability. It can sail the seas, but it is small enough to navigate rivers as well." Linus explained while he drew the design of the caravel on the ground.

"Now I understand. My revelation gives me the ability to understand this design and the skills to build it. Why didn't I see this design? To know the design of this new vessel, you are very much favored by the great Lord Enqui himself. Praise Lord Enqui!" Simon replied.

"Young Master, can I return now that the sawmill's complete?" Samir asked.

"Not yet, and as you can see here, Simon will need more lumber to build his shipyard, so he needs more help. I wish you can recruit log men to work here permanently. They shall enjoy the benefits of being paid in copper. I'll allow construction of housing around the vicinity of the sawmill." Linus told Samir. This order became the basis for the foundation of Rivertown. Workers moved on sight and built their dwellings from the lumber processed by the mill. They took their families with them, and soon, the little settlement by the river bustled with activity.

Stoneaxe bay, Ray's men were on active patrol for pirate activity. While some patrol on foot, Ray himself were aboard one of the three newly appropriated ships, a galley. The galley was long and slender, about 25 meters in length and 3 meters in width. It comes equipped with one mast only, sporting a large square sail, but its propulsion is primarily powered by oarsmen.

Lacking crewmembers, Ray had to converge all men from the three ships just to make the ship operational. Unlike full-fledged sail ships, the galley requires roughly a hundred or more oresmen to achieve a decent sailing speed of 4 knots.

"Master Ray!" Ray was alerted by his crewmen about the presence of a group of men on foot by the shore. He checked with his own eyes and identified the men. It was Linus and Simon with a company of workmen with them, having a merry banter with the Solusian warriors afoot.

Ray got off the ship and met with the boy. "What brings you here Young Master?"

"Good timing, Ray. I talked to these fellows about the security of Stoneaxe. Please guard Old Simon and his woodworkers. His work on the shipyard will play a role in keeping the sea secure." Linus told Ray.

"You can count on us." Ray affirmed.

Simon surveyed the area for the best location of his shipyard. After finding the right spot, he and his men immediately began the construction of the shipyard and the restoration of the ruined dock. The ruins of Stoneaxe town soon came to life as the growing number of workers, warriors, and even the crewmen pitched their temporary residences there. After a while, the temporary residences turned into fixed earthen structures.

Samir brought the workmen lumber, supplies, and commodities they needed for the construction. Eventually, Samir was joined by a few merchants after learning about the conditions of the town. They were willing to take the trip to the ruins to earn a quick buck. To their surprise, the liquor, food, and other goods they brought sold out among the workmen and other settlers, making the trip worth it.

News of the restoration of the Stoneaxe caught wind, with some of the surviving old residents wanting to return. After visiting the settlement, they found their lands occupied by the workers and other men. So they came to Julius, hoping they could get help claiming back their property in Stoneaxe.

"You want to return to your homes but there were structures already built in place. Oh, I must say those are my son's. Go look for him to see what he says about it." Julius shooed away the Stoneaxers.

They visited the White School where they found Linus, teaching the children maths.

"My boy, these people came here to pay you a visit." Gordon told Linus about the Stoneaxers. The boy was writing math problems when a blue window popped out.

Ding! [Achievement unlocked. With the gradual restoration of Stoneaxe, you achieved the objective of your quest. You are hereby granted the skill <Salt Making Lv.1>.]

[Salt Making]

[Type: Passive]

[Level: 1]

[Lv. 1 grants knowledge of manufacture of sea salt by the traditional process of evaporating increasing concentrations of salt water in tiny evaporative ponds. Salt produced in this manner will require manual labor.]

"A pleasant day to you, Young Master. I am Rudy and these fellow men with me are the old townsfolk of Stoneaxe town. We wanted to see if you can help us reclaim our lost property." Rudy, a tall and lanky fellow, told Linus.

"But why come to me? My father should have helped you with that." Linus replied, dismissing the skill and quest window.

"Our places were occupied by your workmen." Rudy straightforwardly told Linus the allegation.

"Do you have proof you resided there?" Linus asked, suspicious of the assertion.

"We have. In fact, we are all witnesses to each other. We know where our old places were. And, over there, Lady Helena!" Rudy waved at Helena.

Helena hid behind Linus, whispering to his ear. "Brother, I know these townsfolk. They're bad news."

"Lady Helena! It's good to find you here safe. Please help us." Rudy turned to Helena for help.

Helena balked at their request, saying "Hmmp! You cowards were the first to run away with your tails tucked between your legs. You didn't even offer a hand to help us defend the town. Want to go home? See if I care." Helena stuck her tongue out. Rudy's hand shook upon insult.

"You heard her. I don't think you deserve your homes back after running away like cowards." Linus told Rudy and company the cold truth. Heads hung low, they were dejected.

Like the coward he was, Rudy fell on his knees, groveling on the floor and crying as he begged, "Please young master, have mercy! We only wanted to return back home." It was really shameless of Rudy, but Linus had a plan after seeing him beg so earnestly.

"Fine, I'll get my men to find another spot, and you can occupy those structures in their stead." Linus said, pausing. Rudy and his companions jumped in joy, while Helena took a step back.

"However, you will have to work under me as salt workers. You will repay, in monthly installments, the reconstruction of your property in terms of salt. Should you desert your post, the deal is off." Linus told the men.

Rudy replied, teary eyed "But! Those were our…"

Linus interrupted Rudy from speaking, "No buts! Take it or leave it. Those who ran away from home, unwilling to defend it, do not deserve to come back. I've already shown you my compassion."

"We will obey." Rudy and company didn't have a choice but submit.

"You will find this to be the most mystifying thing, but bear with it. You will start producing salt as soon as you receive Lord Enqui's blessing." Linus grabbed Rudy by the arm.

[Skill <Deputize Lv.3> was used on follower Rudy. Granting Rudy the skill <Salt Making Lv.1>.]

Feeling the surge of knowledge in his head, Rudy collapsed on his knees again, crying "Oh merciful Young Master, thank you very much! Praise Lord Enqui!"

"Go on, make me salt." Linus told Rudy, smirking at the man's disgrace.

"Yes, Young Master!" Rudy groveled on the floor.

Rudy almost lost all the credibility he had after having seen by his folks begging, crying, and groveling on the ground. But his reputation soon made a comeback after he demonstrated to his townsfolk his in-depth knowledge of salt-making. The Stoneaxers long knew how salt is made by boiling seawater, but they were shocked seeing the yields produced by this new process.

"Rudy, my man. I didn't know your family hid this secret art of salt-making. We're glad we followed you." A stout fellow patted him at the back.

"No, it wasn't my family's secret. If it was, I would have grown rich a long ago. It was Lord Enqui himself who bestowed me the art through his spiritual son, the Young Master." under the intense heat of the sun, Rudy covered his eyes and replied. With his earnest work in the salt fields. His attitude improved, day by day.

Sundown, Linus came back home from teaching. He found the house eerily dark and quiet. He stepped inside, asking "Anyone home?" but he didn't receive any reply at all. So he went deeper inside, looking for a lamp to illuminate his surroundings. Suddenly, an icy touch gripped his shoulders, causing him to jump in fright.

"Who goes there!" He yelled back at the mysterious entity. Only its eyes shined bright, the rest of its body was hidden by the darkness.

Hi readers, sorry the update is a little late today. Friday night was tough on me, as always. If it were like last week, I wouldn't have published anything at all, but here it is.

Send me lots of love, vote and gift if you can. It helps a lot with the motivation when you do. Thank you and see you again the next release.

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