
The Bully (3)

Perseus POV

As we're sitting on the stairs and engaging in our conversation, we can hear footsteps approaching our direction.

"So this is where you 2 are." A voice said before we turned and see Principal Von "Is it rude of me to ask why you 2 didn't follow your brother's footsteps and join my academy? You've applied to Phoenix and Tortoise Academy, and yet not mine."

"Would you rather have a long or short answer?"

"Short please, that's what I hated about your brother, sometimes he has the ability to extend a short answer into a 400-word essay, this isn't higher education, he'll make a good politician though."

"Well, I don't want to ruin his legacy."

"Legacy?" he then raised an eyebrow "He's good and hardworking, but he isn't even close to being among the greatest, he's only a level 7 wizard."

"I don't care, to us, he's the greatest, and I've chosen to come here as he's left his mark in your academy."

"Are you afraid of surpassing your brother?" he asked

"No, I need to surpass him."

"Then come to my academy during the transfer period." he insisted "You seem friendly with our Minerva, our academy is also going to take back the number 1 spot this year. We have more to offer."

"Thanks but no thanks."

"No hesitation at all, huh." he then sighs before turning to Shawn "You may not have the same level of talent, but you've shown a lot of raw potential, so if you can't polish it, you will be among the first to be moved to the B class. Even though the curriculum isn't that different, being personally mentored by the principal is one of the greatest perks the A class students can have.

"Work hard." he advised "Even though your brother only had one year under me in his 3rd year, he made full use of it, and ask a lot of questions, James is a great wizard, don't waste your opportunity."

He then walked away while scratching his head, the meeting hasn't really ended yet so we made our way back. It was mostly useless for us but we can't really leave first without looking rude.

Most of the other students are deploying with each other to mostly touristy zones, they have a lot of people to patrol around, and they can have a good time when they're on break, slightly lower pay and everything, but they have more than enough money to afford things overseas since credits can't be used abroad. You can exchange it to the local currency, but they can save that and just use their own wealth to afford everything.

Our brother left money enough to supply us for the rest of the 3 years, we're going to need a lot of gear and equipment later, so we can't spend it recklessly.

"You're seriously not going to make any friends?" Minerva asked as she approached me and handed both me and my brother cans of soda

"Well, some of em will be our acquaintances as time goes on, but I doubt I'll keep in close contact with any of em, we live in a different world, Maddox or whatever there seem to dislike me. The others seem to also pick his side."

"This is why I asked you to come to my academy instead, I can easily protect you."

"I don't need protecting."

"Not in a fight sunshine, I meant from verbal bullying."

"I'll deal with it."

Shawn then raised his hand to ask a question.

"Uh, what made you fall for him?" he asked "My brother isn't friendly to strangers, and he's also a socially awkward introvert."

"Well, you may be right." she giggled "But I've seen his other side where he only show it to those he cares about."

"Have you seen his eyes?"

"No, it's not like I care that much either." she replied


When the meeting ended, Shawn went to the dorm first as he didn't want to 'third-wheel', not like I can stop him.

Some of the visiting students are going back tonight while some are staying over, tomorrow is a free day for them, so they don't have to worry too much, before going back to the dorm, Minerva just pulled me aside to go for a walk, people recognize her, so it was super hard to find a quiet spot where she can't stand out.

So we headed for the library and booked a discussion room which isn't that private as it got glass walls and a door. I just took a seat and she sat next to me and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Your brother seems nice." she commented

"He is, kinda mean to me though."

"That's what brothers are for." she giggled before stopping and giving me this serious look "Before I came over, I oversaw the principal checking your background, and I saw that you have an older brother...why haven't you told me about him?"

"I'm...ashamed to be his brother, that's all."

"You're not to blame for what happened."

"Everyone says that, but...if I wasn't there, he could have gotten away, even if I wasn't 100% responsible, I am a factor that stopped him from escaping, he saved me at the cost of his own life, my recklessness killed him."

"Fine, we'll stop talking about this then." she said "Just let me enjoy your presence a bit, we don't get to meet in person often."

"You sure? People can see us through the glass wall."

"And? There's no rule against people dating as long as it doesn't get in the way of their studies. And the rules are only slightly stricter on deployment."

"That's not what I'm worrying about."

A lot of people aren't sleepy yet, so the library is a great place to spend their free time, faster internet and they got a lot of free resources to use, and seeing the great Minerva coming here with a rando, they'll be curious, and they are now walking past the discussion room's wall and are either chattering or giving me death stares.

"Don't worry about them," she said and just hug my arm and snuggled even closer

"They're taking pictures."

"Everyone will now know you're mine, think positive."

"I'm getting bullied and now your fans will join in."

"I don't date people who are emotionally weak, I'm sure you can handle it."

"I'm your first boyfriend."

"Then make sure you stay my only one."

"You seriously got a response for everything, huh?"

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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