
The Bully (4)

3rd Person POV

The students of Tiger Academy were among the first to leave the next day, they were packing their things, and the members of the student council helped the teachers to make sure that the students made it on time.

"Are you sure that you want to leave early in the morning with us?" a student of Tiger Academy asked Minerva

"Yes, why do you ask?" Minerva questioned as she took her seat

"Your boyfriend, don't you want to spend a bit of time with him?" Askren asked "Where is he? Is he not coming to say goodbye?"

"That's not his type, but don't worry, he's on the island now, and besides, I have a lot of opportunities to meet him again in the future." Minerva answered

Perseus POV

I wish our school wasn't the host for this year, because we got to class the next day while everyone else has a free day today, they can pretty much do whatever as long as they arrived back in their school premise by like 6:30 pm, some people aren't even taking the school bus back, they're taking public transportation and exploring the island on the way back.

Luckily, me and my brother bought some bread and instant noodles when we visited the school's market last night, because, we got no breakfast, we only have some seasonings and condiments in the cupboards, and the school cafeteria is super packed for the morning, we wouldn't be able to make it in class unless we either ate breakfast at home or just skip it entirely.

On the way to class, Shawn handed me his tablet with this article on the screen, it was pictures of me with Minerva in the discussion room and pictures of both of us leaving and entering the library.

"School issue, from the journalist club." Shawn said

"Did you get into any trouble on the way back?"

"Nah, people ignore me for some reason." he shook his head "Don't worry, I know how to stay out of trouble."

"We have a high chance of being bullied, even our classmates will, I checked some of their public backgrounds, and they all come from families that are already staying on this island, and apart from overseas workers, they are either rich or from prominent families or both."

"Yeah, Ollie? A real jerk." Shawn agreed "But I think he should now back off for a bit knowing that the principal defending you in front of everyone

We got to class about an hour early, class starts at 8:10, so I get that people aren't that scared of being late since so many people live on campus. But it's strange that Shawn and I are the first 2 to class, the principal was there already, and he's reading a book with written instructions already on the board.

It was to make sure we got our talismans and tablet for the day. I chose the second seat by the window with Shawn sitting in front of me right in the first row.

"Sir, how should we address you?" I asked once I got to my seat "Should I address you as Sir Arthur, Mr. Arthur, or Principal Arthur?"

"I'd rather have you address me as Mr. or Sir." he answered with a smile "Calling me by my first name is also fine, you're all my personal students now, the title of principal should be for everyone else's."

We then mostly just sat in silence while I got my tablet to read this stupid news article about their so-called 'goddess' and an alleged blind man. I only see things slightly darker with a slightly smaller peripheral vision.

And sheesh, some of these commenters are more parasocial than hardcore kpop fans, like I don't remember Minerva making any promises, and why do they feel betrayed? Well at least, I now know why I'll be bullied by swarms of guys in the future.

And what's with the title of a goddess? Even people in the news media and social media don't call her that, school magazines sure do it differently.

Shawn POV

30 minutes before class, half the class came, and the rest arrived about 5 minutes before the bell rings.

"Since you're all here, might as well start our prayer early." Sir Arthur said and stood up as we followed him

Perseus will probably not like this, not that I do either, but what choice do we have?

"O divine and merciful God," Mr. Arthur started the prayer "I come to you today with a heavy heart to ask for your forgiveness on behalf of humanity. We have all fallen short of your glory and have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed. We have not lived up to your expectations and strayed from the paths of righteousness.

"Please have mercy on us and cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. We ask for your guidance and wisdom to help us to turn away from sin and to walk in your ways. May your love and grace wash over us and hopefully, someday, we can make amends for our sins. Amen."

"Amen." the class repeated before sitting down

After a short period, the bell rang and our principal/instructor stood up and started our lecture.

"Good morning everyone," he greeted "We'll skip the formal introductions for now since you already know who I am, and you can get to know each other after class. And I'll be your mentor and/or instructor for every subject for class A's students, if you have any questions, raise your hand and I'll be sure to address you. Any questions?"

No one raised their hand and he then took out a talisman.

"For other classes in our academy, being able to perfectly cast using a talisman would be a requirement for the final exam, but for you..." he trailed off for a bit "It's a requirement for your semester exam, and for our first day, and for our first period, all of you will dedicate yourselves to cast 50 spells before you can leave, don't worry, i brought extra talismans for those who run out."

He then used a swirl of wind to lift a box and place it in front of his desk, he opened the box and in it, stacks and stacks of talismans were there.

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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