
Prologue: The Deadly misunderstanding

" I'm not going to listen ! " she screamed at him , even though they were less than three steps from each other .

The man looked down , this is not how he wanted things to go .

He had planned it , the whole thing .

They would meet , talk and walk away but instead they had started fighting .

He didn't want to fight .

He just wanted to-

" Are you listening to me !" she yelled and it hurt his ears .

" yes , I'm sorr-"

" SHUT UP !" she wouldn't hear a word he had to say .

He was foolish to think he could get away with what he was saying . He would never get away with it . And even if he did , she had a plan .

" I -" he started again but she cut him off again .

" Okay , I'll accept this . All of it , but first ," she moved closer and closed the distance between them .

" I want just one kiss , please " she said in a gentle voice that made the screaming banshee of a few seconds seem like a dream .

He didn't want to kiss her though , he just wanted to-

" Come on ," she purred and before he could speak , her lips were on his and a second later her hands were stroking him gently .

He didn't return the kiss but just stood still , ready to shove her away .

Then Whisk !

A sharp sting shot in his chest . He tried to draw away but the girl held him tighter .

More whiskking insued and a few seconds later the man was down on the ground in pain . His chest was slashed and he was bleeding profusely but the girl didn't seem to notice , she just stood as cool as ice .

" I just wanted to ..." his words faded with his last breath .

" You just wanted to die , that's what ." the girl said venomously and turning on her heels she walked out of there , leaving the young man for Death .

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