
Whatever you want to call it ! It's There !

" Hey , get up !" a raspy voice said next to the young man .

A second later a kick landed on his side .

" I said get up ! " the voice was filled with impatience " we have a schedule to keep . So will get up or not ?"

The man moaned and lifted his head slowly , his eyes still closed .

" What happened ? " He said hoarsely , he lifted his hand and touched his head . Rubbing his face like removing the residue of sleep .

" That is a dumb question and I don't have time for it . Now gut up ! " the voice said

" Okay , okay " the man said and opened his eyes to see the owner of the raspy voice that was talking to him .

His eyes opened wide at what he saw .

The owner of the voice was an old woman , or atleast she gave off the feeling of being an old woman . She had grey hair and some rinkles lining her round face .

Her hair was tied in a neat bun on her head , she had a simple rose patterned blouse that flowed as she moved . On the bridge of her nose were her glasses and she moved them back with the tip of her finger as if they were constantly slipping off . But that wasn't what had shocked the young man .

It was the fact that the woman had no lower torso .

Where her legs would have been there was only sparkling air and she seemed to hover above the ground like a sheet in the wind . So how had she kicked him ?

" It is very rude to stare ," she tisked her tongue at the young man .

" Oh , I'm sorry " he averted his eyes and looked down at the ground .

At the shining , golden , ground .

The young man startled , lifted his head and looked around him .

He was sitting on the platform for the first step of a wide golden stair case , it rose high up , where it disappeared into a shining white light .

" Well ? I'm still waiting for you get up ! " The old woman said crossly

" Oh , okay " He quickly rose on his feet and stood infront of her .

" Good , it's about time ." she said , then lifting her hand she looked at the clipboard she held .

" Well , your file seems pretty neat . So, no problem there . " She continued scanning the clipboard as if making sure there was no blunder or mistakes . And not finding any mistakes, she put it down and looked at the man with a smile .

He smiled back , she looked nicer when she smiled .

" Alright then , since everything is in order, you can go now ." She said pleasantly .

" Go where ? " he asked confused , he didn't even know where he was .

" To the Great Beyond , where else ?" she asked amused at his naive question .

" Great ... Beyond ? Beyond what ?" He asked even more confused .

" Beyond life , Child " she said and lifted her hand to point at the light above the staircase .

" All you do is walk up there , go into the light and done . Your there ." she explained to him kindly enough , but she was losing her pleasantness bit by bit here .

" There where ?" He asked apprehensively , the old woman sighed . This was going to be one of those explainers , wasn't it ?

" The Other side . Heaven . Paradise . The Kingdom of Eternity What ever you want to call it , it's there ! That's where you are going . " She said and put her hands on her hips , or where her hips would have been . " Now do you get it ? Anymore questions ? "

But the man wasn't listening anymore , he lifted his hand and looked at it .

Or rather looked through it !

His whole arm was transparent , and so was the rest of him .

From his legs to his head . Completely see through .

With wide and fearful eyes the young man asked the old woman " What happened to me ? "

The old woman cringed her nose , this was getting unpleasant and annoying .

She moved closer to the young man and he had to curve the impulse to flinch .

She spoke clearly and distinctly , making sure he heard her every word .

" You are dead . You died . Okay ?"

She said and raised her brow .

No , no no he thought and before the old woman could expect it , he collapsed onto his knees .

" What in the void are you doing ? I have already told you to get up multiple times . Now get up ! "

He wasn't listening though , he continued to kneel down looking at the ground , his vision was blurred and his fists clenched beneath him .

" Look , I understand it's often alot for mortals to take. And especially those who die suddenly like you. But it's alright " She said trying to settle the upset man " On The Other side you'll know happiness like you have never dreamed , all you have to do is get up . Go up those steps and -"

" I'm not going . "

" - you go into the li- ahh " she looked at the man below her " what did you just say ?" she asked her voice shocked into a whisper .

The man raised his head and looked at her , she saw tears flowing down his eyes but his face wasn't lined with sorrow alone . There was determination in those eyes .

" I said I'm not going up . I want to go back . I want to go home . "

" Your joking ...Tell me you are joking ." She said desperately

" I said I want to go back ." There was finality In that statement and the old woman could sense it .

" oh , my " She said , this was not her Solstice .

Why did she get stuck with a difficult soul , now !?

Sorry if the story is beginning with such few words. And admittedly I know I could have done better on the opening of the book . I'll try to make up for it as the story goes on .

I hope it can pick up your interests . keep reading guys , there's more to be told .

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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