

Azra no longer lived under her name and gradually got introduced to the world with her new identity.

The doctor had arranged for her new identity to be the relative of an old friend of his that had passed away and he had taken her in.

Him taking in another person to care for when they needed it would help to make his public image better and it would help to create a reason for him keeping a younger girl so close to him and within his home.

There were additional papers that were drawn up to be used in times of need to explain her condition so that nobody would find her strange.

He had taught her how to better follow his orders and to recognise certain things so that she could perform simple tasks without guidance or help but it was not completely perfect every time.

Azra was just doing things instinctively from what her body remembered and additional things were just being slowly added to that.

Her face was without any kind of expression and remained blank the whole time which was either the result of her face being transplanted or her being unable to display her emotions.

Makeup was applied to the areas where there were some minor scars left behind and she had started to be taken out on walks and more public settings.

Eventually Azra was being taken to the doctor's place of work where she worked as his assistant.

Her job was to stay close to him and to pass things to him when he requested or to carry things for him.

Her presence in the mental institute had become more well known and a little more time had passed.

Azra was sitting on her own in the office of the doctor obediently waiting for him and her eyes were still unfocussed until she suddenly blinked and moved her body.

There was no change on her expressionless face but her eyes seemed to have a hint of confusion within them. 'Hah.. I remember everything.. hahahahaha. What a joke! My whole life is just a tiny little insignificant thing that can be tossed around and thrown away at the whims of others.

My dreams, my efforts, my family, my dignity, my name and even my own face is gone or amounts to nothing in the face of those with power. My existence is so tiny that nobody remembers me and I am not even a speck of dust when the rest of the world is considered.'

She returned to her original position and thought to herself. 'My dream seems to be so far away from me that it is not even worth considering and now with the things I know.. it seems like such a small and insignificant dream. This world is not what it appears to be and everything is a lie. Ahaha.'

Her state of mind during her time as a puppet of the doctor had been correctly judged in a way but there was another way to explain it.

The electrical shocks had let her tap into something far beyond her comprehension that had left her in that state due to her brain being unable to understand or process it completely.

The many treatments had helped to keep tapping into it so that she could slowly grasp it.

At the time when she was being put to her death under a dangerous level of electricity, that had played a much bigger role in speeding up the process towards her recovery.

It was still not enough but the doctor had continued his tests on her after he had taken her away.

Instead of a larger device, he had chosen to use a handheld tool to administer the shocks.

Everything that happened to her during that time may not have been completely clear to her when she was on an autopilot state but there were many things that she had remembered.

It was like she was unable to grasp something and was stuck on it completely without being able to put it down for later or to discard it completely. 'But why did I have to wake up at this time back in this place?

Now I cannot even possibly begin to think about what I have been stuck on all this time. What can I possibly do now if I want to get away? Is this really my only chance at getting away from that creep? He will notice my change if I am not careful enough.'

The information that she was aware of was not something a normal person should have and it contained great secrets about her own world.

It was very important information but it would be useless in the hands of an ordinary person that did not know how to use it or was unable to.

Even if she suddenly tried to spread what she knew about the world, nobody would believe her. 'I would not have even believed it if that family did not get a slight mention.. and where was I in all of that? Nowhere.'

It enraged her that everything that had been revealed to her had shown her further how insignificant she was. 'Even if I do manage to escape, I will be powerless before the forces of others and will be dragged back to him. Even my new identity will become useless if I do just about anything besides staying by his side.'

She sat motionless as she was lost within her thoughts then the door opened, the doctor walked in and said warmly. "Come with me."

Azra got up from her seated position and walked just like how she had done so many times before behind him. 'It will be best not to make eye contact and to try to keep up the act for as long as possible.'

When moving her body around, she could feel that her body was in a good state after it had been cared for by the doctor and her every movement was well controlled.

Even if she had not trained for a long time and had grown out of practice in the area of gymnastics, her body control and other aspects were still ingrained within her from the constant repetition and practice she had undergone.

Azra could still feel things when she touched them but her sense of pain had been dulled greatly due to the constant pain that she had to endure.

Her body felt familiar but also unfamiliar to her in different ways but it was a good feeling to have the energy to move around again.

She followed him into a room where he had another patient who was in the previous place of her.

There were several different trays in the room with different tools and syringes ready for different situations and the patient was struggling. "Please. Please. I will do anything. Make it stop."

His mouth was gagged and the doctor spoke. "My dear.. please pass me the scalpel."

The creepy voice of the doctor that had spoken to her like she was a lover had sickened her to the point of revealing disgust but she could not express it.

Azra turned her back on him and walked towards the desk where there were different trays.

All she needed to do was reach towards the needed tray to complete the task to bring it close enough to him so that he could reach it.

She had done it so many times before when she had no control over her body but there was a deep feeling within her that had rejected it.

Unfortunately she had no time to waste so she had picked up a tray to avoid making him suspicious over her recent change.

She walked towards his side close to him with a metallic tray in hand and stood there quietly ignoring what was going on in front of her. 'What was it like back then? What was that feeling? I have to know.'

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