

Azra had not been as clearheaded as she was in a very long time.

The moment that she entered the mental asylum was when her mind was broken down and the various methods used against her had made her unable to think clearly.

Even in her weakened state, she suffered further upsets at the hands of those that had wronged her and the worst news that broke her was the news of her mother dying.

Without there being anything in her system anymore and there being something that she had gained through her experience, Azra came out the other side of it all feeling very different than before.

Her way of thinking had changed from how she was previously and it had been twisted by her experiences and the new knowledge that she had within her.

She stood by the side of the doctor as she thought to herself. 'I did well to respect mother's wishes but she is gone now. I could continue that way to pay respects to her but that will only make me suffer more. The Azra that I once was is now dead.'

The tray was held in one hand while the other was placed underneath, the doctor turned his head towards Azra then reached out towards the scalpel lying on top of the metallic tray. "Hm?"

He had noticed that both of her hands were not within his line of sight and the metallic tray was blocking his vision.

A stabbing feeling hit him suddenly in the side and his eyes widened. "You.."

He reached towards his waist area but it was already too late and his hand swung out towards Azra but it had missed her.

The tray was balanced well as it was in her hand and she had pulled out the syringe from his waist as she had retreated.

Her reflexes were greater than she had thought and various other factors had taken place to allow her to avoid harm.

When someone was used to being bullied and harmed, they usually got used to the beatings and watching how the movements of others were once they were being hit.

Azra was bullied by other girls weaker than herself but then entered a place where there were many burly men who would subdue her and the other patients.

When she had been taken down enough times, hit by them or injected with a needle by them then it was a natural thing for her to start to pick up on their patterns and movements.

The doctor was not like them and his movements looked very slow in her eyes so she was able to predict his movements.

Azra knew that the doctor would be quick to catch onto her change so she could not leave things to chance and had to take action herself.

Her past self held back too much and had never thrown a single punch towards someone but if she maintained that mentality then she would not be able to survive.

The doctor would use any weakness that she had shown to subdue her and to return her to how she was before even if it meant killing her after he had failed.

The only thing that may have saved her life in a way was that her experience during the electric shocks had been helpful to her to get through everything and to stimulate her brain further to understand everything.

When she was being executed, it could have either been that a part of the electrical energy had been used to help her rather than kill her so she did not die on that day or it was just luck that played a part in it but Azra would not be given a second chance.

She did not wish to go through that again and she did not wish to test out if a second time would have the same result.

With everything that she had learned within the recent year, Azra could not hesitate in her actions and could not afford to show any weakness.

She may have once been someone that had trained to become an olympic gymnast but around a year in a mental institution and on suppressants or other medications had left her weaker than before.

Even if she had been able to recover over the time away from the mental institution, there was a limit to how much she could do against an adult who had more experience than her and was a ruthless person.

He was the only one that knew of her true identity and him living after discovering that she had returned back to normal would mean that she would be unable to do anything against him or the resources he held.

It did not matter much about the time or place that it happened so long as everything was over.

The room of the doctor had no monitoring inside and the guards were staying away so it was the only opportunity given to her.

The guard that the doctor had dropped around her when she was a puppet had allowed her to get close enough to him without anyone being around.

It would have been better to do it inside of the house but she could not take the risk of being discovered on the way there.

The tray was placed aside and the empty syringe was placed on top of it with a fluid motion.

The doctor had held onto the chair by his side that had a gagged person restrained in so that he could support himself weakly.

A look of realisation was shown on his face as he weakly spoke. "Dear.. why would you do this to your master? Go back to the old you.. please."

He did not have the strength to yell and he did his best to remain awake and standing.

His words were gentle towards Azra as he spoke to her but she could tell that he was not being sincere. "Quit your fake act."

Her voice was hoarse and sounded strange to herself after having spoken again for the first time.

Her feet stepped forward and came slightly closer to him but her guard did not drop until she saw that he had no way to turn things around.

His eyes widened in shock. "So.. it is true.."

The doctor was about to put in the effort to plead for himself and reached towards something that had been knocked to the ground when a foot had pushed down onto his hand.

Azra stood over him with a chilling look in her eyes but her face showed no change as she revealed a scalpel in her hand. "Sh.. go to sleep."

The back of the scalpel was placed against the finger that was raised in front of her mouth which caused the doctor to see it the moment before he had passed out and terror filled his eyes.

There were many memories that she wished to forget but no matter how she wished them to go away, they would remain there and they would continue to be a horrible nightmare to her.

The doctor was at the very core of those nightmares and the disgust that she had within her.

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