
The Risk of Breathing... Euphoria

Sakura suddenly paused as she thought of how to phrase what she wanted to say.

Hearing this Adrian's expression quickly became one of exasperation as he chimed in, "Are you just stopping there? Don't keep me in suspense?! Say what you want to say!"

Sakura's light instantly became two shades of pink lighter as she stuttered, ~W-Well I- uh… Hold on a second!~

After that embarrassing display, Sakura hid behind her chair, chiding herself, ~Stupid! Stupid! Get it together!~

Thirty seconds passed before she worked up the courage to speak, ~I understand if you don't want to but…~

After that all Adrian could hear, even with his super senses, was mumbling so he asked, "Can you repeat that? I couldn't hear you."

Sakura's voice shot back full of spite yelling, ~I SAID, CAN WE REFORM OUR CONNECTION!!! GOD, YOU'RE SO DUMB!~

Confused, Adrian muttered, "...no need to yell… I really didn't hear you."

Angry, Sakura started to yell again except before she could an annoying voice popped up in the form of a Nexus message.

[Cursed Writer sponsors 10 faith value to send a voice message]

[CW: "Steal something from my vault and leave! …Please."]

As the message played a door appeared before Adrian completely outlined in his mind so that he could open it comfortably.

Sakura, who was moments from yelling at Adrian, burst into laughter hearing the annoyance that was quickly followed by a saddened plea.

Adrian nodded while secretly thanking Cursed Writer in his heart as he reached out and opened the door that had appeared in front of him.

Opening the simple wooden door Adrian was greeted by a pleasant earthy almost wooden smell.

However, as soon as Adrian stepped through the doorway his senses were assaulted by a dense wave of mana that filled every inch of this place as the door slammed behind him.

By luck or fate his 'Heavenly Demonic Cultivated Mana Talent' reacted instantly, analyzing the mana in the air and reorganizing it into a sort of mana vision.

To clear the excess mana in front of him Adrian cautiously activated his Mythos ability breathing in an enormous amount of mana in a five-foot radius of himself.

This single breath caused a euphoric reaction within Adrian as if he had just breathed in a deep breath of cool and refreshing mountain air, but multiple times better.

His body shivered in pleasure as his gray eyes rolled into the back of his head as his legs fell limp causing him to fall to the floor.

Unable to stop Adrian sucked in another full breath of mana.

Adrian's body filled with so much pleasure it started to hurt.

When this happened his God's breath instantly stopped, leaving only shallow breaths behind.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the mana in the air was infinite so even those shallow breaths were among the greatest pleasures he had ever experienced.

Clenching his toes, white foam started to froth from his throat as Adrian released deep breathy moans that only made the situation worse.

Watching this extreme 'reaction' Sakura embarrassingly looked away from the screen, however, she would still occasionally sneak glances at her screen.


At Nexus Entertainment…

Original System stared at Cursed Writer as if he was a pervert backing far away from him.

Silently, so too did everyone in the party room…

Feeling the burning glares that could kill Cursed Writer stammered up excuse after excuse feeling ashamed by what was happening in his own home.

He wanted to explain that he didn't do anything, all that was in the air in that spot was pure mana, but no one believed his words.

Cursed Writer wanted to return to his house, where the true authoryian vault was located, however, the contract between him and Seal made such a thing impossible.

Thinking about his two children that should have been at home, Cursed Writer panicked quickly, shattering the space in front of him as he summoned a chained tomb.

Quickly Cursed Writer snapped causing the chains to fall limply to the floor as he cursed, "Seal! Demi be praised, you better pick up!"


Moments before on the Multiversal Battleground…

Adrian's moans of pleasure and ecstasy filled the shores of the lake.

Demon, Seal, Eve, and Gramps couldn't help but awkwardly exchange glances before completely sealing the space surrounding the lake and the sounds that were being made.

Each of their faces was covered in embarrassment.

For once all four observers fully unsealed their powers, shrouding their forms as if they were afraid they would die if they were seen.

Demon's body instantly erupted in demonic energy summoning abyssal void armor.

Eve enveloped herself in a tangled mess of flowers as a pollen-like cloud formed over her.

Gramps becomes ethereal, becoming a skeleton with an inscribed axe on his waist before a cloak of shadows hid the rest of his form.

Even with her normal stoic and serious front witnessing Adrian's… 'experience' even made her blush. So she quickly commanded her sealing mist to consume her entirely, covering her eyes as a barrier formed around her.

As each of them was stewing in their different shames and memories suddenly the area's silence was shattered as Cursed Writer's curses boomed in the sealed lake sky.

As soon as Cursed Writer was able to force his way into the story of this place his anxious voice boomed, "I'm breaking a small part of the contract! I need to go get the twins! Sorry."

After saying his piece he immediately resealed the space and left for his home.


At the center of the universe Ator-12…

Inside a supermassive black hole sits a quaint interdimensional world, and in that world lies Cursed Writer's, the author's home.

The pocket dimension was close to a thousand Earths in size, and at its very center lay a mansion that resembled a log cabin sitting next to a large pond filled with dragon coy*.

Cursed Writer appeared right outside of the front door taking a deep breath before launching open the door.

Hurriedly, he called out, "Girls! Come on, let's go."

Within five seconds two identical sisters walked out from a lounge area tilting their heads, peeking at their father with giant eyes.

The first was a sunny girl dressed in a pink dress with frills complimented by an azure blue bow, while the other wore an azure dress complimented by a pink bow.

Seeing the two, Cursed Writer simply scooped them up before dashing out of the house saying, "Let's go play! Where do you two want to go today?"

Within seconds the trio flashed through seven layers of time and space before appearing in Nexus' main entertainment district.

Just as Cursed Writer thought he had protected their ears from the 'scum' under his home, the twin dressed in red innocently asked, "What were those weird voices from the basement?"

Dragon Coy - 1,000-year-old coy fish that have absorbed spiritual energy awakening their dragon blood.


I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

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