
Taking an Item

Seizing in pleasure, Adrian tried to force Endurance and Wisdom to fix his current state, however as efficiencies are passive without him facing danger they couldn't care less.

One and a Half hours later, Adrian's extreme reaction started to calm down.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief he actively suppressed his reaction in fear of restarting the process.

However once his hand covered his mouth the chill of his hand shocked his brain, causing his mana organs to flux.

As soon as they did his Demon Heart, which had fused with his Mana's heart, started to forcefully absorb the mana in his body, starting the process once again.

Except this time his sense of touch was heightened instead of suppressed…

Sadly, for Adrian, who was resting on a cold floor, as soon as this happened he felt fire burn within his body, but when the soles of his feet and palms of his hands touched the ground a cold reprieve washed over him.

The only way to describe his pleasure was to imagine laying on a cold floor on a hot summer's day while breathing in cool mountain air, but a couple of hundred times more euphoric.

All the while Adrian could 'see' around him through mana vision, however, he was in no state to notice.

Wave after wave of pleasure made Adrian's eyes roll, toes curl, pores open fully, and mouth foam once more.

Sakura, who had been peeking at him, was shocked as Adrian looked to stabilize before relapsing for no reason.

Deep in her heart, she vowed to never go against Cursed Writer, while sighing in relief that her and Adrian's connection hadn't been renewed yet.

With pity in her eyes, Sakura didn't even attempt to hide her peeking.


[Breathing efficiency increased by 1%]

It was only after six hours of… 'breathing' that Adrian finally calmed down.

The effects could still be felt all across his body making his skin sensitive, but at this point, he could start to function again.

Sitting up slowly, Adrian could finally notice his 'vision' and a cold liquid flowing around his body.

Linking the two together, Adrian assumed that the cold liquid was mana, while his temporary 'sight' was a connection between the dense mana in the air and the mana in his body.

His mana sense was nowhere near the point of being reliable as it could only discern basic shapes and outlines, there was no color nor texture present. All those factors combined to make his depth of field almost non-existent.

For Adrian, any sight would do at the moment…

Looking around Adrian found that certain areas looked darker and others much lighter than the air around them.

Assuming his previous assumption was correct Adrian thought that the darker areas had larger concentrated mana while the lighter areas had smaller concentrations.

Using these assumptions, Adrian slowly made his way around the area.

The hardest part of the experience was that each step assaulted his feet with pleasure while the thud of his steps aroused his ears.

The entire experience disgusted him, but the pleasure of each action felt too good.

Adrian accidentally brushed an item as he walked by causing an interesting prompt to appear.

[Quill of Lore (Unavailable for reward)]

Hearing this prompt Adrian finally remembered why he was here, to begin with.

Looking down at the item it didn't seem to appear in his mana sense, but as he couldn't take it he ignored it.

With a new goal of finding an item and leaving as soon as possible in mind, Adrian looked around at the darker mana concentrations.

After fifteen minutes Adrian found three items that caught his attention and were available for reward.

He also found that he was locked in a small section of this place by invulnerable doors.

Two of the items he found he didn't know much about, but the third one was an item he, well his memories, had an interment relationship with.

[Panacea of Saints (Available for reward)]

[Faith's Hand (Available for reward)]

[Hades & Persephone's Lover's Bond (Available for reward)]

Without any information on the other two items, Adrian was conflicted.

In stores a panacea was a cure-all for any affliction and Faith's Hand was a complete unknown.

Adrian's curiosity took over almost picking Faith's Hand, however, as he did the pleasure still in his body was instantly replaced with searing pain as his eyes bled and memories of his time as Hades flashed through his mind.

Hades' gentle raspy voice echoed in Adrian's ears, "Take our bond, please. It shouldn't have to be wasted here. If you do, I'll let you draw upon my unpunished path of Death's knowledge at any time."

Having said his piece Hades' voice drifted away like the wind leaving Adrian's mind racing.

Cold chills instantly washed down his spine as he felt his life was no longer in his hands.

A feeling of ineptitude and unexplainable terror came over him as he truly felt that Hades could end his life effortlessly.

Luckily, Hades wanted to make a deal and not take his life, otherwise, only Demi could stop him in time.

Falling on his ass, Adrian mulled over his options.

Option one, take Faith's hand ignoring Hades' voice and hopefully gaining something from this object.

Option two, take the Lover's Bond gaining its abilities as well as Hades' favor.

Once Adrian laid out his options like that he didn't even have to think twice.

So what if he was being used, if it could give him power now he could always destroy the person later.

Adrian grabbed the Lover's bond, opting to take them as his designated item.

Once he graded the cloud of black mana laying on a shelf in front of him they were absorbed into his hand as a pair of wedding rings appeared on his palm.

Looking up the images made by his mana sense instantly disappeared as he was teleported back to the island.

Returning to being blind, Adrian felt relieved and saddened.

He no longer had his vision, but he also got rid of that persistent 'pleasure.'

Listening closely Adrian heard water dripping from the ceiling above him and felt cold damp air fill his lungs.

I hope you enjoyed todays chapter!

What do you think the lover's bonds do?

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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